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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. We discussed something similar pages and pages back. It's a possibility, but she's in town in 3x17, so if she offers herself up then Ra's lets her honor her RSVP to the Dyla wedding, haha.
  2. I'm not sure Oliver does let him out of the cell - seems like when he's talking to him, it's after he's been locked up again, since Slade mentioned Thea being lost. Kind of looks like Oliver goes in the cell and looks in on what seems to be a dead guard (or someone who's not Slade, at least). If I had to bet, Malcolm either let him out or engineered the scenario where he was able to get out on his own.
  3. I wonder if that's a "boo yeah" for the audience thinking that Malcolm's finally going to get his with Ra's?
  4. I hope so too. Because otherwise they're probably going to have Oliver go to the ends of the earth in dumbassitude for either a) not wanting Thea's last remaining "parent" (incredibly loose meaning of the word there) to die, or b) to give him the opportunity to redeem himself to her. Or maybe they're all keeping up appearances for Ra's for some reason to protect Thea (which doesn't make sense at this point). Or they're just going to have Oliver act like a dumbass in order to engineer another confrontation with Ra's. Oliver considering going to Ra's to save Malcolm didn't even make sense when Thea didn't know that Malcolm drugged her, and now that she does and she specifically told Malcolm to his face in front of Oliver that she didn't want to be his daughter anymore makes even less sense. Unless Malcolm and Thea are playing some long con on Oliver (please, please no - not Thea), or all three of them are in on something together that they're not letting the audience in on for some kind of Unthinkable-level "gotcha" scenario.
  5. She hasn't really thought about training to do anything, but the training part of this arc is the least important, apparently. I'm sure Nyssa or whoever ultimately takes her on will give her some much-needed weapons lessons. Off screen, of course, and probably never mentioned again.
  6. Same! Seems like the pod people of the past three-ish episodes might finally be coming back to themselves. Slade seemed friendlier to Oliver than I thought he'd be, haha.
  7. I checked out of that review the moment that one reviewer said that Laurel telling Quentin was a moment of "true bravery" because he gave her an out and she didn't take it. Nah, true bravery would've been telling him, you know, MONTHS AGO. And that's what it takes for you to see her true possibility as a hero? Lord, beer me strength.
  8. I don't trust them either, but isn't making Laurel the only thing they've stuck to comic canon for? Yeah, it's a big one, but from reading interviews it doesn't seem like something they were ever willing to deviate from, even after bringing Sara in. Maybe they will go back to O/L at some point, but they've shown a willingness to deviate from their canon couple, so I think the odds are in Oliver and Felicity's favor at this point. For all we know, Thea's about to get her ass kicked. He's blocking her shot so, yeah...to me that's believable. Maybe she took him by surprise here - it's difficult to tell what's going on in this one shot. Could be too that he's going easy on her at this point.
  9. I think so too, and I desperately hope we're wrong. But because Oliver can't seem to have one single good thing in his life, we'll probably be right.
  10. I posted a pic of SA in the Spoiler thread on the off-chance it's actually a spoiler. PB posted it earlier - looks like he's in a cell, so maybe he does get arrested and that's why Roy's running around in his suit?
  11. My opinion is that fans of Katie Cassidy surely know she's been flakey about cons and if they're willing to shell out cash to see her with the knowledge that she might not show up, then I'm not going to cry about them losing their hard-earned money. Their eyes are open. My opinion about EBR is that she's not contractually required to do cons, so there's nothing wrong at all with her not making a commitment to go to one. And I'd rather her never go to another con than to commit to one and not show up or cancel at the last minute. Everybody wins!
  12. Or, nightmare scenario: Lance, for being angry with them/Laurel over THE SECRET.
  13. I'm sure he posted it to be funny, and judging by the comments on the post, a lot of people thought he was. He just really needs to stop commenting publicly on female sexuality. He's out there sexualizing himself to make a living, and sometimes letting people have an appreciative look for free, so glass houses and all that. And I just find it especially amusing that he ended his post with "this is what it's like to have a daughter" while, you know, making disparaging comments about someone else's daughter. I really hope no one ever takes potshots at his kid on Facebook. I think I should start taking your approach to social media though, haha.
  14. I try not to judge his commentary on the stalking, because he can't really be truthful regardless of what he thinks. Chances are he really does think what Ray did was harmless, but on the off chance he doesn't, it's not like he can actually say he thinks it was gross. He's trying to keep his job.
  15. Not cheating on him? I thought maybe they'd date, but I guess we're going full-on. Although maybe not, since BR seems to be under the impression that Anna was his wife.
  16. I haven't seen him make many comments like these on Facebook, but he does take cheap shots at easy targets on Twitter, like Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus and Lindsay Lohan. I don't judge him for not liking them, I just personally find it a little troubling that sort of commentary is almost always aimed at women and often because of what they've chosen to do with their bodies, and it's especially hypocritical coming from someone like him, who has not only gotten naked (or nearly naked) on screen for money, but flashes his abs to screaming crowds at cons. And it just hurts me a bit to see people commenting on that post praising him for being a good father for not wanting his daughter to breathe the same air as someone he deems an "overly sexualized velociraptor" and "emotional terrorist." Because IMO, an empathetic parent would recognize that sometimes people make bad choices and sometimes they might not have parental guidance or good self-esteem and that instead of calling out those people on Facebook the best thing he could do for his daughter if he wants her to avoid those things that he considers mistakes would be to make sure that she feels loved and important and comfortable with herself so that she always remains true to herself and what she believes and makes good decisions for herself with regards to her behavior, her mind, and her body. If that at some point involves showing some skin or being sexual and comfortable with it, or if she just hits a rocky patch in her life where she's not making the best choices, I hope some guy somewhere doesn't feel the need to post about her on his Facebook to people who will commend him for calling her names. I have no doubt he loves his daughter fiercely (I actually really admire that about him) and I understand him wanting to protect her, but if he's worried about someone chipping away at her virtue simply by being in the same room with her, I guarantee him he encounters individuals on a daily basis who are most likely up to things that are WAY worse than flashing their tits.
  17. Well, he told her, Diggle and Roy that he almost died, so I hope that would be enough for her to get it, haha.
  18. It really was a weird post. And the fact that he was so scandalized about his too-young-to-be-impressionable daughter even being in the same room with this person actually makes him look like the pathetic one, not her.
  19. My faves were the one with the DJ that read, "Looks like the type to by a 'meninist' shirt" and the one with Thea about the power bill.
  20. Yeah, it's definitely not for everyone and it took a long time to hit its stride. I enjoyed it from S3 on.
  21. For someone who makes a living off of his body (and has made a living off of sexualizing himself in shows like Hung and whatever that soft core Canadian porn he was in), he certainly has a lot of pretty gross opinions about women and what they do with their bodies. The stuff he says about Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus makes me uncomfortable not only because of his spiel about not being a negative asshole but also because it's kind of chauvinistic and body police-y and it makes me think not so great things about him. He can father his child however he chooses - I'm not judging his parenting, and he can like and not like whomever he chooses. But don't post stuff like that. Yes, your life as a father is so difficult. Just imagine what it's going to be like for your daughter once she grows up. ETA: Someone asked him if he actually left, and: Blech.
  22. I thought The Return was in reference to Oliver returning to Starling in the flashbacks. I think he was trying to imply that it wouldn't be referring to Oliver in the present day returning from his death march from whatever asian location he was in for weeks.
  23. Do we know if there are going to be any present-day SC scenes in next week's episode? Because I need to know if Detective Officer Captain Lance actually asked Laurel how long Sara's been dead and, you know, what actually happened to her body. They conveniently skipped over that part of the reveal so Laurel could be in the lair for Oliver to leave the city in her capable hands, so...
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