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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. That's why I wrote that I wouldn't necessarily call her an addict. It doesn't seem that Thea ever considered herself one, and Laurel went so far as to enter into a 12 step program. Any sponsor worth their salt would vehemently advise against entering into a partnership for a bar. But here I am, injecting reality into a superhero show. Maybe it's not Verdant, but that makes the most sense out of anything since it would allow her to be in close proximity to the foundry (and Oliver).
  2. Oliver did catch her cutting coke (or crushing pills, I can't remember) with one of her friends when he first came home, and she had that incident with Vertigo. Not sure I'd call her an "addict" per se, but she definitely dabbled.
  3. Well, I mean...she's going to be in there, so clearly the EPs don't really care about that.
  4. That's exactly why they're going to do it.
  5. I think that condemned sign is in front of the foundry, which is kind of next to Verdant. IIRC, that sign has always been there, way back when Oliver first jumped over the fence and set up shop in the first ep.
  6. They're going to own Verdant together, and it's going to piss me off. *trying desperately to withhold judgment*
  7. Strangely, that's the only role I can accept her in. I actually like most of her scenes with Quentin - it's everyone else she's insufferable around (and she has been insufferable around Quentin her fair share of times, but I can look past that). Weird about the comic. It probably doesn't help that MG @replied KC without putting a period or something in front of it so everyone who follows him could see it.
  8. Since Malcolm shows up, I guess they're going to find out what she was going to tell them without knowing that's what it was.
  9. That review is longer than the comic.
  10. Absolutely. And I think that as a fan you should demand more of your favorite content! ;)
  11. Yeah, he hit their rifles, maybe their arms. Definitely not their chests. No they didn't. He's in a tunnel with Arrow in the most recent promo where Lance asked him if he had a hot date as Oliver was leaving. Not sure if he had anything to do with taking down the criminals that were strewn across the floor, but he definitely isn't confined to paperwork.
  12. I agree. There's no right or wrong way to be entertained by a show. Some people watch for the whole product, some watch for the relationships, some watch for the action. No one reason is more important than the other - every single viewer = ratings and (hopefully) the continuation of that thing that we all enjoy for whatever reason we enjoy it.
  13. I think that if you're going to read spoilers, you've got to be able to take them with a grain of salt and withhold judgment until it plays out on screen. The majority of these are offered without any context, and will most likely not play out the way any of us think they will. That's part of the reason why I like reading them. When I first started watching in the middle of last season, I frequented message boards to get spoilers during the brief break I took between watching the first and second seasons, and the comments were full of people worrying about X happening and how much they would hate it, it'd ruin the show, and once I got to that episode it turned out to be absolutely nothing like anyone thought it would be. So, if it's going to ruin your excitement for the show, yeah, maybe stop reading them. Arrow can be predictable and true, from some of the spoilers/casting announcements that are coming out it seems like it's treading into CW territory. We've been given a lot of info, but I'd be willing to bet that it's a very small amount in the grand scheme of things. And I'd also be willing to bet that come 9PM EST on October 8th (and in the weeks that follow), a lot of us will be in here completely surprised by what ended up happening, and completely wrong about what we thought that would be (myself included).
  14. Same. Given the show's problems last season with juggling too many characters and storylines, the addition of all these new characters is worrisome, but who even knows if these potential love interests will become actual love interests or if they're also being brought in as accessories to further some other plot point (like Ray Palmer is with Oliver regarding QC). I'm loath to complain about it until there's actually something to complain about.
  15. I usually pick up on sarcasm just fine, but I missed the "Blandon" Routh comment. I guess that wasn't blisteringly obvious. Thanks for explaining it so nicely! I just don't have it in me to get worked up over one guy who I've seen on my screen for a grand total of three seconds and another that I haven't seen at all, both of whose roles are probably a little overstated for CW-level relationship hype.
  16. Wait...how does this make them idiots? And, uh...Laurel has a new love interest too.
  17. MG (I think?) said something along the lines of the two of them decide not to pursue a relationship at the end of the episode and that the audience will sympathize with both of their reasons.
  18. Yeah, we're all ten kinds of wrong and I'm okay with it. Unless that was tricky editing and Oliver and Felicity aren't having the same conversation - his side is from the night of the date, and hers is from another. But that's probably not it.
  19. It's definitely a combination of more than one ep. I just figure because they break things off at the end of the ep, all parts where Oliver and Felicity are giving each other the "look" has to be from the premiere. It can't be the night of, because she's in her Tech Village uni talking to Oliver about where they should eat later and it's already dark outside. Unless she changes to go to the lair and then goes home to change again, haha.
  20. That shot with Oliver giving her heart eyes when she's walking out of the lair has got to be before their date though. I imagine he might try to keep all that locked down after they break it off. Unless the date is in the middle of the ep and the last half is....yeah, I'm going to stop trying to figure this out.
  21. Question: If Felicity IS working at Tech Village, I wonder why she's so dressed up in the other shot of the Arrow cave. Did she put that orange dress on just to go there? I get the boob window since she went with Oliver to QC in a professional capacity, but the orange dress wouldn't really make sense to just go into a basement for a few hours. Maybe she had a job interview? Maybe I need to shut this Firefox window and call it a night?
  22. Yeah, I'd be really surprised if this happened in episode 2. The producers said that Team Arrow was firing on all cylinders in the premiere, and that's the same dress she's wearing in the preview when Digg, Roy and Oliver all come into the Arrow cave after a mission (I'd bet it's the same night that Diggle diverts the truck full of RPGs that Felicity tells him about). It probably happens really early in the ep to establish how they've all been working so well together.
  23. I can't figure out the timeline either. I wonder how many days/nights the premiere is going to cover? Also, can I just say that it's so funny to me that Ray walks in all poised and douchey with a PowerPoint presentation and without a doubt that he's going to take control of that company, and Oliver's pitch to the Board seems to rely on the "hey, I came back from the dead!" angle, haha. He's so simple sometimes. Oliver getting back with Laurel is probably the ONLY thing that could get me to stop watching this show. And I'm including possibly killing off Sara to (give me a sec...) make Laurel BC. I am just not even remotely interested in watching them rehash the mess that was their "relationship."
  24. The producers did say that they were doing something "clever" with Ra's, so maybe there's a twist? Maybe I'm too optimistic? Maybe I give these people too much credit?
  25. It's from the third ep-I guess they're in Corto Maltese. No idea why though.
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