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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Maybe she has been talking to him and lying to him, and he gets concerned when he goes a while without hearing from her? Then Roy would have to admit that he knew she wasn't backpacking. Or he could just be being a shitty brother, who knows.
  2. Yeah, Oliver thinks she's backpacking. Not sure if Roy relays this information or if Thea lies to him, but he ran off to Lian Yu for 5 months without calling anyone, so maybe he figures he owes her that space. And it's not like they were on good terms when Thea left, so I can buy that he doesn't get too worried about it for a bit, since he probably figures she wouldn't want to talk to him anyway. I was really worried about Sara dying, but now I'm beginning to think she gets kidnapped or something, and that's how she plays into the plot for the rest of the season. Didn't one of the EPs say that a lot of things that happen this season are because of her? I can't remember. And just to add my $.02-Oliver knowing about his kid and not being involved absolutely does not make him a deadbeat. He doesn't even think he can safely have a girlfriend, he's not going to bring a child into his life, especially now. Sometimes being a good parent is knowing when you're not able to be a good parent, and leaving the job to someone who is. If the kid is loved and well cared for? It's a non-issue, IMO.
  4. I don't know...in the gif of that scene? She definitely looks upset to me. And Roy's avoiding looking at whoever/whatever it is.
  5. Or maybe it IS a person, but one they don't know with a note attached to an arrow through the chest? (Read too much fanfic, making stuff up as I go along)
  6. I just assumed Sara got kidnapped or took off, but that's an interesting take too.
  7. It doesn't really look like him to me, but the profile is blurry and I can't figure out who else it would be. It's not Digg, so... If there's an arrow in a person, I can imagine Felicity looking like that, regardless, especially if it's someone they trust enough to bring into the basement. Assuming the arrowed person is still alive, of course. If not, then she's probably upset because she's looking at a corpse.
  8. I actually googled a pic of the foundry (I know, I know), and that's definitely a target. They do look like seals when they're blurry though!
  9. Could be a seal, but they're in what looks like the foundry so why would anyone in uniform be down there?ETA: I think looptab's right. It looks like a target.
  10. Isn't Oliver standing off to the right? That looks like his (blurry) profile. Maybe someone from the LoA arrows Sin to get at Sara?
  11. Which better not have something to do with Sara permanently dying.
  12. I need to know about that Roy/Felicity scene. And gah, Dig and Lyla are so cute.
  13. Yeah, the Digg and Laurel interaction is what I'm looking forward to. I hope it doesn't disappoint.
  14. See, I'd think less of Felicity if she held an addict's behavior against her now that she's in recovery. I think we'll just have to assume Laurel made amends as part of her 12 steps. I seriously doubt they'd show any of that on screen, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if they did.
  15. Not sure what level of info Ausiello actually has, but since this show tends to put people they want the audience to like with Felicity, now that Laurel's in on the Arrow dealings, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some not-so-subtle "Felicity likes her, you should too!" messages going on. I'm not expecting them to be besties or anything, but I am expecting them to have a friendly rapport.
  16. Yeah, I really don't get what the big deal is. Them being friends would indicate to me that there isn't going to be any Oliver drama between them (which I don't want), and it would also indicate to me that the writers really are considering not going there with O/L again (which I also don't want). If Laurel's going to be around, I'd rather her be around in a way that doesn't cause unnecessary drama between characters I actually like, and if she can be part of Oliver's romantic past and his friendly present and future, then I don't know that there's anything else I could hope for, apart from her not becoming BC. This is just wishful thinking on my part, because the only thing that will make me stop watching is if they try make another go of O/L part whatever. I have zero, no...less than zero interest in watching that mess again.
  17. I agree that it wouldn't be instant, but I'd be willing to bet we're going to miss any wariness, since that would have conveniently taken place during the hiatus.
  18. I'm trying to find the quote, but I think he did say that she'd be getting into Team Arrow's business. ETA: Nevermind - he did say that she was meddling in "everyone's business." The way it was phrased, it could mean Team Arrow or it could mean the other "everyone."
  19. I don't recall reading a spoiler about F&L having issues at all, only one that they have a 'nice moment' or something of the like. Colton did say she'd be up in everyone's business, but who even knows what that means. Ausiello might not have had a direct quote, but there's no doubt in my mind that F&L will be friendly with each other. The writers on this show are absolutely clueless when it comes to writing Laurel, but if they're serious about trying to get people to like her, they'll start by having Felicity like her. Which is...yeah, that's a whole other issue entirely, but I think we can pretty much count on it.
  20. I guess I'm in the minority since I'm glad Felicity and Laurel are going to get along. They could dislike each other for very real reasons, but any hint of tension between them would probably ultimately be attributed to some kind of jealousy over Oliver, and I'd rather avoid that if at all possible. I don't really want them to be BFFs or anything, but I'll take that over the other option any day.
  21. During the Lance family dinner from hell, for sure. Oliver and Sara were such dicks in that episode and I was totally on Laurel's side. Then they had her go and apologize to Sara, and I'm still not over it.
  22. Oh, I can't see him not doing it either, that's just the kind of guy he was. I just think that ultimately we're all responsible for our own decisions. He decided to go there and get her knowing the risks, so he was willing to give his life for hers. Did she play a part in is death? Yeah, sure. Is she responsible for it? No. This is after she rescued the kid from the building. Sara took off to change (and maybe do something else, I can't remember), and Lance and Laurel went back to the station. That's when this scene takes place.
  23. Eh, Tommy's choice to go after her is what cost him his life. Laurel's decision set off a chain reaction of bad decisions, yeah, but she's only responsible for the one that she made. Tommy's is on Tommy, IMO. Laurel's not under any obligation to do what anyone tells her to. In hindsight, should she have? Yeah, absolutely. Much as I hate the decision Laurel made to go to/stay at CNRI, I'd also hate it if she was the type of person who just did what people told her to. What bothers me about her character regarding this particular trait is that more than once her decision to not stay behind when someone asked her to has proven to not have good results, but she still just does it without even thinking. There never seems to be any consideration of the consequences, she just heads out because she doesn't want anyone telling her what to do, I guess. Or maybe because she doesn't trust their judgment? It'd be nice if, even if she chooses to go, she paused a moment or two to show that she was considering not doing it because hey...it didn't work out so well last time.
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