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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, the bookmarking and searching is a nightmare, but I just really like the one-shot/drabble trend because I can read a nice little story without having to worry about the author abandoning it halfway through. I mean, fanfic authors write for free and I get that life gets in the way, but I really hate getting hooked on something and never getting any resolution. I could just read completed stories only I guess, but I don't really have that kind of patience!
  2. Aw, this is such a nice compliment, thank you! I enjoyed writing that story - it was a nice break from my day job! If a story's over 25K, I have difficulty committing, haha. I love that this fandom is full of one-shots and one-shot collections. And I like the short multi-chaps too.
  3. Yeah, I'd think so too. Plus, didn't SA make a post on FB about this scene referencing the 'difficult subject matter' and IIRC, specifically saying it was with DR (I might be remembering wrong)? I really don't think those tweets have anything to do with anything regarding Felicity. The producers said the first few episodes were rough for Team Arrow - there are probably a few heart-wrenching scenes.
  4. She really did (and you'd probably have that dedication if you were paid to do it, too). It's too bad I have less than zero interest in finding out what she's buffing up for, haha.
  5. Yeah, maybe Felicity gets suspicious of him after she's been working there for a while. I think she'll ultimately take the job because it's offered and she needs the money, otherwise there wouldn't be a point to her having a second job in the premiere.
  6. I could've sworn I read that the team was suspicious of his plans for Applied Sciences, but all I can find are several articles stating that his plans for Applied Sciences are "shrouded in mystery," so maybe the team being suspicious of him was an assumption on my part. Just for the record, I wasn't trying to imply that I thought Ray was a bad guy or that anyone on the team thought he was a bad guy or that Felicity would "spy" on him per se. But QC built the earthquake machine, and Slade was trying to use Applied Sciences to mass produce the mirakuru, so IMO it would raise a few red flags if Ray Palmer took an outward, obvious interest in Applied Sciences, is all I'm saying. Maybe he's subtle about it, I don't know. If he wasn't, it would make sense for Felicity to take a job at QC to keep an eye on things, considering past circumstances.
  7. I thought they were suspicious of him because of his interest in Applied Sciences? I guess maybe I'm wrong, but I always thought that was an early-on red flag (that might've come out in the first or second episode) - that The Atom comes much, much later.
  8. Even if she does take the job with Palmer to keep an eye on him, that doesn't necessarily mean it's for Oliver. It's THEIR (hers and Diggle's) mission now too, not just Oliver's, and if she thinks Ray might be up to something, she'd probably want to stay close to him of her own accord. Even though she doesn't suit up, she protects the city too - if she can keep an eye on him while earning a paycheck and doing cool stuff, more power to her.
  9. I thought he said something that made it seem like something terrible happened and it brought Roy and Sara closer, but this makes it seem like maybe something terrible happens to Sara that brings the team closer together? Hoping for a kidnapping/disappearance and not a death.
  10. I think the only one who didn't realize she was an enemy was Oliver. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that someone who tries to take over your company? Not a friend. Someone you should be wary of. I mean, Oliver basically turned his company over to her to run while he was preoccupied with Slade - after she went forward with the partnership schtick, he completely bought it. It just kills me what an idiot he is sometimes (almost always).
  11. And it's still incredibly stupid for Oliver to sleep with someone who was trying to take over his company in the fairly recent past.
  12. Personally, I don't care if Felicity and Laurel are friends, not friends, have lattes during pedicures or never speak to each other outside of Arrow business. I want them to be pleasant to each other and work well together because I do not, under any circumstances, ever ever ever want to see one flicker of unpleasantness that can in any way be attributed to jealousy or anger or whatever over Oliver.
  13. You mean apart from trying to take over his company? She hadn't done anything morally wrong (that they knew of) up to that point, but if Oliver had two brain cells to rub together, he would've known that getting into to bed with someone who had just tried to gain control of his company via hostile takeover two months prior was probably not the best idea. Sleeping with Isabel was a dumbass move, and I take no issue with Felicity calling him out on it or judging him for it, especially since the two of them are friends. I would not hesitate (and have not, in the past) to call a friend out when they were doing idiotic things.
  14. Malcolm killed the turkey himself! I really am excited for Thea's storyline. I want her to be a mini Moira and play Malcolm SO BADLY. ETA: That sounds incestuous and I don't mean it that way, swear.
  15. No, I thought Lyla might die when Stephen and David first tweeted those tweets. Stephen and David just mentioned each other in those tweets, so I assume whatever the "emotional scene" is has to do with Oliver and Diggle - it could be an offshoot of the one that involves the person lying on the table with the arrow in them, but I don't think they were specifically talking about that one, otherwise they probably would've mentioned their other cast mates in the tweets (especially whoever tweeted thanks to their "scene partner" - I can't remember if that was SA or DR), since EBR and CH are there too.
  16. I really don't think the show would go there, but you never know. Well, I guess we will know (at least as far as the "emotional scene" is concerned) after the second episode airs, haha.
  17. Yeah, that tweet was what prompted the commentary about Lyla, because now we know for sure she's not dying (unless this is a flashback, of course).
  18. I think the scene that drspaceman10 is talking about is different than the arrow scene. Both Stephen and David tweeted about it, Stephen's specifically mentioned that it dealt with a difficult subject matter and thanked his scene partner (David). So whatever that is, it seems to be just the two of them in that scene - that along with the "difficult subject matter" (and the spoiler that Lyla wasn't head of A.R.G.U.S. for long) is why some people thought Lyla might've died. I'm still really curious about that scene - can't wait to see what it is. My pipe dream is that it's about fatherhood and Oliver admitting to Digg that he knows he has a kid and decided to stay away in the child's best interest. I know that is 99.9% not going to happen.
  19. I like the way the fishnets were incorporated into Sara's costume. On the outside, OVER the pants. This show isn't going for tasteful, though - if they can slap someone in fishnets to appeal to the male gaze, they'll do it. I like the idea of the sonic device for the Canary Cry. I mean...if Laurel becomes BC, she'll inherit everything else of Sara's, why not that too?
  20. Eh, you never know. She could just be angling for some extra cash in the city budget to redecorate her office. She did let the darkness in and all that... I also didn't realize it was him - I thought the hospitalized dude was just some generic beard haver.
  21. Given what happened in the comics today, I wonder if the new mayor is somehow going to wind up being Clinton Hogue?
  22. I think Oliver (for whatever reasons happen with Vertigo or some other unseen force) is going to decide that he doesn't want to put Felicity at risk by being in a relationship with her (even though we all know she's already at risk, yadda yadda, which is really just a subconscious self-preservation maneuver IMO), so he's going to remove himself as a possibility for her, and I think Felicity will tell him that she's not going to wait. That's the only way that Felicity moving on makes sense to me at the moment. Unless she mentions something along the lines of maybe not wanting to get her heart broken since his relationship track record is iffy, and the "one woman" thing for Oliver this year is an offshoot of that. But probably not, because Felicity's never been one to hold Oliver's past mistakes against him, and she's always pushing for him to be better, so I don't think his past will come into play. Simplest thing is that he decides not to pursue it, and she accepts that, because there are other fish in the sea (named Ray Palmer, ugh).
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