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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I don't think she had difficulty finding a job at all - she was working for Kord Industries and got fired for missing work after she got kidnapped (which apparently was the tip of the iceberg for her boss after missing work to do Arrow stuff, IIRC). I got the impression that she took the Tech Village job because she was able to do Arrow stuff there and thought that Oliver was going to get QC back soon - so it was just an interim thing. To be fair - that isn't a love interest thing, it's a Felicity thing. She did it last season as well (and at times during the first season, though not as much). Uh, no he wasn't. Diggle still seems to be pretty pissed about that. Felicity forgave him for his bullshit because she seems to be a mission first type of gal. I really think she's able to put her personal feelings aside to get the job done - she did it last season, she did it this season. As long as they get the bad guy, I don't think she really cares that much as long as Oliver's plan doesn't involve something stupid like dying.
  2. Or maybe you're just on a board with other people with differing opinions and they're expressing theirs like you expressed yours? There are other sites where you could post that opinion to thunderous applause and absolutely no argument. This just isn't one of them.
  3. I think they're going to have to keep the effects contained to specific events that don't change a whole lot in current time. Time travel on one show that effects the storylines of two others is not only a hot mess to keep track of, but it's a really quick way to start losing your audience, who might not want to have to watch all three to figure out what's going on in the one they DO watch. That's why I wouldn't worry about Barry doing something over on The Flash that's going to affect Arrow, especially since Arrow's already over for the season. I'm sure whatever happened in this ep will stick.
  4. She resigned from the job she knew she had. She can own Palmer Tech SC without working there-so, even though she resigned, as long as RP filed the transfer of ownership papers he had her sign, they should still be good whether she resigned or not, but who knows with this show.
  5. She's actually friendly with Aisha Tyler (they've been out a few times together since Paley Fest), and she seems friendly with Gina Rodriguez too. The professionals she comes in contact with seem to genuinely like her - I don't think anyone's trying to claim it's more than it is.
  6. Oh, man. I agree. I thought Daredevil was incredibly boring. I can see why it gets high praise, but I had to make myself watch the next episode (unfortunately, I only got through six). I just was not engaged at all.
  7. Aisha's dress is just...it's beyond terrible. I'm going to pretend I never saw the culottes, haha.
  8. I guess. I get why people are upset she left her job, and it's not my favorite thing either. But I don't blame her for wanting to take a nice, long break and not think about life for a while. I wouldn't blame any of them for doing that, really.
  9. She resigned (and that's what he marked on her file). He asked her if he was going to have to find a new vice president, and she said, "I think so."
  10. Yeah, I didn't like that she quit either. I disagree about the CEO part (or at least, Felicity owning PT) - I'm pretty sure that's going to come into play next season. Ray probably already filed the transfer of ownership, Felicity just didn't know about it. So I'm guessing once she finds out about what happened to him, she'll return and either step up or find someone else to do it for her.
  11. Wow, I had not even considered that. Although I'm not sure what the point would be - if he'd already signed the company over to her, what would be the point in killing him?
  12. I think she said that she LEFT her life of solitude because Oliver asked her to, and it was time for her to go back to it. A waste, if you ask me.
  13. I was hoping she'd kneel and then stab the everliving hell out of him. WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS
  14. I imagine he'll tell her once he knows. He should text her that he's on the Amalfi Coast, just for a laugh.
  15. Seriously. The guy has earned a break (and at least he's not running off with a mass murderer in anger - unless there's something we don't know about Felicity).
  16. I'm guessing what's going to happen is that he filed the paperwork but since he blew up his office (with the servers), she'll wind up getting ownership because her resignation won't show up in the system. But that would mean their little trip didn't last too long. :(
  17. So, I thought for sure Oliver was going to Russia at the end, but he got on a freighter from Coast City, right? Is it going to be pirated or something, or does he join the Russian mob in Coast City? Or did I see that wrong?
  18. I guess they were worried casual viewers really would think this was the end of the show.
  19. I wish Nyssa had stabbed Malcolm right in the throat. But I'm glad she's still alive to beat his ass another day.
  20. And...no CEO Felicity, I guess? Or did he file that paperwork and it's going to come up once Ray accidentally miniaturizes himself and can't undo it? Wait, I forgot he exploded himself.
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