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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Okay, so...Barry's gonna be in the finale.
  2. Well, they know it'll get people talking, good or bad, so I suppose they're getting what they wanted.
  3. Yeah, that's terrible. Unless they're trolling and O/N never get to the knot tying...yuck.
  4. I'm a bit confused as to why people seem to be surprised (not just here, in general) that Ra's wants Nyssa and Oliver to consummate the marriage. Isn't the whole point of him making them get married so they'll have a child together? I thought that was kind of obvious.
  5. I'm really not sure why Ray would sign his company over to Felicity, unless he wants to put some kind of succession plan into place in case something happens to him? Honestly, I don't understand why he'd outright sign his company over to her, unless that division of Palmer Tech is breaking off from the rest of it and he wants her to run it or...something, in which case...why would he just give it to her?
  6. As an easter egg, probably. It won't go anywhere.
  7. Ra's wanting the marriage consummated doesn't surprise me - what's the point if they don't have a kid? Glad that Tiffany Vogt's tweets indicate it never happens. The tacky a-holes running this show are like bulls in a china shop with delicate story lines.
  8. So, Ray definitely signs the company (How would that even be possible - it has more branches than just that in Starling City, yeah?) or at least that division over to Felicity. But...why? "Thank you for releasing me from my pain," is Maseo, yeah? Also, I can't believe Diggle is so unhinged by Oliver kidnapping Lyla that he nearly kills someone. I'm sorry, but this falling out is overdramatic as hell. And: Does someone on Team Arrow "die"? IF THIS IS WHAT EBR WAS TALKING ABOUT REGARDING SACRIFICE, NO Even though I know if it's Felicity she won't actually die, die.
  9. Maybe. Seems like the team does know that Oliver's faking in this ep, because I'm not sure why Diggle would tell a brainwashed Oliver that he's lost his trust and respect. He must tell him that as Oliver. But I'm not sure how much of a twist it would be given that they already pretty much showed us that Oliver is faking in the preview they released. I guess maybe the first twist could be that Malcolm is working with Oliver on a plan, but Malcolm double-crosses them by working with Ra's or Darhk and steals the virus for him?
  10. So, what are Malcolm's two twists? Will we be led to believe that he's been working with Ra's this whole time (Twist!One) but then BLAM Ra's and co find out he's been working with Damien Darhk/HIVE (Twist!Two)?
  11. I guess I'll be in the minority because I don't hate that someone has to convince Felicity to fight for Oliver. She has been fighting for his defeatist ass for two years now. I think her stepping away is a self-protective move, because she's in love with the guy and he is just always f-ing intent on sacrificing himself or giving up. Must be freaking exhausting and difficult to get past, especially now that she's seen Evil!Oliver. It's not the healthiest thing, but it's understandable to me. I'll wait and see how it plays out.
  12. Yeah, I'm curious about this. A major business move is made and Ray has plans for Felicity that she doesn't know about. Why would he put her in charge of the company though? Where's he going? She goes to NP with everyone else, so... I don't get it.
  13. That's going to be Diggle to Oliver, and I hate to say it, but...it's probably going to piss me off. So, she's the one who tells Felicity that Oliver's last thought before he died was of her. And then all my feelings will be shat on when Oliver probably tells Felicity in some cold-ass fake Al Sah-him voice that he's going to marry someone else. Fingers crossed that he tells her as himself in a very nice way. LOL, I know. They gettin' hitched?
  14. Oh god. I hope that's just some dramatic phrasing for Nyssa marrying Oliver.
  15. Yeah, same. I just figured it might be different in Nanda Parbat.
  16. Not yet, but presumably she will if she marries Oliver. Could be from Oliver to Maseo, too.
  17. I haven't seen any backlash about these posters at all re: F&D because I don't think anyone expected them to be on the posters since they weren't in the promo. There were people asking about Diggle and Felicity when the promo released (and Cisco and Caitlyn too).
  18. I love that someone asked if the wedding was consummated and it seems like a no, so at least there's that. I was worried about her when she said the wedding scene was beautiful. Thank god she clarified that she meant "aesthetically."
  19. I'm wondering if this is Oliver to Nyssa (I hope so, because that will mean that they have a chance to chat and plot): I'm still hoping the wedding gets cut short and there's no marriage between them, but that's looking less and less likely because we can't have nice things.
  20. Well, Tiffany Vogt (@TVWatchtower) is on Twitter talking about the ep, and it sounds like it's gonna be a really uplifting rainbowfest of happiness. She describes the episode like this: That sums up this season, too.
  21. I thought that might be Tatsu to Felicity too - he could've told Tatsu about it while he was healing, although why they'd spoiler that, IDK, I guess because then we'd definitely know who was saying it to whom. I'd like the "become the man you saw through your eyes" to be O/F, but I think it'll be Roy to Thea.
  22. Well this sounds like a challenge!
  23. You know, honestly it's pointless to speculate until we see tomorrow's episode. It might not make sense, but...maybe it will? Also, I think The Flash timeline is right again - I think this ep is airing where it's supposed to.
  24. The "in the field" heroes would've been the ones fighting. The support people could've been there for, you know, support. Especially since they had people keeping score and ringing the bell and whatnot. It would've been nice to have everyone included since they only left out a total of two people from The Flash and two from Arrow who could've easily been put in.
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