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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I remember SA commenting that it better not be sleeveless (or something to that effect), but I haven't seen anyone confirm it wouldn't be. If they have, then thank god.
  2. I love that everyone's commentary is about their costumes, but she had to throw in that Laurel totally deserves hers! Haha.
  3. The EPs may want to, but they'd have to clear it through the money men first. That's why I don't think it's even worth worrying about. If it happens, then it happens because a whole bunch of people are behind it, not just because MG, AK and co. want to give canon another go.
  4. I remember that post - the vid was cute. I still don't think that he insisted on making Oliver a non-dancer so he could preserve something special with his wife. If he did, well, as kismet pointed out, he killed all the romance of that when he admitted that the moves he used when he kissed Felicity for the first time were ones he uses in his personal life, and to ask his wife about it, haha.
  5. The hair, sweater, and necklace look like they're from 3x19, so I think you're right.
  6. In an ep this season (I think it was 3x16), he told Felicity, "You know I don't dance." Link:
  7. That wasn't from New Girl, was it? I think that was him dancing with his friends IRL, haha.
  8. I think it's just a character quirk that SA's come up with for Oliver. Maybe he was forced to take lessons as a kid and hated it and is at the age now where he doesn't have to do it so he chooses not to. I doubt it has anything to do with SA's personal life - it seems silly to me to draw the line at dancing when he's out kissing and doing love scenes with other people, haha.
  9. Yeah, they must be attempting to set up something for him in future films (if there are any). I was wondering if maybe—given Megan Fox's history with Michael Bay—they were attempting to set him up to take her place.
  10. Yeah, she can be pretty mean when she's angry, but I honestly can't remember her ever making fun of anyone's emotional trauma.
  11. I wouldn't call Felicity "angelic," either, not by a long shot. But what are you even talking about?
  12. I don't have a problem differentiating between fan fiction and canon, honestly. All the romantic, in-depth character stuff that I've loved always happens in fanfic, not the show. I do, however, have difficulty remembering which plot points happened in which fics sometimes.
  13. IDK, some people have that person who isn't good for them who gets under their skin for whatever reason and they have a difficult time letting go. Maybe Oliver's that person for Laurel? She could've held onto a fantasy that she had of a world where Oliver was a better boyfriend - I think that's something she could've done without having any real reason to. Like, she loved him for whatever reason and he was a terrible boyfriend (and person), and what would things have been like if he could've been the guy she wanted him to be? Oliver said she always saw the good in him, but maybe she was seeing what she wished he'd be rather than what she thought he could be. And then he comes back after five years, and she thinks, "Maybe he's changed, maybe he could be different this time," but it still doesn't work because they're awful assholes around each other.
  14. Probably Mia, if I had to guess.
  15. I think Laurel was probably caught up in being with Oliver Queen. And I think Oliver realized that she treated him well and he could've had a good thing if he wasn't so terrible to her. I honestly think that Oliver romanticized what could've been over what actually was.
  16. I wonder if they even had any good times? The few nice moments we've seen between them in the past have been hampered by Oliver's shittiness. Seems to me like Laurel was always starry-eyed and intentionally oblivious to him screwing around on her, and that looking back on it Oliver regretted being such a tool to her when they were together.
  17. I liked it - I think she's a very good writer (although I did find myself skipping through some of the more lengthy portions). It's the first future fic I'd ever read, and the fact that O/F were still in it kind of distracted me from the main plot, because they'd give each other a little look or have a moment, and I'd find myself wishing I was reading that story, and sad that I'd missed out on it, haha.
  18. I'm glad this whole All-Star thing got him into some BP. That must've been really fun! And A+ homer, too.
  19. No worries. I'm not sure I was all that clear. :) To keep this on topic - I like hannasus too - great rec!
  20. I don't think that being an assassin is the same either. But my point is that Oliver wasn't an assassin with the LoA - he was pretending. So, thinking that he looks hot in a uniform for a group of murderers he was pretending to be in isn't any worse than thinking he was hot when he was actually out murdering people - regardless of who those people worked for.
  21. I'm not trying to take away his credit. But the writing is still stupid and full of plot holes and not at all worthy of praise, which is the point I was making.
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