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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Oliver is so measured and careful with Felicity. You can tell this is something different and new and special to him and he's trying really hard not to fuck it up while simultaneously fucking it alllllllll the way up.
  2. I don't think it was an oopsie or that MG is trying to write it off as one. He never made excuses for what she did-he didn't try to sell it as her being desperate or anything. They intended for it to be horrible, they knew the audience would think it was horrible. They just underestimated the level of anger over it.
  3. Unfortunate cross-eyed effect they've got going on there.
  4. See, my interpretation of the Laurel as Sara mess is this: MG said on Tumblr that there's going to be comeuppance from Quentin when he learns he's been lied to, and that to me suggests that he's going to be angry as fuck (as he should be, but I know some people here thought he might be instantly forgiving - doesn't seem like it'll be that way). Did they need more people in on the lie to make him finding out about it worse? Maybe. But they definitely needed Laurel to take this thing about a thousand miles past decent to make the blow even worse. How could she do that? By dressing up as Sara, but Quentin isn't THAT stupid. She needed to sound like Sara, too. Who's the only person on the show that we know could make Laurel sound like Sara to completely pull off the ruse thus making this the shittiest thing ever? Felicity. I also think this plays into Laurel's dilemma and her contacting Nyssa for help that will I'm sure eventually lead to her fucking off to train with a bunch of assassins once Quentin disowns her ass. I wonder if Laurel will admit that Dinah knew too so the man can be completely isolated in his grief, gah. I just wish there had been an unavoidable reasoning for the voice thing. I do appreciate that Felicity did look upset at what she had done while Laurel was talking into the microphone (as did Laurel, but I don't pity her because the only reason she has to lie now is because she lied earlier like the awful person she is). Diggle's the one of the three who didn't look put out by it, but the man has seen some shit, so I suppose this is probably low-level shocking to him. Now that he has a daughter though...ugh. Seems to me like she did think it was a bad thing to do - she was broken up as she was doing it, it's just the story reason for it was stupid. It's not like she was sitting there cackling with glee that she'd come up with this tech. So, what's on the screen is that she felt as if she had to do this horrible thing, and felt horrible as she was doing it. If we're going with the what's on the screen being the only thing that matters approach, doesn't that go both ways? Shouldn't we be taking into account that Felicity, at this point in time, felt like this was the correct course of action to get the information that she needed? She obviously didn't feel like she could call Quentin to get it, even though we feel like she could.
  5. Even if MG wanted to kill Olicity, I imagine the higher ups at the parent companies would put their foot down on that if for no other reason than it generates a TON of buzz. I don't think they're purposely killing anything; I just think they're incompetent storytellers.
  6. It's funny to me how differently people interpret things, because I didn't get her not caring at all. She seemed pretty despondent to me for a good part of the last ep. As we've all touched upon, there was that moment with Ray, but it seemed to me that it more pushed her in the direction of getting back to the mission than it brought her closer to him. I think the smile was supposed to signify some kind of epiphany, since she went to Laurel right after and told her to fight (ugh) and then they both returned to the foundry. Not trying to talk you out of your opinion at all, it's just fascinating to me how so many people seem to have taken different things from that ep as far as her feelings for Oliver and the interactions with Ray are concerned.
  7. See, I don't think anything about Felicity's behavior as far as Ray is concerned is fact. There are people here who think she was flirting with him, there are people here who don't. I'm Skyping with a friend right now who didn't think there was anything weird or over-the-line about Felicity's behavior at all - not even the look or smile she gave him after he told her he was doing this for her. So, YMMV on the romance side of things. I am upset that she's in on the deception about Sara's death. And since MG posted on Tumblr that there would be comeuppance (on Lance's part), it's just more plot-driven OOC behavior. Like Diggle letting Laurel go out to deal with getting the alderman away from Brick. I'm trying to be zen about it, because none of these things make me dislike Felicity at all - they just disappoint me.
  8. Yeah, it makes me uncomfortable. And sad.
  9. True, but that doesn't mean she stayed single because of what happened to him. To me, "chronically single" is generally used to describe people who are unlucky in love/dating, not people who abstain from it because they suffered a loss.
  10. I doubt it since the 3x13 summary is about him not wanting her on the team. If anything I'd bet he has to save her from something.
  11. I think I'm one of the few that doesn't think that Felicity was flirting with Ray last ep. I just didn't like that smile she gave him when he said "I mean you." It definitely gave me pause, but I'm not sure exactly what I'd call it. Flirting isn't it (to me).
  12. She's been distracted since Oliver died! ( that was his response)
  13. Ugh, MG is on Tumblr again, and Malcolm did plant that camera in the preview. DAMN IT, SHOW. ::shakes fist at sky::
  14. Maybe he'll go extinct soon. Short circuit in the suit, perhaps?
  15. Point. I still think they had her do it for actual future plot reasons though, not just for pity.
  16. Ultimate troll award to MG if that IS Felicity to Ray, said RIGHT BEFORE THEY HOOK UP because she's angry at poor undead Oliver.
  17. I thought he said he was surprised that people were so upset that she impersonated Sara?
  18. I actually think there's more to it than pity. They had her take it that far for a reason. Because Laurel's a dumbass and didn't think of the fact that her father knew Sara was Canary and might wonder why she wasn't getting in touch with him once people began seeing her on the street, it establishes how far she's willing to go to keep up the ruse. Which will go a long way toward establishing Quentin's reaction once he does find out. Is the fact that she went so far to keep it from him going to make him a) angry, b) dead or c) instantly forgiving because she was willing to go so far and OMG POOR LAUREL! Getting her into that bind also I left that last part under the spoiler cut even though it's not a spoiler since the lead up to it is. Easier/safer that way.
  19. My kingdom for this to be some kind of double bluff or manipulation of Malcolm, sweet jaysus. Only thing is that doesn't really line up with the summary unless the for/against alliance is all for show. I know it's going to wind up being just that stupid, but god. I'm always so hopeful. DIE, DREAMS. DIE.
  20. in addition to a monitor camera (cover it with electrical tape, Jesus), why would she have any kind of microphone enabled on her computer down there? Even I know that's stupid, and I didn't go to MIT.
  21. Is that a hidden camera or is that a built-in on Felicity's monitor? Either way it's stupid because if it's "hidden" it's RIGHT IN HER LINE OF SIGHT, and if it's a camera on her monitor why wouldn't she have disabled it? SHOW, STOP THIS.
  22. I thought Sara mentioning that Felicity needed to secure the comms in The Calm would come back at some point, so if I had to guess I'd say Ray probably finds out that way, if he hasn't already.
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