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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yes but then there would be no cliffhanger! He cycled through two out of the three - he just didn't get to the fake virus part.
  2. He might've told him that if he'd been given longer. Oliver clearly had more to say when the guards interrupted them and told him that Ra's was demanding that Diggle be taken back to the cell.
  3. I don't think he could've asked to speak with her at all. Those League footmen of Ra's were all over him where Diggle was concerned and only allowed them a minute, I don't think they would've ever let a private meeting with her pass, and it would've put Felicity in even more danger of being singled out by Ra's. IMO, he had to be as cold to her as possible in this ep to sell it. No, I don't think so either. And I don't mean literal paperwork, I just meant some kind of...not legal entanglement, but that it would be a matter of just letting it go. There's no reason for this marriage to come up again, since Nyssa's gay, neither of them wanted to be married to the other, and there won't be a kid to worry about (unless Ra's made sure they consummated before putting his plan into action - but I highly doubt the show would go there).
  4. Yeah, I think the stupid baby mama drama is gonna be the thing next year. I wouldn't put it past MG and co to try something with this wedding, but it would be the most idiotic ticket sold EVER considering the marriage is some League custom that they were coerced into and HE MARRIED A LESBIAN. IMO the only reason it would be an issue is if one of them decided they wanted to make it work, which they won't. Anything else is an issue of paperwork.
  5. No, I get where you're coming from, but I don't think they're going to use this "marriage" to keep Oliver and Felicity apart next season. I don't doubt ridiculous angst is coming, but I don't think it's coming from this.
  6. Yeah, I can see where you're coming from, but I don't agree that this is a Felicity or an Olicity specific issue. Oliver left Diggle out of his plan too, so he doesn't have a clue either. They're just not working well as a team right now, unfortunately. They haven't been for a long time because instead of fighting crime they're left with this stupid fucking plot line. I do agree that Felicity's been given the shaft because of the relationship drama, but oddly enough I thought tonight's ep was a pretty good return to the Felicity I've known and loved over the past three seasons. Yes. She's in the preview with Diggle in her new suit.
  7. I honestly don't think this ep did any long-term damage to Olicity. At all. I also don't think Oliver betrayed Felicity. At all. I feel really weird thinking that, but there it is.
  8. Haha, yes. Evil!Oliver's hotness level took a nosedive for me when I knew for sure he was faking.
  9. I'll be honest - I was actually enthralled watching this. Like, I didn't even take much time to snark on it on Twitter because I was really interested in what was happening. I was totally entertained, even when people were dying. I mean, everything moved so fast that the deaths were a blip, and at least with Akio it had been foreshadowed for so long and we knew he was dead already that I didn't really have any emotions over it. Same for Maseo.
  10. I actually enjoyed this way more than I thought I would, probably because I was dreading it. I think it's all worth watching, except for maybe the last minute and a half.
  11. I know she did. But when she wakes up she's gonna realize, "hey, I can trust this guy." Because he asked her and he followed through on that trust.
  12. That's exactly why he asked her to trust him. I'm not saying that it wasn't scary or horrible, but she did trust him and he's proving to her that she was right to do it. I really don't think it's a thing in this fictional universe. In real life I'd feel differently.
  13. I agree. Why would she not forgive him? He looked right at her and asked her to trust him. It's terrible that she thought she was going to die,
  14. After Nyssa tried to stab Oliver at the altar and she was looking at him, did anyone notice how she looked at him? Like she'd just figured out he might've pulled something off, or am I just imagining things? Maybe she was just impressed that he anticipated the stab and stopped it.
  15. Since they're going back to Starling to destroy the place again and Roy gave her his man blessing to be a hero, I'm sure she'll play a part.
  16. I think the fact that he sends Barry to come and get them and the fact that he didn't kill them after he asked them to trust him and wound up just knocking them out will go a long way for her. In real life? Probably insurmountable. In a show where she's used to being bait and he even told her he loved her to fool a bad guy, not so much.
  17. Why would it be? Is Nyssa suddenly going to stop being a lesbian and want to make it work with Oliver?
  18. Sorry, I disagree. I'm not saying Diggle shouldn't be angry at all, I just find his level of anger jarring, and I think that three years of friendship should mean more than Diggle writing him off for good. Oliver made a calculated risk to screw with the one person he knew could take it in order to prove his allegiance to Ra's, probably hoping it would prevent him from having to do more, and he did it in the blandest way possible.
  19. Didn't Oliver basically tell him he was working Ra's when they had their meeting? He knows. And yeah, I don't get it either. I mean, I understand him being upset, but not this level of upset. Not at all.
  20. Yeah, I thought for sure after he mentioned having Maseo's beloved locked up that he was going to go for Felicity. I wonder what he did to Tatsu?
  21. Seriously. And she seemed really surprised to have hit him at all. I thought it was really cute considering it had no effect on the league member whatsoever.
  22. So, does Ra's know that's not the real virus? I'm guessing no, but then...does he have another? If not, then WTF is he going to do in Starling?
  23. I thought Felicity flinging that tablet at Random League Member and getting so excited that she knocked him out was so adorable and then it got even more adorable when she realized that Malcolm shot him, haha. Yeah, I actually really liked it for the most part. Apart from the wedding. I even liked Ray, although I thought for sure they'd go into some explanation about why he was signing the company over to Felicity.
  24. Yeah, she was awesome. The plot, however, was not.
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