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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Oh, I hope I didn't come off as nasty, I just meant if he doesn't have the whole suit on, then what's the point of the shirt and tie? If he has dress slacks and a freaking blazer tucked under there, I will die laughing, because seriously, haha.
  2. Moira's? He didn't show up to her funeral, he owes her a visit. He's got to have the whole suit on under there, right? Otherwise, what's the point?
  3. No, that's Slade. Angsty hospital praying hands, soft voice saying he can't be himself and the Arrow. The beauty that is Oliver's face right before he kicks his own ass...Someone hold me. Also, I can handwave a lot of stuff, but no way does Oliver show up at that restaurant looking so flawless after having his suit tucked under leather while traipsing through Starling saving people, okay?
  4. The timeline is absolutely contradictory though. In Three Ghosts, Barry is in Starling City after nightfall on the night he gets hit by lightning (he was in the foundry before Oliver went out in search of Cyrus Gold - he presumably left at some point while Oliver was out). He first shows up on The Flash in the same exact clothes he was wearing on Arrow, only now it's daytime. Which, fine, maybe he took the train and he didn't get back until the next morning. Only problem is, he talks to Felicity after nightfall right before he gets hit by lightning (when he tells her he missed the cutoff in line), and she's wearing the exact same outfit she was wearing when he was with her before Oliver went out to catch Gold - so is he. So, the timeline definitely changed. Like I said, it's not a big deal, and I get why they did it. It's just a bit of a peeve for me. :)
  5. She knows something about supporting a (super)hero, which is what I assume she talks to them about - the spoiler is that she goes and talks to Cisco and Caitlyn IIRC, not that she goes and gives a how-to on running a team.
  6. I didn't write that she needed an Oliver-related incentive to go to Central City, I wrote that if she's going to Central City and kissing Barry, that in order for it to work, Oliver needs to be the one to push her away. But, I mean...maybe he doesn't. We'll see how it goes soon.
  7. It still kills me that Oliver and Laurel DRY HUMPED IN FRONT OF AN OPEN WINDOW THAT FACED THE STREET. Tacky a-holes. My opinion on this might change after I see how everything goes down on the show tonight, but if he is the one who pushes her away (and I think story wise he has to be, if she's going to Central City and kissing Barry three weeks later), then instead of jealousy, I'd like to see him be supportive of her, because he truly does love her and want her to be happy. I mean, he can talk behind closed doors about disliking Ray, but never in front of Felicity (admittedly I'm a sucker for the suffer in silence types). I know this won't happen because it's the CW, but a girl can dream.
  8. Yeah, I actually really liked Iris. I buy her connection with Barry, and I'm interested in her as a person. I just hope that last night's episode contained
  9. Oh, I don't doubt that she's into it. She's smiling, she looked at his mouth. It's just funny that she's stationary while Barry's go go Gadgeting his neck to seal the deal. It looks awkward from the angle they put in the preview.
  10. She was. The writers on Flash and Arrow seem to love these questionable sisterly and pseudo-sisterly ties when it comes to love interests. Oliver and the sister swapping, Diggle and his sister-in-law, now Barry and the girl who he's "kind of like brother and sister" with. It's both weird and interesting.
  11. In The Flash, Barry didn't just make it back in time for the particle accelerator - he was already there. He was in Central City that whole day (when on Arrow, he rushed back so he could make it in time - and missed the cutoff in line to get in, when on The Flash, he didn't). I mean, I get why they did it story wise, because it'd be clunky to introduce Iris and everyone then somehow explain Barry taking off for a few days. It just irritates me because they're in the same universe and it doesn't match, and I liiiiike matchy things. I don't think the New York Times Bestseller List struck you, Oliver. I think it chose you.
  12. Maybe awkward's not the right word. Barry's fine, but Felicity's mouth being open like that and the look on her face...I don't know.
  13. I deleted it since you so kindly posted that .gif that I can't stop watching, and it gets more and more awkward every time he leans in. Seriously, what happens between her and Oliver and why is it not tomorrow already? Unacceptable.
  14. Awww, I just watched it. They're so cute, but Barry doesn't have even a grain of sand's worth of game, poor thing.
  15. I'm upset that I missed this, although I'm sure it'll be all over Tumblr shortly. As for Felicity...line 'em up, I say.
  16. They do? I was not paying one bit of attention.
  17. On Arrow, ETA: You probably remember what happened on Arrow, but I'm leaving it. :)
  18. Guggenheim really knows how to pee all over the fire of anticipation, I tell you.
  19. It really is. But it irritates me no end that
  20. I actually don't - I enjoy children I can give back to their parents at the end of the day. ;) I hate the Oliver baby mama drama storyline possibilities, but I'm really, really looking forward to seeing Digg as a dad! Hearing him say things like that will ruin me. Also, I've developed this borderline ridiculous headcanon where baby Diggle is born and Oliver and Felicity go in the room and they all take turns holding her, then Diggle says that ridiculously perfect crap about his universe changing, then Oliver and Felicity step out into the hallway and have their super intense conversation, and he just has to kiss her because he wants what Diggle has and he feels like just for a second maybe he can have it or something like it, and I'm stopping now because reasons (mainly because this isn't the fanfic thread, and I'm sure this is fanfic).
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