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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I didn't write that it would be a retread, I wrote that if they were going to introduce a Connor who isn't Oliver's son that they would've been better off doing a retread instead of bringing a non-canon kid into the picture. It would be nice if the kid gave Oliver some smile time, and I honestly hope he gets it. I just don't trust this show to give that to him until maybe the last few minutes of the season finale. But maybe things will be different next season (I keep telling myself, despite knowing that is probably not going to happen).
  2. Since Connor is canonically Oliver's kid, if he's not Oliver's kid in this universe, then what's the point of introducing his existence? If he's a young uncle, then they would've just been better off doing a redux of the Roy storyline where Oliver mentors another young man into becoming a hero. I mean, yeah, there are ways the storyline could be cute, but I don't trust this show to make it cute. We'll see.
  3. This one is especially stupid since I'm sure people who want to see Connor Hawke want to see him BE Connor Hawke, not some kid who's still young enough for his mother to say, "Mommy will be home soon" when she talks to him on the phone.
  4. I'm honestly not trying to be snarky, but it doesn't really matter to me if the kid is 8 or 11. He still exists for angst's sake and to be kidnapping bait. TV children are useless to me on shows like this unless they're old enough to drive at least, haha.
  5. The problem with her being legitimately upset about Oliver knowing he had a kid is that when he came home, he was still murdering people left and right. Last year he had Slade after him, and he spent all this year thinking he couldn't have a personal life. Felicity's been present for all of that, so she knows he didn't come home in great shape, ready to be in a kid's life. Surely someone as smart as she is, even with her own abandonment issues at play, would see that someone like Oliver was not at all good, stable father material. If anything, I could see them fighting because he's reluctant to get involved now, rather than her being upset that he didn't get involved in the kid's life earlier. Because seriously...that's a good thing. Although who knows with this show.
  6. The flashback last year said it was seven years ago, and the woman had just gotten pregnant. So at most the kid is 8 now, right?
  7. I'm hoping the drama around the kid where Felicity is concerned is of the "you're his father, you should be involved" variety, with Oliver arguing that it will only bring terrible things into the kid's life. ANGST ANGST ANGST, Oliver finally accepts that he should try to be a father, the end.
  8. Yeah, I guess it could be that too. I'm just not all that excited about the prospect of a 6 or 7 year-old kid on the show, whose only function apart from existing for angst about his existence would be to either get kidnapped for even more angst or to fill up screen time by asking his awkward father to get him some peanut butter and crackers.
  9. If their lair is at PT or whatever it's called, I really hope they build out a basement or something. Are they just riding down in the elevator however many stories every time they want to leave? And then they just exit out the front doors? They need a faster and more discreet method of arrival/departure, IMO. I keep hoping that if they insist on pursuing this stupid Oliver-has-a-child storyline that they'll throw in a twist. Like the woman we've believed is Sandra Hawke actually isn't (and that's why we've never gotten her name), and that she really did have a miscarriage, and the kid she talked to on the phone is from some other relationship. Oliver has a kid from some other person, only this liaison was back when Oliver was much younger, so the kid is actually close to being a teenager, if he/she isn't 13-14 already. I know it won't happen, but I'm gonna hope for it until my screen tells me to stop, haha.
  10. It's still there. Oliver mentioned he had a backup weapons cache there in Broken Arrow. WHY THEY DON'T USE IT, I HAVE NO IDEA.
  11. I think it works only because they made Ra's a position instead of a person. And I think part of the reason for the next duel taking place in SC is so that Ra's is pretty far away from the LP - if it's not working on him the way it used to, it probably wouldn't be able to bring him back from the dead.
  12. Yeah, if Malcolm isn't dying, then I'd like the death to be in the past. Shrieve works for me!
  13. Maybe the second one is Al Sah-Him? I'll miss his dead behind the eyes ways.
  14. I really hope Malcolm's the second death. I know JB said he'd be back, but no thank you.
  15. At least this time it's actually based on spoilers!
  16. Conventional wisdom is that these two kids would date for a while, but they had Felicity point out that they've already talked about anything they could talk about on a date for the most part. Add to that the way this show burns through story and the fact that Oliver and co. are just coming out of some pretty heavy emotional stuff, I'm guessing they either get engaged or elope. Or maybe they move in together or something.
  17. Is the scene inside or outside? Because that could be where one of the INSTRUMENTS OF DEATH is planted.
  18. But you didn't see Nyssa teaching Laurel the moves that she's crititiquing and yet you're not questioning that Nyssa taught them to her. So yeah, you did. But you win. dcinmb is right-this horse is beyond dead.
  19. I meant training with Nyssa - forgot to put her name in there. Regardless, you've seen Felicity mention quarterly reports and patent filings, which are vice presidential duties that she is handling. How is that not clear? You are proving my point.
  20. You're being nonsensically critical. We do know that she's Vice President of Palmer Technologies - the person who appointed her to the position told us so. You're picking and choosing what you need to see to believe. You don't need to see Laurel train (ETA with Nysaa) to know that she's been training with Nyssa, but you do need to see Felicity do some kind of a vice presidential thing to believe that she's been doing that job. People here are just pointing out how ridiculous that is.
  21. Yeah, I'm wondering how this works. I was hoping Nyssa would kill Ra's, but it seems like Diggle and Thea are out together and Nyssa and Laurel are out together trying to take care of these FOUR INSTRUMENTS OF DEATH, leaving Oliver to battle Ra's. I thought they'd have Oliver subdue him or something so Nyssa could actually kill him to ascend (even though this is weak sauce), but if Oliver becomes Ra's then I guess he does it. Not sure what would happen after, since MG said Ra's is a title you hold until you die, although I'm not exactly putting faith in them being faithful to their own canon here, so who knows.
  22. There's a difference between not thinking she can do everything and refusing to give her credit for a job we know she's been doing for the past season, which is why people were arguing with you in the first place.
  23. Clearly we just need access to whatever closed-circuit spy camera feed any random villain has set up (Slade last year, Malcolm this year) to be able to see whatever anyone is doing at any given minute. Like a Team Arrow version of The Truman Show.
  24. I wouldn't mind seeing her do CEO things from time-to-time, but weren't you arguing that you didn't think she was qualified to be CEO because you haven't seen her do those things already?
  25. So...what. You want to actually see her pull up the earnings reports? You want to see the mouse clicks? You want to see her in a board meeting? I'm not being snarky here, but you're complaining about Laurel and Thea not having screen time together, and you want the show to devote screen time to showing Felicity doing paperwork?
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