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Everything posted by suomi

  1. That audible dot com link is really, really worth reading. The lipstick on a pig adage comes to mind. I would like to be a fly on the wall when someone who reads that blurb tunes in to see MM for the first time. What a shame there isn't an e-book version. It would be entertaining to search the word "father" and laugh at the number of results.
  2. The yellow highlighter is not flattering. I hope it becomes her signature look.
  3. MM exists in a marinade of anger. When isn't she angry? The terms wound collector and grievance collector apply (with the FBI preferring the term injustice collector). The balm that can soothe or heal a walking wound does not exist. She intentionally misunderstands the words and motives of anyone who disagrees with her so that she can fuel her anger. The consolation is that she's not as intelligent and popular as she thinks she is. She is scorned and laughed at outside the bubble of The View's audience. Within that bubble, I believe that a great amount of MM-hate-watching is in play. Large turd, small punchbowl.
  4. Or "throwing to" shows during commercial breaks like she was when Joe came along needing a sidekick.
  5. I bet time lapse photography would yield that same view while she napped for a couple hours in the recliner.
  6. LOL when MM said there's gonna be a vacuum to pick up 4 in 10 of these people. (A ginormous Shark or Hoover?) What she meant was 4 in 10 of these people exist in a vacuum. Hey dumb ass: same word, entirely different concepts.
  7. Will he never learn that the look you get from a perm is temporary but the damage is forever?
  8. I remember when Scientology tried to bring est down, saying that it was a cult. Ooh, cult fight! Didn't know that Landmark originated with est. Much of what that article described sounds like second nature for Mariah. When did our little yogini go to Bali? 2019. Was she one-upping the other "educators"?
  9. Reading the above I got to wondering WTH is a Lululemon educator? https://www.salon.com/2013/12/31/yoga_spinning_and_a_murder_my_strange_months_at_lululemon/
  10. I like! (Gigi rests easy tonight knowing that suomi approves). At first glance, Not Gigi resembles her paternal grandmother.
  11. Looking forward to hearing what your doctor thinks. I experienced anaphylaxis once and was sure I was dying.
  12. Listening to Tim Conway Jr on KFI tonight talking about this docu-podcast with correspondent Steve Gregory. Tim lives in Burbank and when a friend texted him about the crash around 10am he opened his front door and the fog was so bad he couldn't see the house across the street. Everyone in SoCal knew how bad the fog was that morning, the LAPD had grounded all of its flights. Hearing the air traffic control chatter is eerie. If anyone is interested: KFI-AM 640 says the documentary will chronicle how the crash was covered by the media in real-time. The 2-hour documentary will broadcast Sunday, January 24, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on KFI-AM 640 and will be syndicated across iHeartMedia’s 24/7 News radio affiliates. The limited 8-episode companion podcast will also debut on January 24 and be distributed by the iHeartPodcast Network and can be heard on iHeartRadio and everywhere podcasts are available. https://www.nbclosangeles.com/entertainment/new-radio-documentary-explores-the-death-and-life-of-kobe-bryant/2506070/
  13. Never mind, I didn't see HerkyJerky's post.
  14. Your poor mom, what a bummer. It sounds like Amazon is losing has lost control of its hubs. They ship from so many locations but, jeez, standards should apply everywhere. I had two shipments disappear during the summer, I got refunds when I reported it and I re-ordered without a problem. I also had an order that arrived but was listed as waiting to ship so I called about that. I had good luck again tonight. I ordered powdered Lysine for my kitten who has FHV (chronic herpes). Her eyes are very small but she's lucky to even have them. The vet said don't give her Lysine because of associated issues. I started the return online but it was rejected. Called CS, explained, told them the jar is sealed. They said it's not eligible for return (because it's food) but they gave me a full refund and said maybe donate it somewhere. So I will see if the shelter wants it. I could tell that the rep was working from home because I heard kids in the background and someone shushing them. Misty Jolene was born in an alfalfa field last summer. While they were baling they spooked the mother who ran off and the baler ran over three kittens in a nest, she was the only survivor, 3-4 weeks old. Very serious herpes since birth so she will need oral and topical antivirals for as long as she lives. I can't detect any vision loss and I hope to keep it that way. She's 6 months old now, a beautiful tortie and hell on wheels. Pulls books from shelves and knocks frames off the walls. Climbs on anything to get high enough to throw herself at what's on the walls. Which I've decided will sit on the floor until she (hopefully) matures and calms down. The 16-year-old prim and proper cat is horrified and I'm like I know, I know.
  15. Jeez, what a promo photo. Four pissy faces and an attempted smirk (Meri). Bring it.
  16. Congratulations Kbo, good for you! And yay for keeping your seniority!
  17. Trendy healing the gut mumbo jumbo with an underlying theme of fork over your dough. Brain fog and healthy gut. Has Janelle signed up yet?
  18. Word salad ingredients. "I am hopeful this country can turn over a turn..." "my side... our republic"
  19. I like that number. The prompts ask if you're calling about an order, do you want someone to call you, should they use the number you're calling from. And then someone actually calls right away! So quickly that I've learned to take the phone with me and I can talk to Amazon while I pee (very softly). They're working from home so probably every call they return justifies that.
  20. I have never posted a selfie. I read the tips about camera height and, yeah, that helps but not enough. I figure if that's what I look like now it's time to admit defeat. 😞 And I lose sleep wondering if my test photos are truly erased from my phone. I'm also a big fan of the "When I die, delete my search history" meme.
  21. Asking here because it's not about the show. I don't have Peacock, did anyone catch their inauguration stint there?
  22. I use 888-280-4331 and get a callback within 30 seconds (from an anonymous number, be brave). They will put you on hold a few times during the call while they interact with their system but they 100% resolve your situation. Big fan of Amazon CS.
  23. It warms my cold heart to know that Old Shark Eyes is overlooked and irrelevant. Does he shuffle around the house in worn out slippers, hair undone, eye boogers galore, reacting with monosyllables to Robyn's chirps? Does she rue the day she laid eyes on him? LMAO
  24. I agree. Do we probably have to give Garage Band Joe the credit for that? I've been listening to Let The Day Begin by The Call nearly on a loop this morning. The lyrics fit this occasion well.
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