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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Based on those promo pics Oliver seems to lock up Team Arrow, so that rules out a Merlyn turn unless he gets locked up with them and at some point someone from the League comes and lets him out. But then that would mean he's working with Ra's, not Damien Darhk, unless he's got a Darhk cohort in the League too. Maybe Oliver? Or maybe this is is as dumb as it seems and they somehow trusted an Oliver they thought was brainwashed to do what he said he would.
  2. Does anyone have a link to that post? Because I remember the question being asked a little differently, like whether we'd find out that Thea wasn't the one who killed Sara, and MG responded that no, that was pretty much settled. I do remember there being a link to a blog, but we're assuming MG even read that. I'd like to re read his answer since clearly I misinterpreted it, but I can't find it.
  3. I thought they'd say we'd know how Sara comes back in the spring (the LP)?
  4. Possibly. Thea shows up in her new mask in the finale (if the Van paps are to be believed), so I'm wondering if she'll sacrifice a life with him for some kind of higher heroic calling. Or maybe they'll all go their separate ways after the finale - but then, why they'd bring Colton back in 3x22 and not 3x23 if they were going to do something like that is not so clear to me. Unless Thea just says "I'm gonna go hang with Roy," and they don't actually show them together.
  5. Not sure - I think they only count if you watch a certain percentage of the commercials. I just meant that those people probably aren't choosing to watch something else and never watch Arrow, they'll just watch Arrow later. Even though it'll only count if they watch it "correctly."
  6. If Ra's was a real dick, he'd make her watch.
  7. True, but people are much more likely to watch a sporting event live and DVR the show they'd usually watch during that time (or watch it online or through other means). Since it's pretty easy to avoid spoilers for a CW show, and it's not so easy to avoid spoilers for a sporting event.
  8. Goodbye sex seems to be the theme of this season. Hopefully it's goodbye to the single life honeymoon sex.
  9. Technically speaking, Thea doesn't have a comics destiny to reach, because she doesn't exist. And WH was getting fitted for a mask (unless that was a red herring), and we haven't seen the mask yet, so if she's just going to leave the show why would they bother? The third person could be Katana since Tatsu is back, but I think it's likely Thea. I'm not sure why Roy and Thea would ultimately call things off if they are the ones who get hitched, but there's got to be a reason why everyone's in NP and Thea's off with Roy somewhere when it seems like they could've had her say goodbye to Roy and then meet up with the team to go to NP?
  10. Maybe MG meant that Oliver literally had a lot of blood on his hands, as in his own. After Nyssa runs him through as is the al Ghul/Queen tradition.
  11. Maybe her drugs are wearing off? I'm hoping that's the beginning of the end of that wedding.
  12. The only thing I can think of is that she's used to fighting in that outfit and feels comfortable in it? But yeah, I can't imagine how hot she would be in that thing, yikes.
  13. So, the summary for 3x22 includes Ra's giving Nyssa some shocking news. Was that the wedding, or does he have more in store for her? Is it something about her mother, or....
  14. Maybe. She could always slink off somewhere he'd never find her and do it.
  15. Yeah, I don't understand why she doesn't just off herself or try to escape. Her saying she's not afraid of Ra's is meaningless if the very next breath she does exactly what he wants her to do against her will. I'm really hoping she has something planned - like the League members behind them are Team Arrow and they start a melee or something.
  16. Shhh, no. It gets broken up and Thea and Roy get married. let me have it i can only live in this denial for 6 more days
  17. I don't know that it's much of a mandate. I mean, it was Olicity-heavy, but it did end with the hero signing on to become the leader of a bunch of assassins, so I'm sure that turned a lot of people off.
  18. They're still up from last year, so they'll take that as the positive.
  19. There's nothing to annul - it's a ritual marriage that's only valid within the League, unless Ra's got himself ordained on the Church of the Internet, but both of them would have a good case for coercion. MG was just fucking with shippers with that one, I think. Either that or Oliver and Nyssa's wedding gets interrupted and the two who actually tie the knot are Thea and Roy.
  20. Here's what I don't really understand about that virus - Ra's just happens to have it on hand for...what, exactly? He said Nyssa stole it to prevent his heir from using it, but up until a few weeks ago, SHE was his heir. What town was he going to have her destroy since she seems to have lived in NP her whole life? Was that something she'd have to do? She had no non-League life to separate herself from, so...was he always going to destroy Starling anyway? If so, why? Ugh.
  21. I'm kind of thinking that maybe the kidnapping was supposed to be it. SA said he had to mentally count down to how many episodes were left after he got this script, trying to see how they were going to undo what he did, and IDK, I don't think there's all that much to undo? It was funny that SA went on Twitter to apologize in advance for his actions and I didn't really think he had much to apologize for, haha.
  22. Can we talk about this for a second? How much water did this dude steal? He obviously didn't fill up a Deer Park bottle with the stuff, if it's keeping him alive then he's got to have enough to submerge himself in it. Did he steal it by the bucket, or rent a U-Haul to drive it away?
  23. I didn't want him to do anything bad either, but for some reason I thought he'd at least make things somewhat awful. That was the most cut and dry kidnapping ever. He didn't hurt her, he turned her over right away. I'm surprised Lyla didn't fall asleep. I mean, I thought it was not so bad to the point where I'll actually be disappointed if that's the reason for Oliver and Diggle's discord.
  24. Does it make me a terrible person for not thinking what he did to Lyla was all that bad? Yeah, there was the abandonment of baby Sara, that was awful and unsafe, and kidnapping doesn't ever put someone on a good list, but I was expecting Evil!Oliver to be a rat bastard and he just wasn't IMO. I mean, I didn't like watching it, but he's a weak sauce villain.
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