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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. She's standing there telling him to stop dangling maybes in front of her, and then he dangles the biggest maybe there is when he tells her not to ask him to say he doesn't love her. He should've just kept quiet about it since he wasn't going to follow through with it anyway. It might have given him hope to hold onto, but it was still a little string to keep her tethered to him - that's why I'm glad she walked away.
  2. I think she was just guarding her heart. She knows he's in a place where he can't commit, and she doesn't want to get her heart broken. There's no use in fighting for something if the other person doesn't want to give it. I think she did the smart, healthy thing. Oliver once again behaved like an asshole by giving her something to hang onto. I'm glad she walked away from it.
  3. She was - I rewatched. They don't show her crying until Digg walks out. And they're naming that baby Sara.
  4. Ugh, guys, I didn't even realize that while Oliver and Diggle were having their fight about crusades and choices, Felicity was crying at her desk. She knew it was over. Everything is breaking my heart. If this show had nuts, I would kick them.
  5. Oh, yeah. That's true, I didn't even think of it still being her which is ridiculous since, you know, she was shot up with arrows.
  6. I thought so too at first, but then why would she say "You were sleeping on the floor"?
  7. Well, we can rule out Sara as being the person who was arrowed on the table in that scene where Felicity's crying. So...who is it? It being Sin is kind of pointless now, I guess.
  8. I wonder if they might've been talking faster in order to cram more in to the episode? Because for me it wasn't so much a sound issue as a SLOW THE HELL DOWN issue. So, DID Quentin have another episode? I thought he was popping pills because he was having chest pains. Maybe I missed something.
  9. Yeah, I thought that's what was going to happen. I just really, really hoped they weren't going to kill Sara to do it.
  10. I thought he said, "I let you buy me a bed," and she said, "You were sleeping on the floor." They didn't enunciate properly because they were smiling at each other like the love-struck doofuses they are.
  11. I don't have a problem with her giving him things, and it is very her, and part of the reason why I find her so endearing as a person and I like her so much as a character, but it was the way the whole conversation took place and the way Oliver said it that just got to me and I probably wouldn't be so angry about it if what happened at the end hadn't happened at the end, so now I'm being nitpicky.
  12. He says it to her right after she gives him the houseplant. I HOPE THE BED POPS A SPRING AND STABS HIM IN THE BACK. I'm so angry tonight, haha
  13. Who knows. The fact that he let her do it is what irritates me? She's working early shifts at Buy More, fucker, do not say something stupid like I LET YOU BUY ME A BED. And what happened to the old bed? The one you slept with Sara on when you were being tacky bitches and having relations in the foundry? OMG I'm speaking ill of the dead. I need a minute.
  14. He's sleeping on a bed THAT FELICITY BOUGHT FOR HIM will that ever stop making me angry, idk
  15. I wonder if he either struck a deal with Waller or fulfilled his commitment to her, and decided it would be easiest to return to the island and wait for a boat to come along and bring him back to Starling so he had a strong cover story? I DON'T KNOW, I'M FINDING IT DIFFICULT TO CARE RIGHT NOW
  16. Also, can I just chime in and say that I'm pissed they had Oliver be so broke that FELICITY BOUGHT HIM A BED? Like, come on, show. COME ON WITH THIS.
  17. If it makes you feel any better, the 59 minutes before it were all right. A little clunky and hastily edited and not very cohesive, but all right.
  18. she just texted Oliver to let her know where she was - the Amalfi Coast (he keeps asking her to send pictures, but she doesn't).
  19. You know, I can admire that they go balls to the wall with storytelling, they aren't afraid to go big. I mean, putting all their eggs in the Laurel basket? That takes balls. The only problem is that their "big" thinking only involves killing people to further other people's arcs, and you can only do that so many times before it gets tired and lazy and stupid. This? It was tired and lazy and stupid.
  20. Yeah, I had the same questions about Vertigo. Unless they also sold a drug to get you OFF the trip, who in the hell would ever buy it again? And I think we're to believe that he shook off the effects so quickly the last time because he was no longer afraid of being Oliver Queen because he had already decided he wasn't going to be Oliver Queen.
  21. Yeah, in one of the interviews with MG I'm too sickened to read, he said Sara's dead dead. We're only seeing her in flashbacks from now on.
  22. So fitting that this was the last post before the show started, ahahaha hystericallaughter
  23. I like him, but I hope they make him less smarmy soon. And if he's going to keep saying BTW I'm going to have to kick in my television.
  24. I'm going to have to stop following the Arrow writers on Twitter. The patting-on-the-back for that obvious shit we had all been thinking would happen forever is making me sick. Everytime they retweet something congratulatory, I get angry.
  25. And apart from Sara, I don't like that they already have Ray a) knowing who Felicity is and b) CYBERSTALKING HER. That shit is NOT CUTE.
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