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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. He beat him BECAUSE PLOT. I didn't even care that Felicity Pepper Potts'ed him after, I loved that too. Although..not a single kiss? For real?
  2. It looks slightly better now with the new photoshopping, but it really freaks me out how white they made his eyeballs look.
  3. I love that he was willing to do it, honestly. It's stupidly self-sacrificing, which is what I expect from this Oliver, but I don't think it's stupid at all. Especially dealing with an unpredictable psycho like Ra's. I know I'm in the minority with that opinion, but I love that he was willing to do it.
  4. I don't mind the posts about his vacations or whatever he spends his money on. He's successful and he has the means, that's nothing to be ashamed of. It's nice to have disposable income. He's having fun with his life, it's okay to share, and I'm sure there are more people who appreciate him taking pics of his 3 TV set up (my dad has one and it's nauseating to watch, haha) than who care about the fact that he actually has a 3 TV setup. Not sure why he feels so defensive that he needs to comment on people's comments, but whatever. I just wish he'd stop with some of the female social commentary.
  5. I don't mind him posting idiotic stuff - we all do it. It's just the attitude behind some of his posts that disappoints me, I guess.
  6. In the preview, it seems like something happens to the plane while Oliver and Ra's are talking. So maybe there's a crash landing (over Starling, conveniently), and Oliver gets away? Although...Oliver and Ra's clearly have a WAY HUGE head start on the team, so there won't be anyone to warn when they land, unless magic. Maybe they do something really strange and have Oliver and Ra's big showdown come before the INSTRUMENTS OF DEATH? So Oliver defeats Ra's near the beginning of the ep, but they spend the rest trying to save the city?
  7. MG said yesterday that it was before, so unless they clarify, it's probably in some general before that will never be pinpointed to a specific time.
  8. Except Oliver told Barry he was going to have to ask him for a favor soon, which he's obviously going to call in tonight (how, exactly, I don't know). So it happened sometime within the past couple of episodes.
  9. From MG's interview with ET: Tara Butters, not you too! THAT WEDDING IS NOT BINDING. STOP THIS. Also interesting...
  10. I mean, now that she knows what it's like, how could she go back?!
  11. He didn't use those exact words, no. He was eating in a restaurant with his wife and daughter when a "sexual velociraptor" (Miley Cyrus, I think) entered, and Stephen grabbed his daughter and left because he didn't want her to make eye contact with said velociraptor in case she spread her velociraptor cooties to his daughter or whatever. My favorite part about the post was when he wrote, "This is what it's like to have a daughter." WHILE WRITING THAT ABOUT SOMEONE ELSE'S DAUGHTER. Ha.
  12. I think she has. The fact that she stole the virus is enough to indicate that IMO.
  13. Based on MG's interview with Vulture, Tatsu better leave as in get on a magical plane and depart Starling City, not DIE.
  14. Slut shame-y is probably the wrong word to use. He does comment on his general dislike of them, but in the past he has also commented about their clothing choices (or lack thereof) in a misogynistic, judgmental way, as he also tends to do with women that I'm guessing he doesn't think are "classy." Like Miley Cyrus, whose nudity he's also commented on.
  15. There was his "sexual velociraptor" post on Facebook that was pretty gross and stupid. He also tweets random slut shame-y tweets about the Kardashians and such. He's been pretty good about that stuff lately, but his bro side seems to come out a lot. It's kind of fascinating to me - he's someone who's pretty comfortable showing off his bod, but seems to be pretty conservative/judgmental when it comes to what women do with theirs. Outside of that, I do think he means well. And I can't deny the guy is good with his fans and tries to do good with what fame he's got.
  16. I don't think Oliver went to see Ray. Ray seemed as surprised as everyone else did that Oliver locked them in that vault. Surely he would've mentioned to someone that Oliver was faking? Maybe the nanite arrows were something Felicity worked up after she and Ray got back from CC? It's probably pointless trying to figure out that sequence of events. And I don't think Oliver didn't tell Diggle and Felicity about his plans because he didn't have the time, so I don't think this makes it any worse than it already was, if you already thought it was terrible.
  17. Yeah, I think so. Although how she still has access to ARGUS stuff is beyond me.
  18. Felicity might've made those arrows for him a while ago - maybe he picked them up while he was in Starling?
  19. Unsurprisingly, it did not. It makes most sense taking place somewhere during 3x21, since Oliver was in Starling then. I'd think if it was JUST before tomorrow's ep Oliver would've actually asked Barry for the favor he was going to ask, but...who knows. Provided knowing that he lives until 86 doesn't make him do something stupid that causes him to not live to 86, haha.
  20. It was an ARGUS plane that Lyla arranged.
  21. She did quit ARGUS, and it hasn't been mentioned again. Isn't this her third usage of ARGUS resources since she quit? WTF Don't try to make sense of it, there's no sense to be made, haha.
  22. This is the second mention of Lyla on The Flash - I really think she's gonna be the floater (yay).
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