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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. It seems like it's her spin on his quote - I'm sure she reads fandom theories. Although I'm worried that in this case she's not inaccurate.
  2. I don't know that they bought into it necessarily, but for lack of another plan it's probably easier to believe that he's at least in his right mind. And yeah, I'm sure they know Ra's a psycho, but he wanted Oliver and he got what he wanted, so there's no reason to believe that he's gone so far as to brainwash (or whatever he does to) him. The team might be willing to be a little more risky knowing that time is of the essence since his mind is being messed with.
  3. Probably because they're realizing that Ra's sold Oliver a false bill of goods. Ra's told Oliver that he could turn the League into whatever he wanted it to be, and that if he didn't want them to kill, they wouldn't. Obviously, it was naive of Oliver to believe that, but even though he didn't go voluntarily, he did resign himself to staying. It's probably easier to believe that he's there pursuing some other path to justice but being in his right mind than knowing he's being morally compromised by a psycho with an ulterior motive.
  4. Words can't express how much I hope this doesn't happen, haha. I really, really want Felicity or Diggle to take Thea to see him, wherever he is. What is the actual point of giving him an untraceable phone if you're just going to summon him back to the city a few weeks later? Lord, beer me strength. and because she's on her honeymoon after a quickie wedding please please please
  5. Do we know for sure that Roy comes to Starling City? I would think that if any one of these people was smart at all, they'd go to Roy. I wouldn't be surprised if Thea still thinks that Roy is dead, and they tell her next ep that he isn't for whatever reason (probably to break her out of some LP-induced funk).
  6. Yeah, I didn't get that either. Even though they haven't spoken to each other, Thea is the least curious and perceptive person ever if she doesn't realize that Felicity at the very least knows her brother very well. She knows she works with the Arrow, she knows Felicity used to be Oliver's EA, she's seen Felicity in the lair and at Palmer Tech. Felicity's been in her home, haha. I'll be really surprised if she doesn't know who Felicity is.
  7. I don't think the show has forgotten that Laurel and Thea have a relationship - just a few eps ago Laurel went to check in on Thea after she failed at getting Ra's to murder Malcolm. We could always fanwank that Laurel knew that Thea was okay, but didn't know that Oliver had to give himself up to the League to make that happen.
  8. Not to mention the fact that Oliver by nature is easily defeated emotionally, and his first instinct is to always give up to save other people pain. It's something that I find endearing at times but wish he would grow out of. There wasn't a shot in hell of Oliver ever choosing to fight at first - that just isn't who he is (although I hope that soon he will be, because...dude). He would've given up even if he wasn't in love with Felicity. So, this show has fell into some contrived storytelling to keep Oliver and Felicity apart, but this ain't it.
  9. Haha, that was me. They should totally keep the costume for...reasons. I find Al Sah-Him ridiculously hot, murderous detachment and all.
  10. Pretty sure it's directed at Oliver. PARDON ME, I MEANT TO WRITE AL SAH-HIM Looks equally ridiculous to me, haha.
  11. I'm going to allow myself to be entertained by the Canary Cry. Looks like she's having the poo of her life!
  12. I'm the same, haha. I don't find the romance stuff a chore necessarily, it's just pretty gross to me at this point with everyone lying to Iris. Other than that I'm just not invested in who ends up with who, so I watch it but I find myself zoning out. Honestly though I don't think that's a romance problem for me with The Flash - I'm just really not invested in any of it at all. It's entertaining when I do tune in, and I find myself curious about stuff (like, I'll watch the next 4 eps, I'm sure), but if I missed it it wouldn't really bother me, which is completely opposite of how I feel about Arrow.
  13. I guess I just don't care if they've actively tried to get him back. I'm sure none of them just resigned themselves to leaving him there for all eternity. I'm guessing Felicity probably thinks about it while she's trying to sleep, Thea probably does too. Digg and Lyla probably strategize about it and come up with nothing viable. I don't need to see that at all, and I wouldn't be surprised if I don't get it, especially because of the three-week time jump. They wanted to have Evil!Oliver, they needed some time to do it, and since the following two eps happen within days of each other, I'm sure it gives them an opening or an idea that they needed. We'll see. If you have any kind of doubts about how the team feels about Oliver, then yeah, I get wanting to see that. I don't have any doubts about it whatsoever, so it doesn't matter to me.
  14. I love that Iris wrote an article about her husband disappearing. Go you, be strong. I also enjoy the fact that their names don't seem to be public knowledge, not that that necessarily means anything.
  15. Oliver's still going 9 years from now, bless him. That knee must be hell. Can't wait for Barry to see that he marries Iris and start doodling her married name on his notebook. So, are The Atom and Hawkgirl also from Starling City, or is that just awkward wording? No way that spin-off takes place in Starling, right?
  16. He did. They're in love with him, he's their guy!
  17. That was kind of my point. We didn't have any indication that they were trying to get Roy out until they did it. I suspect there will be actual discussions, but just because they're having a nice dinner with Thea and don't mention trying to break him out doesn't mean they aren't trying to figure out ways to break him out. Maybe they don't want her worrying about things like that? She seems to have a lot going on.
  18. Well, we didn't know they had a plan to get Roy out until he was already out. So the fact that they aren't discussing it and seem to be going with the flow doesn't really mean anything, IMO.
  19. Well, maybe the planning to get him back comes in the 40-ish minutes of the episode that we haven't seen outside of that sneak peek.
  20. Felicity drugged the guy to try to get him out, and they all tried to escape with him. Diggle suggested that they just get on the plane and leave, but Oliver wouldn't. I think that proves they give more than a crap about him. Seems like the kind of thing to me that requires a well thought out plan, since they not only have to get Oliver out, they also have to neutralize Ra's as a threat. They get him back, then what. You think Ra's won't murder Thea for real this time? He'd come for Thea and everyone else. And we don't know Felicity didn't look back - we only saw a few seconds of her walking. If she didn't, I wouldn't blame her. They couldn't even look at each other after they kissed.
  21. I think they're trying to make them look a little comic-y. KC's isn't the only one that looks like that - the rest look a little bit like drawings, too.
  22. I was wondering if that was a date too. Please show, don't do that. And if everyone's going through the seven stages of grief, I'mma need them to reach the last stage right quick so they can bring Oliver back to himself. He can keep the League outfit for special occasions though, because he looks hot in it - not ashamed to admit it.
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