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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Right? And when he grinned at himself pre-asskicking, I was all, "Hey there. Hi. Hello!"
  2. I promised I was done, but I lied. So, what's the deal with him kicking his own ass WRT his greatest fears? Is he afraid of losing Arrow if he lets himself be Oliver? Is he afraid of the kind of life that being Oliver will let him lead? Is he worried because as Arrow he has a handle on things, but Oliver is still kind of a fuckup? I don't quite understand that bit, which is okay because it's probably explained in the show which is too many days away, ugh.
  3. Maybe she did? It seems like there's a lot of mind-changing going on BTS, especially with her character, trying to make her work. I don't think KC is particularly good at playing the kind of character that TPTB want Laurel to be, but honestly, I don't think the writers are very good at writing the kind of character that TPTB want her to be, either. Hopefully they all get a handle on it this season. Caring about Laurel (or at least not actively being indifferent to her to the point of being annoyed when she shows up on my screen) would make my viewing experience 100% more enjoyable.
  4. Who knew watching Oliver kick his own ass would be so...hot?
  5. She absolutely is! And those quotes are out of context, but are not at all unlike previous observations she's made about the Oliver/Laurel relationship at other cons and in other interviews. She's called Sara and Felicity (and other women) flings and such before - the "the story could go anywhere" is actually something new coming from her. It's just interesting that she has this particular viewpoint on the relationship, because it contradicts everything that the show is actually showing us.
  6. Could be! Maybe he takes a break from fieldwork to look for a side job with some paternity benefits! Or maybe something happens during the splodey date that gets him hurt (or close to hurt) that has him reconsidering being out in the thick of things. Okay, I'm stopping for real now (maybe).
  7. I'm aware that this makes me sound like an a-hole, but I do that in staff meetings at work when people are talking about things that don't concern me (SOMETIMES, OKAY. SOMETIMES), so maybe she does?
  8. Yeah, good point. Unless they're in the hospital for another reason (false labor maybe?), and the baby really comes later?
  9. I wonder what order all this happens in. I assumed good stuff = first part (including the QC scene with Ray Palmer), bad stuff=second part of the episode. It's weird that Oliver and Felicity would kiss before the date, but I can buy that they did it in a happy moment after Digg's baby was born. I can't understand why they'd do it after, since presumably Felicity gets hurt and he has his hallucinations, and Oliver would want to put a stop to things after that. Why would they kiss then? And they definitely kiss the same day the Palmer meeting happens, since Felicity is wearing the same dress, unless it just looks the same. But in that clip of the board meeting, they show Felicity looking at Oliver like she wants to eat him, so I thought it all happened pre-date. I'm going to stop now because this is pointless, haha.
  10. This would be an awfully convenient thing for them to discover over a year later, so now I'm fully expecting it to happen.
  11. Yeah, since they're still in the foundry in 2.5 (and in the premiere), it doesn't look like they ever left. And that scene with Oliver and Laurel also includes them watching Lance's press conference (I think Canadagraphs on Twitter posted pics of this shoot), I think it's something to do with the anti-vigilante task force being called off, too.
  12. He's wearing a plaid shirt when he asks her out (and a blue v-neck sweater when he met her, not that I just checked or anything). Sara does tell Laurel: Laurel's too tempted to give things away, no one should ever tell her anything important, jaysus.
  13. I hope Digg's wearing a t-shirt the first time he holds his daughter, so I can see my two fave things in one shot: massive biceps and large men holding tiny babies.
  14. Yeah, I don't really get that. He must do a real 180 after he meets his daughter, considering he was going toe-to-toe with Oliver when he told Digg he didn't want him in the field anymore.
  15. If this comment is regarding that interview - it's old, like mid-2013 old.
  16. Wow. So, i wonder if Felicity does get hurt, but that scene that we see of him hovering over her on the table is part of a hallucination (and her being dead). Not that that would necessarily be his worst fear, I'm just trying to put 2+2 together to bide my time until Wednesday. Also, what?!
  17. Yes! And then he tells her that she always could see through his BS, and that's why he knows that she knows that he meant what he said in the mansion, and I'm getting carried away, brb fic-ing it.
  18. I'm convinced she's going missing - either on her own accord, or by being kidnapped. We know for sure she's got some kind of a secret that she tells Laurel (who wants to tell Lance), so maybe it has something to do with that.
  19. I think they meant that we might find out what's leading to the angst in episode 2 in the first ep. Either it's O/F related, or Sara gets kidnapped and/or hurt (or any other number of things, you know they're going to end the episode on a damn cliffhanger).
  20. He's probably going to remember what she was wearing or what color lipstick she had on or what color her pen was or something, and by the end of the episode someone's going to have to come and hold me as I type from my bed, curled up in the fetal. I thought maybe she was going to tell him that Lance was calling off the vigilante task force.
  21. Is he seriously going to show up at Buy More?
  22. I think Felicity's already a bit desperate considering she had to take a second job to pay her bills. And that quote from Berlanti makes sense to me, considering O&F basically break up after the first ep. It seems like this season they're figuring out if they can be together. Hopefully next season they actually WILL be together.
  23. If only biceps could make Laurel a more interesting person...
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