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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Maybe someone gets flowers and they're delivered by Sherwood Florist? Probably just an easter egg ::fingers crossed::
  2. It seems like she might be working part time in addition to her regular job? People don't usually work one part time job to make ends meet.
  3. Isn't Cupid obsessed with Arrow though, not Oliver? There are bigger problems afoot if she manages to figure out that Felicity's working with Arrow. If I had to bet, I'd say Felicity's safe this ep, unless we have yet another villain infiltrating the SUPER SECRET foundry. If so, it's going to become the new Laurel's apartment.
  4. Has to be. "Draw back your bow" is a lyric in the Sam Cooke song called Cupid.
  5. Maybe she realized it wasn't a good idea, or maybe someone asked her to?
  6. I'm sure her @ replies are a nightmare and she's probably really tired of the consistent fandom backlash against her, but it's really, really better to just stay out of it. I get why she'd post that, but it's not going to make anything better.
  7. It's just the blanket assumption that a prominent place on the poster=a prominent tole on the show. Hopefully there's no correlation. I really wish I was even remotely invested in anything regarding Laurel (apart from the hope that she'll someday get on a one-way train to nowhere). The only complaint I have about that poster is how embarrassingly awful it is for a network show, haha. Next year, just troll Tumblr and offer a fan an S3 DVD in exchange for their services, damn.
  8. But I didn't comment on the placement. That does mean that Laurel's a full-fledged member of Team Arrow (vomit). I just wrote that how Felicity and Laurel are dressed really does mean nothing.
  9. Yeah, but anything that the poster is communicating about Felicity vs. Laurel is irrelevant by virtue of the fact that the network was too cheap to do a new shoot. They pieced together old ones, so they're not intentionally portraying Felicity one way and Laurel another.
  10. They probably photoshopped a pic of him in the costume in there. Is Laurel conjuring a one-woman windstorm? Jeez. This almost looks fan made (although to be fair I've seen more professional looking fan made posters).
  11. Disappointing is a nice word for what that is.
  12. I hope that the Tommy/Sara parallel ends with that quote. Please let it end with that quote.
  13. We didn't even know her before Oliver, and we barely knew her before Diggle.
  14. This is precisely why Oliver should be wary of partnering up with her in any kind of endeavor. She was pro-Arrow, then anti-Arrow, she tried to have him arrested, then she found out who he was and realized why she "always felt this connection," then she thought about revealing him to save her father, then she knew him like she knew her own name, now she seems to be "Go Team, Go!" Where will she land next? If there's anyone who has proven themselves to be wishy-washy and untrustworthy where Arrow's concerned, it's Laurel.
  15. Seriously. Every single scene Felicity had with Oliver in the first half of S1 was about her earning his trust, which is exactly why he ended up in the back of her car when Moira shot him. She could've gone to the police with the info she discovered while doing work for him numerous times (armored truck heists, anyone? tiny leather hit list book of doom, anyone?), but she didn't. She did the ridiculous things he asked her to because she trusted him for whatever reason, and in turn he grew to trust her. If keeping a secret is the cornerstone of trustworthiness, then Oliver should be worried about Laurel, because the first thing she wanted to do when she found out he was Arrow was tell Quentin about it. Luckily he talked her out of it. But I answered your question above. She could've gone to the police after he gave her that fob with the armored truck heist info on it, she could've gone to the police with his father's book once she thought it might have had something to do with Walter's kidnapping, she could've gone to the police when he showed up with someone else's shot-up laptop. I'd say she's pretty good at staying tight-lipped, and she proved herself in that regard.
  16. Didn't one of the EPs say at CC (or in some interview) that Laurel would be in the foundry "from time to time" or something? It seemed like she was going to be there, just not all the time, or often, IDK.
  17. But Laurel doesn't have to run the club to be a partner in it. She just needs to invest money. Yeah, most people probably won't care. I've just been around my fair share of alcoholics, so shitty handling of addiction storylines always bother me (and not just on Arrow).
  18. Entirely possible. I just like to prepare myself for the worst.
  19. The only problem I have with Laurel doing it (because I can seriously handwave the rest of it), is the fact that she's an alcoholic who's fresh in recovery. IF Verdant's the thing, maybe the show will surprise me and they'll mention her struggle to remain sober while being a partner in a business that she invested in (LOL) because she wanted to help Oliver. I just worry since they had her saddle right up to the bar in one of the eps shortly after she entered AA without it even being an issue.
  20. Maybe she's just a silent partner who infused a bunch of cash that we were never aware that she had.
  21. Then I wonder how the "being partners with both Arrow and Oliver" quote from the EP comes into play.
  22. I just wonder if it's not Verdant, what other business could it be? A previously unheard of and hidden Queen asset that needed a little start-up cash? Verdant logically makes no sense for the characters, but it does make sense for proximity/plot reasons, which is why I do think that's it. I've been worried about it ever since the director of the second episode tweeted a bts photo of Laurel and Oliver in Verdant.
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