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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Please, she'll be monitoring everything she eats and drinks so nothing impure gets into the baby's breast milk supply. Nicole better hope she doesn't get sick "no, you can't take antibiotics, they'll get into the breast milk!!"
  2. Claudette? Let me guess how that name came to be: "Hey, remember how Nathan speaks French? Let's think up a name for this girl from his past that sounds vaguely French!"
  3. Isn't that how the Maya picture got up there, too, though? Rick made the change and Eric rubber-stamped it afterwards?
  4. Agreed. If he doesn't get a nominee approved (which seems insane, so, decent odds of it happening, since insanity rules the day), and they lose control of the Senate AND Hillary or Bernie end up in the White House, then the next justice will be far less moderate than any appointee President Obama may try to make now. I've even seen some people suggesting that, if that happens, the Dem POTUS should nominate President Obama. Can you imagine the collective losing their shit the GOP would do over that? They're risking their as of now temporary control over the process and betting it on the most up in the air election season ever. It seems really, really stupid. Are they that arrogant that they really haven't even considered that they might lose their control in November? And if their plan is to wait until after the election to see if they win or lose, and then, if things don't go their way, try to push through approving someone, I hope President Obama withdraws his nomination and says that, "since this is the true lame duck period, I feel like the right thing to do is let the incoming President make this call."
  5. Her anti-mob stance has always been very flexible.
  6. What? You expected her to realize it when a bullet entered her skull during childbirth? Or while her oldest son was in a coma for a year or so after being shot by one of Sonny's many enemies?
  7. Alexis: "You don't want to shoot a man in a wheelchair in front of his daughter." Me: "Do it! Do it!! DO IT!!!"
  8. Also that bit about Obama filibustering a GWB nominee was a false equivalency. He was speaking out against a specific nominee, not just saying "we shouldn't hold hearings on anyone he nominates." Both sides have been doing that for years, and it wasn't even in an election year, if I recall correctly. Both sides have their agendas, and they will absolutely try to undermine the other side when their agendas conflict, we all know that. But, we've never had this level of the controlling parties in both houses just flat out saying "fuck that guy, we don't care what he does or how good it could potentially be for the country, we won't let him do a damn thing, and anything he does try to squeeze through, we're prepared to drown it in rhetoric until the clock runs out on his term."
  9. I feel like I could make a joke here about Nik's assholishness being related mostly to one pole, but it seems kind of beneath me.
  10. I just hope there's a camera trained on him and Kelly if he loses. You know they won't be able to hide their anger in that moment.
  11. I was thinking "he must fancy himself an expert on the taste of sperm to be able to make that claim." And, yes, I'd be shocked if there isn't an eventual "he's been soliciting male prostitutes for years" reveal on this guy. I look forward to Jessica's coverage of that one. I loved her absolute glee that the guy looking to buy the building wants to turn it into a shelter for homeless LGBT youth. And I'm with her on that glee. It just doesn't get more perfect than that. I hope he's successful in getting that done.
  12. The florists in Port Charles should start offering bouquets with hidden handguns in them. Alexis has mostly had tragic taste in men. Sonny, Ric, Jerry, Julian... (Not that I don't love Ric, but he was definitely not good for her beyond helping her fend off Sonny for a while.) By far, her best relationship with a man was her (unfortunately) platonic relationship with Jax.
  13. I'm sure Bill would welcome her there with open arms. Katie...not so much.
  14. I'd be surprised if Alexis didn't keep her name. It would seem so out of character.
  15. Seriously. At this point, I'd be begging out of every social invitation. If it was something I absolutely could not miss, I'd be attending in a bullet proof vest, under a suit of armor, covered with a haz-mat suit. These people have all lived there long enough to know better.
  16. I think Frank is trying to win him one, but that doesn't rule out some other behind the scenes person not liking him. Of course, I'm mostly just joking, because I know that, if I worked with someone like BryDog, I'd absolutely be trying to find ways to get him to show his ass one more time so he'd get canned. Surely, someone at GH must feel the same way?
  17. Yes. If I remember correctly, his character was involved with Kelly, right around the time Kelly and Donna opened that clothing store.
  18. Exactly. Shoot her again, just to make sure you hit just the right spot so she can't survive.
  19. Maybe someone behind the scenes is trying to get him fired and figured it wouldn't take long before he lost his shit over a rude question?
  20. Well, he does have the Sonny seal of approval, so he's not as much of a loser as someone who has all that qualities and isn't Sonny-approved. I'd like her more if she thinks Uncle Jerry is WAY cooler than Uncle Sonny.
  21. This is a show where we have no idea who Josslyn's kidney donor is. A show where "just the basement blew up." How Larry could drug Tracy - either in a joint or her drink - is small potatoes compared to some of the other ridiculous leaps of logic this show has taken in recent memory. It's not a given that he did drug her, but it seems like there has to have been some reason for that whole "Tracy takes a vacation and runs into Larry" thing.
  22. I'll admit to being a picky eater, texture-wise, so I can't throw stones at much in these eating challenges (except for the fact that they willingly sign on for a show where they know odds are that an eating challenge stands between them and the win). So I'll cut them some slack on the solids, but the soup? Geez, it's soup. The girl with "no gag reflex" can't just chug that stuff and swallow?
  23. Oh, hell no. I am not watching today. I refuse.
  24. I get the impression it's for the camera time/attention. During the WWE story line, where he was supposed to be involved with Lana, he was out there using social media to promote that by pretending there was really something going on between them. And he was willing to sign on for that story line on Total Divas where he was after Nikki. I think he'll do whatever is needed to get attention and camera time, and since the show needs some guys willing to do so, they're more than happy to point a camera in his direction.
  25. That's kind of my best case scenario at this point. I want to see something happen in this latest mob conflict where Avery ends up endangered in some way, and Michael loses his patience with Sonny, especially if you add in a revelation that Sonny has been letting his family all think he's not progressing with his recovery so he can appear weak to his enemies as an advantage in a mob war. If the Michael vs. Sonny conflict isn't over yet, that would make the past few months much less heinous to me.
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