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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. So, Oliver just dropped out of the sky and then asked Barry for a favor without actually telling him what the favor is? And this ep is supposed to take place RIGHT before tomorrow's ep, or just somewhere in the general vicinity of before, while Oliver is hatching his plan? Also, what Wells said about him. <3
  2. I wasn't saying he'd deserve a barrage, just that he very well might get one.
  3. If it is a dream, I'd hate to be the guy who spoiled that scene on Twitter, haha.
  4. Yeah, I realized too late that I used the wrong wording, but you had already replied, haha. To me, Roy's making a decision to not be in a relationship with Thea. It doesn't matter what his reasoning is, that's the decision he's making. If it's because he doesn't want Thea to live that kind of life and he's not willing to be in a relationship with her while he does live that life, then so be it. He's allowed to make that decision for himself because it concerns him too. And honestly, I'm not going to hold Roy to something he said before he became a fugitive. If I'm the fugitive and some man that I love (and left behind and didn't let know I was alive) wants to come on the run with me and I don't want him to for whatever reason, either because the guilt would eat me up or because I'd feel like I was dragging him down or whatever, then I'm allowed to make that decision. He wants to be with me, but I don't want him to. It's a very different situation from, say, Oliver going and completely undoing Thea turning Malcolm over to Ra's or Oliver leaving Malcolm to recuperate on her couch. Thea's relationship with Malcolm has no effect on Oliver, but he makes decisions for her based on what he thinks that relationship should be. Not cool. One side of a two-sided relationship has a right to end it for whatever reason - the other person doesn't get a say.
  5. I firmly believe that relationship decisions are never unilateral, I don't care what the reasoning is. If someone doesn't want to/doesn't think they can be with me for whatever reason and they aren't willing to commit to it? Then go. If someone needs to be convinced to stick around or if they're willing to leave in the first place, they're not in it, so I don't want to waste my time or put my heart into someone like that. Roy wasn't in it for whatever reason - bye then. I don't disagree with you that there's been a lot of other decision-making going on, though.
  6. Haha, probably. I bet he gives Felicity a very chaste kiss over the stick shift, in true Oliver Queen dream sequence fashion. Double troll possibility: it's a dream AND it comes true.
  7. He said it was a position you held until death. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN... But he probably forgot about that.
  8. She also admitted to running away from her problems because everything was easier with him. Not exactly a ringing endorsement for a satisfying life on the run. I'd consider Oliver going to NP to get Malcolm back because he didn't want her to feel the regret of killing her father or whatever was unilaterally making a decision for her. Roy's allowed to remove himself as a relationship option in her life for whatever reason he pleases - that's the beauty/pain of a relationship requiring consent from two people (unless you're Nyssa al Ghul, another flashing neon light example of a man making a woman's decision for her).
  9. I agree, especially now that there's a romantic relationship to consider. Even in season one, when there were no "feelings" between Oliver and Felicity, she was an anger liaison between Digg and Oliver when Oliver left him alone to deal with Deadshot so he could help Laurel. And I have no problem believing she'd forgive him for this, because in the past she's been able to put aside her hurt feelings when it comes to the mission. I mean, he used her as bait last year without her knowledge and let a crazy man come and threaten her so they could beat him. I think that in the end, for her, it's "we got the bad guy, awesome," and whatever they have to do to make that happen, they do to make that happen. Not that she wouldn't care about Diggle's anger, but I don't think she'll let it define her relationship with Oliver. I wouldn't expect that of Diggle or Oliver if the situations were reversed, either. A simple, "you really fucked up and need to make it right" suffices for me.
  10. Once Quentin gets his head out of his ass about the Arrow (either after the FOUR INSTRUMENTS OF DEATH are released upon Starling or after Oliver helps out with something next season), Quentin will stop hunting him. The new Green Arrow will show up to honor the Arrow and blah blah blah all is forgiven. The other vigilantes can still be around helping since Quentin's kind of a hypocrite and isn't trying to arrest them. I'm going to guess it'll be sometime next season since Quentin will probably go off on Oliver because of the FOUR INSTRUMENTS OF DEATHSPLOSION in Starling.
  11. MG said tonight's Flash takes place right before Arrow, so it seems like he shows up to ask Barry for help but helps Barry with Reverse Flash first? Unless he asks Barry to go and get them in the middle of the ep, and then Barry comes back so they can all fight Reverse Flash. Maybe.
  12. It's a little different IMO. Thea was running away from Starling City because she has a history of avoiding her problems and was looking to Roy to distract her from them. Roy was literally on the run because he faked his own death to get her brother out of legal trouble. Thea showed up unbeknownst to him - it's not like he went looking for her and then decided to leave her there. He had to get out of town and didn't want to go on the run with her - shitty for her, but it's well within his rights to make that decision.
  13. Perhaps Ra's has some evildoing to attend to in Central City so they take a stop on the high-speed railway that runs between NP and SC?
  14. So, if the ending of this season makes people wonder how the show goes on, everyone must go their separate ways, right? Well, maybe not all separate, but Diggle goes off and does whatever with Lyla, Oliver goes off with Felicity (what happens to PT? Do they stay in town and just not fight crime anymore?), Laurel maybe goes off with Nyssa to train some more? Maybe she keeps her job and Nyssa stays in Starling? Does Thea hang out for a while and do whatever? Are they all just abandoning the city or whatever? Can it be tomorrow so I know already?
  15. I think Oliver's pretty open with his emotions. We've seen him cry several times over the course of the series - when Tommy died, when he's talked about the island. He begged for his mother's life, and he cried while doing it. He didn't break down when Sara died, but that's because he thought he had to hold it together for everyone else. He admits that he's scared of things...I think Oliver's the most open out of all of the men, when it should probably be the opposite.
  16. Personally, I don't want Felicity's dad to be Damien Darhk regardless. We've already had to watch Thea grappling with an evil father, I don't want to have to watch Felicity do it. Felicity and Donna's talk at the hospital in 3x18 made it seem like there might've been good reason for her dad leaving. Donna didn't seem to be too bitter over it, while Felicity understandably is. I'd like to see Felicity grappling with the hurt of having her father leave her while weighing it against the reasons why it might've been necessary/for the best. If there's going to be Connor Hawke drama next year, I think it might be an interesting conflict for Felicity to have as the child of a father who wasn't involved for reasons while Oliver (IF Oliver) weighs the pros and cons of getting involved in his child's life given the life he leads.
  17. Warner Brothers must've gotten a handle on their Asia promo makers, damn it! Times are tough when even the people who usually spoil things for you won't spoil things for you!
  18. Oh, good point with your quoted text there. I missed that part in my skimming.
  19. I will never understand why they have him wearing what basically amounts to a smoking jacket.
  20. I don't think the person who wrote that piece was implying it was a dig at Emily, more that it was a dig at Caity, if anything, I guess. Depending on when that pic was posted (I don't know), someone might've pointed out that women in fridges is an actual, not-good thing, so she took it down.
  21. I don't know, the wording is strange. The way it reads makes it seem like leads have to be in all of the episodes with at least 50% total screen time, unless I'm reading this incorrectly. It's been a long day. Unless series = TV show and program = movie, and you can be considered a lead as long as you're in every episode? There is no limit to the number of Performance categories that can be entered. All Entrants in the Lead categories must be in at least 50% of the Program and all of the episodes of a Series being entered for consideration. All Entrants in the Supporting categories must appear in at least 30% of the Program or 50% of all episodes of a Series being entered for consideration.
  22. You have to be in 50% of the program to be considered a lead (per the Leo rules and regulations), and I guess she met that requirement?
  23. Since Ray signed the company over to Felicity and not Oliver, I'm wondering exactly how it's going to play out? I'm gonna need Felicity to retain ownership of it, regardless of whether she runs it or not. I really hope they don't just have her hand it over to Oliver since it was his family's company to begin with seeing as his dumbass decisions are what lost it in the first place.
  24. SA did say that Connor "comes up" in Season 4, so maybe it won't be a big thing? Seems like MG probably won't be able to resist making drama out of it, but I really would appreciate it if the kid had a stable family and Oliver wrestles with it a bit and then decides it would be in the child's best interest to not involve himself in something that works already.
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