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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. It's sad that I would take scenes of Felix and Olivia hanging out, gossiping about and ripping on everyone in town over pretty much anything this show has shown me in quite some time.
  2. Only twice? The slackers. I think GH has like 2 per year. I would, but, well, I have to drive to my kid's choir concert tonight, and I don't want to kill anyone. Why don't Bill and Steffy just fuck and get it over with? At this point, I don't even think Liam would put up much of a fuss. So they'd just have to deal with the potential for Katie to have another (real or fake) heart incident.
  3. Her leaving town for now with Patrick and Robin would be ideal, letting her come back, at some later date, as a SORASed teen to live with Mac and Felicia.
  4. You just know those two are trying to find someone willing to televise (and fund) their wedding.
  5. I would be surprised if they move this quickly into a Lucas/Maya coupling. It's just too soon after the "Riley thinks of Lucas like a brother" stuff started, that there's no way for it to not look shitty by both Maya and Lucas to go there this soon. I'm sure the "something happened between me and Lucas" thing will be not nearly what they want us to think it's going to be. It would be one thing to eventually get there with the two of them, after Lucas and Riley and long since moved on from the idea of being a couple. But it's just too soon now. They're handling this subject fairly well over on Liv & Maddie. Liv really liked a guy, but her friend didn't know that and asked him to a dance. The two of them dated for a while, but the guy really likes Liv, and he eventually broke up with the other girl and went to Liv to tell her how he felt. She told him that they can't be a couple now, because she can't do that to her friend. We have since had scenes where you can clearly see that the two still like each other, but they're determined to hold off until it's a better time. Given that the friendship in question there isn't nearly as long standing as the Riley/Maya friendship (and certainly not the focus of the show like Riley/Maya), we definitely need at least that same level of caution on the part of Lucas and Maya here, too. We should have a decent chunk of time where neither is even willing to admit that they have feelings for the other, to start with.
  6. I think it's supposed to be a punishment because this is a world where Steffy is the Most! Fun!! Most! Sexy!! woman ever, and where Ivy is just a pale, sad imitation. So, naturally, it would be embarrassing for her to model lingerie when she knows that every man in the world will be looking at her and wishing and praying it was FUN!!!! Steffy modeling it instead.
  7. If Nicole actually agrees to this, I can almost guarantee that, somehow, the baby will end up being her baby with Zende. I could easily see them going a similar route to what GH did with Maxie as Lulu's surrogate. She'll end up actually pregnant with Zende's baby, but she'll keep on letting Maya believe she was inseminated as planned, until after the baby is born. But I totally agree with everyone who says what a horrible (and selfish) idea it is to ask Nicole to do this, especially when it wouldn't be just one or the other (either her egg or she carries someone else's fertilized egg). Asking someone of her age and experience to get inseminated, carry her first biological child for 9 months, and then just hand that baby over and play "Aunt" to him/her for the rest of her life is just too much. It's so unfair to put her in this position.
  8. The main thing I got out of this episode is that I really kind of want a Riley/Zay pairing.
  9. What's this depth of character and layers of emotion you're suggesting? They can just install a nice 3 level bunk bed in the loft there.
  10. I'm just entertaining myself and decided that Emma really knows Jason is alive, too. Because, why not? Speaking of Jason, having never had to have someone declared dead only to have them return, I don't know the ins and outs, but is he really still legally married to Sam?
  11. Prednisone is an evil, evil bitch...but also my best friend sometimes.
  12. But..but...Jason only kills bad guys! He's a hero! I could see Tracy being angry only partially because of Jason (and mostly on Monica's behalf), but largely because if Liz had told the truth as soon as Nik told her (or at any time since), it could have derailed Nik's ELQ takeover.
  13. I still want to know how someone who does not even know his own name can get a valid marriage license.
  14. "I don't care if I top the episode counts for the whole cast over his writing tenure - he didn't kiss my ass enough!"
  15. I think it's a situation where it was called for for it to be a possibility. She was in a precarious situation - she believes the baby she's pregnant with is the result of a night where she was out of it and her now stepson took advantage of her. I think it had to be mentioned, even though we knew it wasn't going to fully go there.
  16. Soaps have done it. The one that springs to mind first (in modern soap times) is Lulu on GH, who had one in 2006 (I think that was the year). It would have made zero soap sense to go for an abortion in this particular story, though. They get more mileage out of Caroline believing the baby belongs to Thomas but raising him/her with Ridge. It would have been absurd to not have the character at least contemplate it, given the circumstances, but this was just never set up to be that story.
  17. It speaks to how much I dislike Thomas that I'm totally fine with this new development. Go ahead and keep that kid secret. Of course it helps that one of my favorite TK story lines was Zach being a father to Kendall's baby with Ryan. TK will sell the hell out of Ridge's bond with Caroline and her baby.
  18. It was really only a matter of time before she hurt someone. I feel bad for the girls in NXT, because they are pretty much as low on the totem pole in the WWE structure as you can get, so they have zero pull to flat out refuse to work matches with her. Since Eva is someone WWE is invested in pushing, the rest of these girls are going to be forced to work with her. I doubt this will be her last casualty.
  19. That would explain why Laura could arrive in town, ready to spill the truth, and then just fall back into "no, I can't tell." She was fine until she got back in town and had a glass of water. Maybe they can just cast some actor who looks vaguely like RC, call him "Don" and find out he's been the bad guy behind everything for reasons. We find out he was drugging/brainwashing the entire town and manipulating them to act in his own demented little puppet show, and each character can rage at him.
  20. I'm so sorry for your loss, tveyeonyou.
  21. At first glance, I thought he was engaging in a little public urination. And I wasn't even remotely surprised by the idea.
  22. Soap sterility is very flexible. I'm guessing we'll eventually find out that Ridge's doctor was reading the wrong patient's file or something. When a soap character is told they're infertile or sterile, the only question is how long it will be before they have a miracle baby.
  23. I would have bought it more if it turned out poorly, and then she and Patrick laughed over her attempt or something. (I guess at least we didn't get scenes of Emma and Anna helping her make it, so, silver lining?)
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