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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. But Green Arrow is mentioned in the article. Why not put her in there? Even if it's a legacy title and GA isn't Oliver and BC isn't Laurel anymore.
  2. Seriously. This is the only surprising I'm here for at this point.
  3. Well, I for one am super excited! /sarcasm
  4. Ra's told Oliver that Nyssa was claiming to be heir. I'm guessing that's her treachery in Oliver's eyes. Either that or leaving the League. Ra's let her walk away, but I guess somewhere deep down she'd know she wouldn't get to stay in Starling forever.
  5. I'm not sure how much stock I put in MG's comments about the marriage continuing into S4, because if it's LoA-related and ceremonial, then there would be no question about it carrying forward. Why would it? Unless Oliver's not out of the League at the end of the season, I guess. Seems like for there to be any question about it carrying over, it'd have to be an actual marriage, like between Felicity and Oliver or Laurel and Oliver, and I just cannot understand any circumstances under which either pair would get legit married.
  6. All I know is that tonight's cliffie and/or the preview for next week's show better effing let us know who gets married. I can NOT take another week of this!
  7. But if Ra's is dying, why would he marry anyone? If he's not dying, than what's the point of going to all this trouble to secure Oliver as an heir?
  8. I thought he said she was his wife, so...guess it could be Ra's, haha. But doesn't he need an heir? He said the pit wasn't working on him anymore and that his days were numbered. So, if he lied about it, then why? If he marries Felicity in order to let Oliver go, then...why?
  9. He did. If we're going for technicalities here, that was pre Ra's, so technically it could be his Ra's first marriage.
  10. Well, KL did go into how Laurel is showing her a new way of life, showing her what kindness is. I wouldn't be surprised if there were some mixed-up feelings in there because she's going through a big change in her life. I wouldn't be opposed to her and Laurel trying things out if Nyssa hadn't been head-over-heels crazy in love with her sister. Because gross.
  11. It looks like an angry raccoon wearing a pointy hat.
  12. Oh, it's 99.9999% them, I just don't wanna believe it.
  13. It's a present-day wedding - MG said so on Tumblr.
  14. Point. I was thinking of a less immediate attack situation.
  15. Yeah, it could be Laurel too. Although why Felicity would get a sword through the chest when people think she's Nyssa and Nyssa was just made to marry Oliver and therefore as far as anyone knows did exactly as Ra's wanted would be a mystery. If it was Laurel, that would be amusing. Not in any good ways.
  16. I hate it too, but I find it preferable to a lesbian (as far as we know) unwillingly marrying a man. At least Felicity loves Oliver, and a LoA marriage would literally mean nothing to either of them. It would to Nyssa.
  17. No one would get married of their own volition at this point in time IMO. So, the shocking part has to be some kind of twist that Ra's puts on it (if Oliver marries Nyssa, he won't kill her, although WHY that would be condition, I don't even know. I guess because that eliminates the threat because she'll be married to the Ra's and less likely to oust him? But...why not just kill her if you were going to anyway?), so it's got to be a League wedding, so I'm not sure at all how Oliver and Laurel would fit into that. No way is Ra's letting him marry Felicity, because she already told Ra's she'd go to war with him, and that kind of nullifies Ra's telling her to have one last night with Oliver because he was going to destroy him. Based on the summary for 3x22, I think it's Nyssa. Also, it would be the grossest thing they could do, so that's also why I think it's Nyssa, haha.
  18. Maybe they'll go balls-to-the-wall batshit crazy and have it be Laurel and Nyssa. If I were writing this ridiculousness, I'd have Oliver and Nyssa marry, and then in the very last scene of the finale (not sure if Oliver and Felicity actually ride off into the sunset or if that's a misdirection, but I'd have them for real riding off into the sunset in this scenario), I'd have Oliver say something like, "There's still the 'married-to-Nyssa' thing to deal with," and Felicity would say, "actually...." and then show flashbacks of Nyssa and Felicity trading places before the ceremony. It's the ultimate troll. Married but not married, fun times. Especially because I'd rather they not go there with Oliver and Nyssa. She's gay (maybe she's bi and it's never been mentioned, IDK), and even though the wedding won't mean anything to Oliver once he's out of the League, she grew up in that tradition, and it would mean something to her. Just...don't go there show, please.
  19. So, after reading the interview with KL over at EW, I think we can safely rule out Thea and Roy as the people getting married. I think it's going to be Nyssa and Oliver, given her talk of Oliver not being aware of what he's in for and the wedding being a shock to everyone. Bleh, although I honestly can't imagine why that would be given that Ra's seems to want her dead.
  20. I think he did always think of her as his crush. Didn't he tell her as much when he told her he loved her? Something about how difficult it was to go and live with her because he'd always had a crush on her?
  21. Oh, yeah, I'm sure she has secrets. I'm just hoping they're related to an agenda/plan she's carrying out (or maybe about Sara and putting her in the Pit), and not some weird-ass relationship/family drama.
  22. We were told we'd find out why Nyssa was in Starling. Hopefully she has a plan to oust Oliver and end this idiocy once and for all. I will LMAO into eternity if part of her plan is to befriend Laurel and turn her against Oliver.
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