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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. God, that is...so stupid. And each tiny edition is $.99?! Yeah, no thanks. I thought I was curious, but I'm not THAT curious.
  2. Wait, how many comics are they releasing for 2.5? Because MG's making it sound like they're telling storIES, when...if they're all the length that the first one was, how is that even possible? Are they not going to have everything in the comics wrapped up by the beginning of season three? If not, then who is going to buy comics telling stories and setting up for things that have already happened on the show? This whole thing confuses me.
  3. Good point. I was just so annoyed by the comic after I read it that I was pretty much blind to reason, haha.
  4. Yeah, I get why they called him that in the past, but I don't understand why Oliver's calling him that now.
  5. From what I understand, the Arrow and Flash comics alternate weeks. So, next Monday they're releasing the first issue of the Flash tie-in, and it'll fill in the weeks between the Arrow releases. And I really don't understand why Oliver is calling Roy by Thea's nickname, either. It makes no sense at all, especially since he made Roy break up with her and she's gone and, you know, has a terrible relationship with Oliver.
  6. I'm not sure if anyone would know this, but do these actors make a lot of money off of cons? I'm guessing that they must, right? Do they get to keep all of the fees they charge for pictures and stuff, or is it some kind of percentage split with the promoter?
  7. Oh, man. If they try to sell Felicity not having feelings for Oliver, I can't WAIT to get a look at Twitter after the premiere. I'll be crying foul on that one big time, an even bigger crying of foul than after the finale when I basically hated Oliver's guts because I thought he was the kind of douchebag that would use Felicity's feelings for him to his advantage to capture Slade. I mean, on top of MG saying that he thinks Oliver and Felicity are in love with each other at Comic Con, everything in the narrative suggests that she does love him/is in love with him. I would buy that those feelings scare her once Oliver reciprocates because of his track record, and I can even buy her maybe trying to downplay it so that she can put up a front and pretend not to be so hurt when he inevitably calls it off. But to try to sell that feelings don't exist at all? After spending half of the hiatus hyping it up? Best of luck, show. So, I think it was just iffy wording on his part, maybe to intrigue/confuse people. P.S. I'M TOO INVESTED
  8. Well, not only was that disappointing because it (so far) really didn't have anything to do with S2, but because it's so short, that panel they released as a tease is, like, an eighth of the story. Not interesting at all, and really not worth $.99. Also, it's really shitty that Guggenheim That just leaves an extra-bitter taste in my mouth about it. I mean, I was going to buy them anyway because I'm too curious not to, but...money grubbing bastards! ::shakes fist at sky:: I don't think I'll buy the rest. ETA: and I returned this one. Ugh.
  9. He was the only Arrow star at that con (Fan Expo). Everyone else (Paul, Katie, Caity, etc.) was at Dragon Con.
  10. Yeah, you expressed what I was trying to get at much better than I did. I think it was a convergence of what the writers were going to do anyway, and what a vocal segment of the fanbase wanted anyway. So it's easy to explain away as fan service/fan pandering/whatever ridiculous thing people want to call it.
  11. I think it was an evolutionary thing. They wanted her role increased because IIRC the role of Felicity was the initial solution to fan feedback from the pilot wondering how Oliver, after being on a "deserted island" for five years would know how to do some of the things he knew how to do on a computer, and EBR brought out a side of Oliver that we didn't see otherwise. I think the serious consideration of pairing them came a bit later (an idea that was encouraged by the reaction of a segment of the fanbase, not brought about because of it).
  12. It's probably more than one thing, and we'll never know what those things are. But I think Olicity is a thing where there's definite chemistry and the producers wanted to explore it AND a large amount of fans are behind it, so it's the perfect storm of something that was probably going to happen anyway, so it's easy to explain it away as fan service. Hopefully one of those things is BC related, but I think the producers are too attached to the idea of Laurel. The usage of some villains might be one of them? Return of some characters? IDK. They might be small things, like explanations and such. The death of Lauriver? (fingers crossed)
  13. Yeah, I'd like to reach a point where I don't want to fall asleep/take a bathroom break every time she's on my screen. Hopefully that happens this season.
  14. I tend to be pessimistic too, but IMO just because he saw that and thought the episode had leaked doesn't necessarily mean there's only one. It just means that because he saw one he thought it got out (because it is strange to me that they'd use it in a promo, but...with all the Olicity/Felicity stuff that gets teased, I guess they've figured out what generates the most buzz). Granted, I don't know the turn of events in the ep, so I'm probably wrong, but it seems like a strange place to put a one and only kiss, given that there's no way they've gone on their date yet. And if he tried it in the middle of a hospital hallway, wouldn't he try it again when he picks her up to go out? IDK. And I think his comment about it being the 8th most important thing that happens (I don't take that literally, btw), just means that there are lots of (non-shippy) things going on in the ep. So, what could those 8 other things be? Baby Diggle? Sara's return? Vertigo? Ray Palmer? Chief Lance doing something awesome? Oliver seeing the version of himself that scares the shit out of him/causes issues with Diggle? Felicity getting all 'splodey blowed up? Laurel knocking around a guy wearing a cast in a hospital bed? lmao
  15. The 2.5 comics are Digital Firsts, so they come out tomorrow - the print edition(s) come out in October (I think there are two? IDK). I subscribed and will be happy to spoil anyone who wants to be spoiled.
  16. Yeah, this was not a good idea from a storytelling perspective, although I would imagine they're making pretty great bank off of it. I'd rather see it, but if it's reading about it or nothing at all, I'll take reading about it, I guess.
  17. Oh, come on! You can purchase the season 2.5 comics if you really want to know! Purchased my subscription yesterday, still mad about it.
  18. I too have watched it an embarrassing number of times, and I would bet anything they're saying each other's names. Felicity's smiling, Oliver's closing his eyes - I'd be surprised if there's any kind of threat around. It's real, I have no doubt in my mind; whether their lips actually touch, I have no idea. I'm wondering if it's their first kiss too - I think the EPs are overcompensating a bit for the "fake out" (not that I'm complaining), and I think they might try to surprise the audience who's waiting for that moment by having them kiss before it. Then again, maybe not. I have a feeling the first 20-ish minutes are so are going to be really happy and great. The last? Not so much, haha.
  19. Pfft, I wish. Also, I'm sad he said it wasn't a tease, because I was enjoying the "it looks like he's trying to tell her a secret" type comments on TVLine and EW.
  20. No, not really. But I think she might have known it was coming?
  21. Could be? They're definitely carts of some kind, and they are in a hospital, so hospital-style bassinets aren't out of the question.
  22. Seriously, why is Laurel hitting dudes in hospital beds? I hope there's a non-ridiculous explanation for it.
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