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Everything posted by suomi

  1. "... spoiled little gun-toting faux Christian narcissist ..." Woot.
  2. Meri's dress is hideous, it looks like a hybrid of phlegm and a fur ball. The kitschy bullshit covering the tops of the cabinets makes my skin crawl. It screams "way too much crap" and "greasy dust magnets." But c'mon, man, that look isn't complete without 20 feet of silk (or plastic!) ivy. If you're gonna start down that path go big or go home.
  3. The press corps needs to simma down. Clinton, Bush the Younger, Obama and 45 each held one formal news conference during the first 60 days of their first (or only) term.
  4. I agree about UTIs. It should always be considered when someone undergoes rapid behavior change, especially if they are elderly. If a sweetheart turns into an asshole or an asshole turns into a sweetheart, analyze the urine.
  5. A rapid word salad duel between MM and Hasselback would be entertaining in a horrific way.
  6. Erika is the president of EJ Global LLC, the company that received $20 million and is a plaintiff defendantt in the lawsuit filed in Chicago.
  7. Janelle also says she has a big stash of TP she orders by the case because she hates to go shopping.
  8. Christine is 48 which is likely the median age of Utah's legislators and judiciary and higher levels of LE, and the intent and extent of polygamy is still all too real for them. Christine's grandparents and great uncles and great aunts were in the thick of the Short Creek Raid era. Obviously, her parents and aunts and uncles were deeply affected as well. Many in the Short Creek generation fled to Mexico so they could join plyg colonias that were established without government interference beginning in 1885. Mitt Romney's grandparents and parents are good examples. His grandparents settled a colonia in Chihuahua and his father, a former governor of Michigan, was born there. When I worked for a hospice agency I met many elderly patients who left the colonias to spend the end of their lives in Utah. The concept behind the Big Love series (they live among us) has always thrived no matter how ferociously it is denied. Utah's dirty little secret is that, despite legal and public proclamations, polygamy never went away to anywhere near the degree that is promoted. They damn their very recent heritage if they prosecute it and the outside world damns them if they don't.
  9. Can't make out the last word on her top but I got: Beat Bite Suck Fuck Cum We can always kount on Kourt to keep it klassy.
  10. I laugh if I think about Kim's take on her father's role in the OJ trial and her version of "poring over evidence" in her dad's home office. OJ was a narcissist who loved the sound of his own voice and his life was littered with sycophants who kissed his ass on the daily. Anyone who was a regular in his life served that purpose and Robert Kardashian was a regular for many years. He was tagged as a glorified babysitter during the trial because of their friendship and he spent hours and hours listening to OJ's incessant yammering which drove all the real lawyers nuts. The renewal of RK's long-expired and nearly unused license to practice law was the frosting on that convenient cake. OJ acted up because of his limited audience behind bars and RK's only purpose and value was keeping a spoiled man baby in check. That is the supposed pedigree Kim yammers about. Raise your hand if you believe that egomaniacs like Shapiro, Bailey and Cochran shared starring defense roles with the likes of Bobby Kardashian. Like every venture in Kim's life, the grandstanding with a few criminal justice cases is all about what's in it for her. She has no meaningful behind the scenes insight into the OJ trial and she didn't pass the Baby Bar. I wonder how many times she has tried. Smoke and mirrors. Or, maybe she passed and they're saving the reveal for their last season on E!
  11. Everyone else's movement is fluid and MM's is jerky, like a robot, like it's an effort to heave her bulk off the table. Best MM gif ever!
  12. I wish someone would pin her down about making this decision for her children as well. How dare she decide that an absent father is to their benefit, and that they deserve nothing but occasional crumbs of his time and attention when he isn't busy elsewhere with their rivals.
  13. Did they mention that Disneyland will restrict admission to Cali residents only when it re-opens? Disney World has allowed visitors from all 50 states since last summer.
  14. I ordered a $.99 kindle version of a book written by a woman whose 91-year-old father disappeared after allegedly walking away from his home in rural Connecticut while watching TV with a visiting caregiver. "I gotta get going." He weighed 125 pounds and had dementia and impaired walking ability. (He had a stiff leg and would get short of breath halfway through the 7-minute walk to his mailbox). "I didn't know I should follow him outside." Someone living 1.5 miles away saw a man walking down the road with difficulty, stepping with one leg and dragging the other. He described the clothing but (after spending the afternoon with him and serving him dinner) the caregiver couldn't remember what Mr Drew was wearing! At one point the daughter who was complaining about the half-assed investigation was charged by police with trespassing in her father's home! The book is called Searching For My Missing Father: An Anerican Noir. https://archives.rep-am.com/2011/07/24/the-mystery-of-tom-drew/ My dad lived with me for the last two years of his life and he had Parkinson's and dementia. One morning (when he was 91) he left the house while I was taking a quick shower after breakfast. He stood in the street and flagged passing cars, reporting that he was being held prisoner. My best guess is that he left the house when I told him I was stepping into the shower and was outside for 10 minutes. The police came, of course, and there we were, my dad and I standing in the street in our bathrobes, my hair still dripping water. I can't imagine him going missing, and never finding out what happened to him.
  15. That Lee said it, or that Satan is responsible? Lee said he disagrees with the bill "because it was written in Hell by the Devil himself." (Capital letters supplied by Utah newspapers).
  16. Your post reflects an admirable outlook and I will venture a guess that the people who post here live up to it in real life. I would be surprised to learn that they grind on neighbors, in-laws, co-workers, etc for how they speak. The guidelines of polite society are routinely ignored in snark-fest forums like this one because they are places where the raison d'etre is to judge public figures, where being enlightened does not preclude recognizing and commenting on differences that amuse or dismay. It's a diversion that doesn't reflect truth; this forum isn't a place where harm is done.
  17. I think Goodbar is one of the few movies that is as good as its source/the book, and I agree regarding Diane Keaton. I hadn't thought about looking for other books by Rossner but now I am intrigued so I ordered kindle samples of the titles you mentioned. Thank you!
  18. She's an idiot. Coming from Utah, she should have thought about how snowfall is related to elevation. Duh.
  19. He could use some o' them magnetic caterpillar eyelashes.
  20. No, no. I am so sorry. I misunderstood your post. I thought the Jesus photo was from a screen shot of Robyn's house (with Rodney Dangerfield added by you for laughs). My reaction [Seriously?] and comment were directed at Robyn for hanging Catholic Jesus on a wall in her fundy home. No hard feelings, I hope. 😉
  21. Seriously? This is so odd because Catholics and Mormons are mortal enemies and that iconography clearly is Catholic. The Jesus is Anglo enough but Mormon Jesus never, ever displays internal organs. But it reminds me of a term used by one of Theresa's professors in the novel Looking For Mr Goodbar, to parody the years she spent in Catholic schools: "the Sacred Gizzard of Xavier."
  22. I don't see it that way. The biggest source of funds was the RNC and registered voters of every stripe signed the petition in record time. He instituted an overly-complicated restriction and closure system that was a contradictory cluster fuck. Small restaurants could not serve customers outdoors with recommended spacing and plexiglass barriers while it was business as usual for Burger King (and similar food sellers) inside WalMart stores. Nearly 40,000 small businesses were forced to close and half of those closures will be permanent. Among the permanent closures, the business owners lost their life savings along with their means of support in the future. The families, friends and neighbors of those owners campaigned HARD for the petition because they saw the results of his poor decisions first-hand. During a lockdown that caused hardship across the state he attended a birthday party for a lobbyist at a chi-chi eatery where the set menu price is $310 per person, and neither he or anyone else who attended the party was wearing a mask. He is a smug, entitled gasbag.
  23. I don't know how this compares to Ruth Madoff's situation (or Dorit's) but Tom's firm wired $20 million to Erika's business account just before one of his thefts was discovered (the Indonesian plane crash victims). In hindsight, that act looks bad and the timing looks worse. She was the president of the business that received the $20 million. Pee yew.
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