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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think he's sincere in his desire to get the guy in, but I also think that getting an in with the Blue Jays and seeing that he can actually rally enough people to vote just because he asks them to is a bit of a driver too.
  2. Ain't that the truth. I wouldn't be surprised if one of his friends bet him he couldn't do this and he's out to prove them wrong.
  3. If the spin-offs keep coming and SA has a chance at a legit movie career with a schedule that isn't so tight, then I have to think he'd probably choose that once his contract is up. If the movie bombs for whatever reason or doesn't really do much for his career, then I imagine he'll probably stick with the steady paycheck series work provides. Whether or not that's with Arrow, IDK. He seems really excited to be working on a big-budget movie. If he can get one or two more during his hiatus, in a role that's more than just a blip, maybe he'll try his hand at that for awhile.
  4. TMNT will make money but will be critically panned like the first one, but that probably doesn't matter. If it spawns another sequel, then SA likely has another role, and maybe it'll open a few doors for him. SA must have jumped at getting on board a Michael Bay movie, because like dancingnancy wrote, it seems like he wants to get in on the action side of things. His career could go the way of Chris Pratt at some point, but he's going to have to get in on something that's got wider appeal than something like TMNT, IMO.
  5. Bleh, I hope not. With this new dude, whoever he is, I wonder if they're setting up for a new team vs. Oliver and Felicity kind of dynamic? Not sure how I'd feel about that. Although I would kind of enjoy it if they brought it some dude who was working for HIVE or some other evil entity, haha.
  6. YOU STOP YOUR FILTHY FINGERS FROM TYPING RIGHT NOW. I can handle almost anything but that. He needs to live out his eighty-however many years as per Evil Eobard, okay?
  7. I thought maybe it would be whatever character Franz Drameh is playing on Legends of Tomorrow.
  8. I like the writers you've mentioned, but a couple that you haven't are theshipsfirstmate and CarrieAnn. Their work is definitely worth checking out. As for other sites, I think AO3 is your best bet. You can look at FF.net, but they have limited filtering features. Most people who post on FF.net cross post to AO3 anyway. There's also the Olicity fic tag on Tumblr - you never know what you'll find in there.
  9. Yep, you are absolutely right. My point wasn't so much about critiquing as much as it was about people who would be open to critique.
  10. Yeah, this is true. My comment was mainly about people who are in fandom and writing fic because they like writing fic and are not interested in getting criticism because they aren't trying to better their writing. I write fanfic as practice and welcome feedback; some people just do it for fun.
  11. I mean, it's awesome. A superhero show with a POC female lead? I'm totally for it, but the more shows they put into this universe the less I look forward to watching any of them. It's too much.
  12. Some people aren't interested in developing, because they just do this for fun and aren't interested in becoming a better writer. Then again, maybe those people realize their limitations and wouldn't be offended by constructive criticism, because they don't care.
  13. I feel bad saying this, because I want more female-led television shows and feel like it's a great step especially in the superhero genre, but ENOUGH ALREADY.
  14. No! Personally speaking, always get really excited when I see those in my inbox.
  15. I know several fanfic authors who have been published, but they deleted their fics because that's what they were publishing. I haven't heard of anyone getting in trouble for fic they wrote that is unrelated to their original fiction. The only reason I can think for an agent to be worried about it is if the original fiction the author is trying to publish is very close to their fic. Otherwise I'm not sure why it would be an issue, but I don't know for sure.
  16. As long as you're nice about it, I think you can bring up anything with an author. The reception to that kind of thing will vary, because some people just write to have fun, and some do it to become better writers, and sometimes you don't know which is which. And, you know, some people just don't take criticism well. I think in this case you could probably bring it up by asking her how she envisions something like that working, since it seems to you that the injury would be beyond the reach of magic or medical science, and could she please explain her reasoning? It's not accusatory, and it gives her an opening to explain what she meant when she wrote it. Maybe she meant to convey something different than she did? Not sure - I haven't read this particular story.
  17. From the social media thread: I find this interesting, because yeah, Ray did give her a VP position, but the context of it was so that she could help him build his souper suit (not saying she did or did not deserve that position - don't want to start that argument again). And when it came down to it, he questioned her emotional judgment, so he was just as much of a jerk to her as Oliver can be at times. She benefited more career-wise and financially from Ray, but he gave her those benefits for selfish reasons, just like when Oliver moved her from the IT department for his own selfish reasons.
  18. I thought she said "Oliver, are you..." saying you want to be with me?
  19. I've said it before and I'll say it again: someone on that writing staff has read a hell of a lot of VC Andrews.
  20. I wonder why she pulled those first? For purely selfish reasons, of course.
  21. Does anyone remember a series of one-shots that had a story about Oliver and Felicity being forced to marry because NP needed food, and Felicity's country needed an army? Was it TeaWithLemon who wrote it? I went looking this morning, and if it was her then it's already gone and I'm really upset with myself for not saving it, haha. I really liked that one-shot.
  22. You've probably spent as much time arguing against Arrow on here as some of the "internet clickers" have spent voting on polls. They're spending their time in fandom in a positive way, and devoting their time to things that they like instead of ripping it and its fans to shreds on a message board, so good for them. Ultimately, it's impossible to know if their voting/trends/etc. have any effect on the bottom line (or one that you would deem valuable, since fangirls beget fangirls and all that), but sometimes it seems like they do more to get word of mouth out there than the people whose job it is to actually market the show. More power to them, and if that's how they want to spend their time then I say vote, fangirls. Vote like the wind!
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