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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I can, because they thought the reason Laurel wasn't popular was because she hadn't become Black Canary yet. That the audience was "waiting for her to put on the fishnets." Tone-deaf hacks. /still bitter
  2. Either that, or Emily was filming one thing and KC and CL were off doing sisterly flashbacks that will make me want to vomit.
  3. LOL @ their hands. Figure out where to put 'em, kids. Actually, don't. I never want to see that again.
  4. I think she's totally justified in being pissed, it's just that unfortunately I'm not interested in watching any of it. I honestly would've been more interested in her arc if she'd taken the first steps toward BC while Sara were still alive. Much as I wouldn't have liked it, it would've felt like the natural progression after the ceremonial handing over of the jacket. Revenge is such a cheap and easy character motivator, and it's one for almost every single character on this show. I just...personally, I don't care.
  5. Do you happen to have a link? And I agree with @statsgirl - with regards to the "raw" conversation or whatever that was alluded to in this particular ep, way oversold.
  6. I can deal with some versions of Laurel, but Katie Cassidy is just the most godawful crier.
  7. I think they want us to think it was Komodo - it's too obvious. Also, if there's any version of Laurel I find the least tolerable, it's crying Laurel. And yeah, I'm going to find her revenge arc difficult to buy.
  8. It's all she could afford on her Buy More salary! And, I'm sorry...After last night's ep, Oliver deserves to sleep on something with poor lumbar support.
  9. Yeah, I think the laces were supposed to represent the fishnets (I thought there were more laces down on her calves, but I can't find a pic). I don't think there's a practical way to put them on the costume, given that they could get snagged pretty easily while fighting.
  10. Sara's costume had fishnets - they were just incorporated into the pants.
  11. Damn it, Felicity. If you're buying a bed, at least go for a Full. Think ahead, girl. Think ahead.
  12. Can we leave Katie's looks out of it? I'm uncomfortable with that kind of criticism because a) it's gross, and b) the list of problems with her character is a mile long, and absolutely none of them have to do with her face. If they wanted to write Laurel out or minimize her character, they would have. The problem is that the people who run this show have a complete misunderstanding of what makes this character they've created a bad one, and instead of cutting their losses, they're going all in to make it work. I admire the ballsiness of it in an abstract sense, I just hate that they took the lazy, predictable way out of the jam they wrote themselves into, and I hate that yet another female on this show had to die in order to fuel other people's journeys. It's especially disappointing because Sara had an interesting backstory and I wanted to know more about it, but I think it's pointless to include her in flashbacks now that we know she's dead in real time. It's just more lazy shit, using flashbacks as a way to bring her back without bringing her back. I'm also disappointed that I'm now stuck with more Laurel, who I really just...don't care about. At all. And I'll have difficulty buying her revenge fantasies, because I never really got this deep sisterly bond between the two of them - it was all really superficial, IMO.
  13. No, she didn't. Which makes SA's comment that the characters would make their declarations kind of iffy, because no one declared anything. I guess Oliver's could be considered a declaration by omission, since Oliver admitted that he loved Felicity by refusing to say he didn't. I have no question about how either one of them feel, but they didn't express it verbally. Maybe something was cut?
  14. I don't know what good it'll do. I think casual fans make up a good portion of the viewership, and most of them probably don't even know that
  15. Taking to the speculation without spoilers thread.
  16. I don't want Oliver and Felicity to have any kind of pre-island history, but if they do, then it better be one that neither one of them is/was aware of. I can only take so many plot contrivances on a show, and this one is reaching its limit.
  17. Yeah, she's really great - I love her so much.
  18. I think (at least I hope beyond all hope) that you're reading too much into it. I didn't get that there was any urgency in that scene for Oliver to tell her anything at all, just that he wanted to, so he could give her an idea of how much she means to him and has meant to him since the first time they met. Like, he was literally a killer, had no humanity in him, and she brought the humanity back and started making things real (that also makes sense with the theme of the season). And I think the only reason it was done at dinner was to parallel his date with McKenna and show the contrast where she asked him about the island and he absolutely did not want to talk about it. And I think Felicity's "once we talk, it's over" was just a way to let him know that she wasn't going to let him string her along, and she wasn't going to wait for him. She knew what he was going to do, and she kept stalling, hoping he would come to his senses. She was ready to be with him, and she let him know that once they had that talk that he was so desperate to have, it was over. That was it, so he should really think about what he was doing.
  19. He's just talking too fast (an issue through a lot of this episode, it seems). Even my CC reads "I let you buy me a bed." "You were sleeping on the floor."
  20. I feel satisfied with it, but I didn't really think it was all that raw? I was expecting declarations, of which there were none. I was expecting Oliver to flat-out tell her he loved her, which he only did by refusing to say that he didn't. I was expecting a conversation about what they mean to each other, but that didn't really happen either. And I hope they explain Verdant. I'm guessing maybe Oliver still owns it but doesn't have the cash to get the club going again, since that would at least provide him with an income. I also want to know how Oliver got backers for his QC bid considering, like Felicity said, he isn't the least bit qualified to run it. Queen family friends just aching to make a bad investment?
  21. Maybe that he hadn't been truthful about where he'd been, or that there was a time when he saw targets instead of people? I don't want to think there's some big secret he has about her that he's scared to tell her that he never got to because of the explosion, because I think that would be a shitty turn of events. I think it was MG who said that her reaction to what he tells her is interesting (to Oliver), so I guess maybe it was that he wasn't always on the island - since her reaction to that was pretty much...duh. Or maybe MG overplayed that whole worried about Felicity falling out of love with Oliver thing in his interview, but no....he would never do that! ::bitter laughter::
  22. Oliver undoubtedly knows a lot more about Felicity than we do, considering they spend hours of their day together and have tons of conversations that we don't see. I agree with you that it would've been nice for Oliver to talk about her for a change (just so that we could learn something new about her), but that scene was meant to be a parallel to what (I think) was his last actual proper date - with McKenna. She asked him about the island, and he was unwilling to open up to her then. I think that scene was meant to show that Oliver was willing to be emotionally vulnerable to Felicity, and wanted to share those painful experiences with her when he hadn't previously shared them with anyone else.
  23. I don't think she's questioning what they're doing at the gravesite in that voiceover, I think she's questioning Oliver about why he's not grieving for Sara. If I had to guess, that dialog comes from the scene we've seen pics of, the one where Felicity is crying and talking to Oliver in the foundry. Although it would be nice if she was saying "why are we burying our friend in a pine box?!"I approve of your life goal!
  24. Extended promo for 3x02: http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/10/arrow-episode-302-sara-extended-promo.html Did they seriously bury her in a pine box? God. Now we know why they were standing in a cemetery in one of the videos from an interview that was posted today. What, they're just putting her back in her original grave? I really hope this is less tacky than it seems. ETA: I know there are limited options here but...those seem like not good options.
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