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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I'm still bitter that beautiful, smart, sweet Georgie had to pine over that loser, like she couldn't possibly really dream of landing a catch like Spinelli.
  2. That's somewhat surprising. Liz having a family member around for this would imply that she's possibly going to get some kind of point of view in this mess. This show hasn't given Liz a genuine point of view in years.
  3. You know how it is - grandparents are always extra fussy over their incoming grandkids.
  4. Of course Alexis will spill the beans. It's not like she can understand wanting to keep a baby secret from the mobster bio-father...
  5. So many issues. First - I hate when actors reduce negative fan reaction to their characters actions to "haters." Second, being in pain does not equal adequate punishment for being responsible for the deaths and injuries of countless people. And, no, none of us legitimately expected Sonny's slimy ass to wither away in prison for 10 years (although hope springs eternal!), but, not only is Sonny out and clear, legally, but he's suffered no consequences personally. Michael has forgiven him, he's married Carly again, all of his kids showed up for the wedding to fawn all over him, and he had the Governor (and his spoiled daughter) making a public spectacle of thanking him for taking on the last two steps of Michael's heroic act at the Haunted Star. He even had Michael hand Avery back over on a silver platter. And do any of us really think that Sonny is truly suffering any pain or regret over killing AJ? His only regret was that Michael discovered he did it and held it against him for about 2 weeks. He isn't in any spiritual pain from taking the life of an unarmed man. In other words, shut up, Mo. You're talking out of your ass to justify Sonny always coming out on top. Yeah, yeah, Sonny's paralyzed now, but it probably won't be long before he's up, walking, and "better than ever!" Maybe he'll even get some bionic legs or something, and he'll become a superhero...you know, the kind who kills people, whisperbarks, and throws bar ware.
  6. I would say that, of her, Luke, Lucky, and Lulu (hell, and Nik), she's the least passive-aggressive. If these are recent discussions, I'd assume it's mostly fans pissed that she didn't rat out Liz and Nik.
  7. I could buy, too, that she's so far deep in this now that she has to keep telling herself Julian is evil, otherwise, she has to own up a really big fuck up/lie on her part. There is really no graceful way out of this for her.
  8. Hasn't the CDC secured that couch to study it yet?
  9. Maybe Frank has some kind of weird "but you can call me" fixation? Or has he just decided that Morgan is particularly attracted to women who like to be called by another name? Lauren/Kiki, Darby/Dar, Ava/Denise... Almost forgot to add... As much as I love WK/Ned, I'm also kind of annoyed that we apparently just had to have Ned come back and break up with Olivia on screen, to the point where it was necessary to go ask Days to let him come play for a day. Like that is the one story beat that we just could not skimp on playing out onscreen with the real actor.
  10. Or maybe a bed to pose on? Something? I assumed Steffy intentionally didn't give her anything she'd look "hot, hot, hot" in. I thought that, for lingerie, it was rather unflattering in cut/shape. They may as well have just had Liam wrap up with "and that's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown."
  11. The worst part is, I don't think he even did it to make a living - he never really seemed to care about the money. He just did it because he believed it was somehow noble and righteous, and to protect the love of his life - Sonny.
  12. All I could think while watching the Steffy/Liam/Ivy/Wyatt scenes was "Aly died for this shit?"
  13. My favorite parts of this one had nothing to do with the triangle. I loved Farkle's "everyone's making a big deal that you rode a bull for 4 seconds. I ate him!" And I loved the whole scene when Zay's ex showed up and Maya and Riley tried to make her jealous, complete with making up middle names for him and Riley's "Cotton Candy Face." I really hope the show doesn't end up bogged down in the triangle instead of giving us more of them all as a goofy group of friends.
  14. They got Michael back, they don't need their stand-in son any more.
  15. At this point, any friend of Patrick's they introduced, I'd just assume was a predator or criminal of some sort. Did he go to med school at "Isle of Evil Med"?
  16. I kind of wonder if Maya telling her (in the promo for what I assume is part 3), "something happened between me and Lucas" is misdirection on the show's part. Possibly, nothing happened, but she's saying it did to get Riley's reaction to it and force Riley into showing exactly how she really feels about Lucas. It would certainly be payback for Riley forcing Maya's feelings out in the open.
  17. Interesting that they're (so far) selling it as Lucas not being on the same page with Riley, in regards to the whole "we're brother and sister" thing.
  18. I suppose it's possible that Rick and Maya are both dumb enough to think that Nicole carrying the baby would make it "half Avant" regardless of whose egg they use. But I agree - they want her to use her own egg and carry the baby for them. That's just so much to ask of anyone, but even more to ask of someone who not only hasn't had their own baby yet, but (it appears) who is also a virgin. There's just no reason to think that Nicole is remotely psychologically prepared for what they're asking of her. If she agrees, and we don't get Nicole and Zende having sex right before the procedure because she decides she doesn't want to be a pregnant virgin, I'll be shocked.
  19. Writing it in is one of those decisions the show needs to make pretty much as soon as they know about the pregnancy, both for the visual effect and the timing. We had Olivia birth her baby, conceived on NYE in, what, early summer? And both Olivia and Sabrina looked like they're rounding into the third trimester when they were first wondering "oh, could I be pregnant?" Yes, I'm a firm believer that the viewers can be trusted to deal with things like a pregnant actress playing a non-pregnant character, but once you're actually making the character pregnant, too, the visual aspect is relevant.
  20. I've been saying this for a while now. Just don't throw them in something that makes it distracting, and give us enough credit to separate the two.
  21. I just want to grab Lucas, Joss, Dante, and Lulu and hustle them right on out of this farce. Oh, and Kristina.
  22. I'll let Stephen comment for me: http://giphy.com/gifs/stephen-colbert-emily-blunt-late-show-ncYpllOta6CU8
  23. I would consider that a positive influence on Kiki. Can they influence Sonny, too?
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