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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I thought he said, "Oh, Felicity." Maybe it's 'don't'. It's tough to make out. ::rimshot::
  2. Why? Diggle didn't leave the team, he's just not going out into the field anymore, right? Did I miss something in the ep? The general consensus I'm reading seems to be Digg's off the team, but I didn't get that. At all.
  3. Yeah, she did give him a long, lingering, heart-eyed look during that press conference. The camera stayed on her forever and I was like, "this is getting awk-whew, thank god."
  4. Given there's a tech mogul on the show now, it's probably Ray.
  5. ...I never wrote that there weren't? And you just invalidated your own point. It's strange Felicity's not mentioned in the press release, but it doesn't matter because most people don't read press releases? Like I said - they're trying to entice people who watch Arrow and don't watch The Flash to watch The Flash. Per spoilers, Oliver's going to have a talk with Felicity and convince her to go to Central City, and I'm sure it'll be part of some promo that airs during Arrow, so that we—the people who know Felicity—will want to tune in to see what she's doing there. That's the point - to get the people who wouldn't usually watch The Flash to watch The Flash.
  6. It'd be a real bitch to schedule their appointments. "Doc? Sorry, I'm gonna be late. I got held up. Literally."
  7. I actually don't have a problem with him saying this (apart from it validating Oliver's idiocy). It is kind of OOC, but the man is just getting used to life as a father. Not that I have any practical experience to base this opinion on, but I imagine that impending fatherhood is kind of an abstract thing that's difficult to get your mind around. Men aren't the pregnant ones, they're just sort of a spectator in a lot of ways until the baby is actually born. So I buy that Diggle, who has just met his daughter for the first time, would have the kind of reaction he did and would tell Oliver that he was right. It's probably difficult to look at your newborn child and even fathom doing something that would cause you to not be there to see them grow up. I guess that's Diggle's identity issue for this season. It'll be difficult for him to go against his nature in order to have a "safe," normal life. He and Lyla are always in the thick of it, which I really enjoy about them. I hope that's explored - doing what they do and still being parents. Also - what's Digg doing to earn a living? Or is he going to be a stay-at-home dad while Lyla kicks ass at A.R.G.U.S.?
  8. That's because we know who Tommy is. Given The Flash's premiere audience numbers, there's a lot of people watching it who a) don't watch Arrow and b) probably don't even know who Felicity is. They'll tease us with her going to Central City - we're the ones they want to tune in for Felicity.
  9. Personally, I don't think she's bad all the time - there are elements to playing Laurel that she is capable of (I liked her more in S1 than S2 though). I just think that her choices as angst-ridden, suffering Laurel are terrible, which is partly why I had such an issue watching her "addiction" storyline. So, apart from my other issues with Sara's murder, I just...I really don't want to watch that.
  10. Yeah, I think he has a lot of emotional and psychological issues that account for his belief that he doesn't deserve happiness and his continued self-preservation by pushing that happiness away, because he knows how to operate in an emotion-free zone - the attachments are what's difficult. I guess I didn't express myself well, I was actually just wondering if he did search himself for bugs and trackers, since...yeah, anyone could do that.
  11. They all call each other by their real names on the comms, like a bunch of boneheads. Felicity's the brains of that operation, come on, girl. Felicity's episode (3x05) was called Oracle, but they changed the name to The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak. I thought maybe the codename issue might come up in that ep and that the EPs might have at one point wanted to call her Oracle just as a nod to comics fans, but maybe decided against it (hence the name change). But I think the codename issue is definitely going to come up. I wonder if they'll get wise and take Sara's (RIP) advice preemptively or if they have to because someone overhears them.
  12. Also, I know that trying to find reason in Oliver's reasons is a fool's crusade, but saying he didn't realize a tracker had been put on him because he was distracted, like...how would he ever know that even if he was paying attention? Anytime someone touches him in a fight they could plant something on him. Does he usually give himself a security pat down before he heads back to the foundry after every mission?
  13. Yeah, it was definitely purposeful, and I honestly can't believe with how smart Felicity is that she hasn't thought of that already. I know she can't be on top of everything, but damn. I wonder if the open comms issue is going to come up in Felicity's episode and that's why they originally named it Oracle? Like maybe they planned on giving her that codename as an Easter egg but thought better of it after the reaction at ComicCon and the expectations that would come along with it?
  14. Everyone but Fernlicity the houseplant. She lives on, thriving in low light conditions.
  15. Yeah, I didn't express myself well. I don't think that they necessarily will be, just that we should be prepared for it, because it seems like she's gonna get more screentime this season than she did last.
  16. I think we have to be prepared for the rest of the eps to be Laurel-heavy, unfortunately. Not that they will be, but...
  17. Am I misremembering, or was he not out in the field with Oliver all that often anyway? I know he didn't always stay behind, but he stayed behind a lot.
  18. I didn't get the impression that Diggle was leaving the team, he's just not going out in the field anymore, right? Or did I miss something? He stayed behind doing mission control a lot anyway, so I'm kind of wondering what the resolution of that storyline will be.
  19. Maybe it won't be so bad? positivity for the day exhausted
  20. This is stupid too, because Sara flat-out told her that she wanted to go, like five minutes before she got trashed. I get misplaced anger, I guess...hopefully it doesn't last too long. Nyssa could always tranq her to give her time to calm down.
  21. There's no shock here. You'd be hard-pressed to find a person on this site who thought Sara wouldn't die. I'm glad you'll be able to enjoy her flashbacks. For me, it's just this show trying to have its cake and eat it too, and I don't think the current storyline of Laurel being on her journey to becoming BC will be well-served by showing how much more her sister went through in order to get to where she was. It just invites more comparisons, which isn't good for Laurel IMO. I want to continue to enjoy this show as much as I can, and personally I'd just rather not see Sara again. ETA: we should probably move this convo - Spec without spoilers, maybe?
  22. Isn't this the ep where she's in Central City? Apparently there's a "mention" of her or something per that troll Guggenheim.
  23. I didn't watch Angel, but at least with Shado we didn't know what happened to her so we could get somewhat invested in her journey. What's the point of showing us everything that Sara went through and overcame to become the person we knew, when the person we knew is now dead? Literally almost got put in a dumpster. I'd prefer it if I never see her on this show again after the next ep. I would've loved flashbacks while she was still alive, but now they're probably just going to piss me off.
  24. He never said he didn't know how to use a gun!
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