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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Really? Like...how? When? Why?
  2. They totally could be setting up a lie, but everyone seemed to know exactly what he was referring to, and if these were recent, new visits, I at least thought they'd have Oliver say "I've been going back and forth to Central City for (BIG GROSS LIE)," so we'd at least think to question it? More than people are, I mean.
  3. Who did fake!Shado tell Oliver he was in love with while she was giving him a beyond-the-grave pep talk? Was it Poppy?
  4. It was a short line that no one reacted to, and while the writers on this show are lazy as fuck, the way the line was written makes it unclear whether or not he's referring to new visits or the visits he took to Central City before Felicity got shot. It seems to me that if they were setting up a lie, they'd have him indicate why he was going there in the first place so we'd know what lie he was telling Felicity. Or maybe it's just lazy-ass writing. Being unsure isn't necessarily being in denial. It legit was not clear what he was talking about. I know people have tweeted at MG asking him for clarification, and if he indicates that Oliver has been going back and forth to visit the kid, then okay.
  6. I don't necessarily think it's more gross either way, but I am a little desperate for whatever flimsy internal logic exists in this storyline to remain intact, haha.
  7. He mentioned it as a reason why he'd been too busy to pay attention to what was going on with Thea, along with focusing on his mayoral campaign. This is literally the first we've heard of any visits to Central City, and it was just a throwaway line, so until they clarify, I don't see the point in arguing about it, really. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he visits - it just isn't clear that's what he was talking about. Yet.
  8. Seriously. I don't want you involved in our kid's life because it's too dangerous. Don't tell anyone OMG! but sure come for multiple visits after you got shot at by a villain, outed said villain, and then got shot at by said villain again WHICH PARALYZED YOUR FIANCEE. Fucking ridiculous.
  9. He could very well be, and they just threw that in there so we'd know he's lying, I just don't think it was all that clear what he was talking about in the show.
  10. I'm not sure if he's talking about visiting the kid, or referring to the two times he went to Central City during the crossover. Felicity didn't seem at all surprised by what he said, and he never mentioned going to Central City in-show, so I can't figure out if he's referencing those trips or new ones.
  11. The song title just made me think that the Lotus that Nyssa was looking for is some kind of LP alternative, that can't heal wounds or bring back the dead, but could prolong life or something. Since DD was in the League and he's old as dirt but still kicking, and Malcolm would be interested in using that too. But that's way out there, and my imagination is overactive, so I know I'm wrong.
  12. I hope they make us think it's someone but do a hard left at the last second and have it be someone else. Like A is in the emergency room with the paddles being charged up, flatlining, and B crosses the street to get to their bedside and gets nailed by a bus.
  13. I don't think it's 17, since shooting is on he would've had to have it before today, right? Unless he didn't crack it open until this morning for whatever weird reason.
  14. Right? Cars careening off the roads and hitting pedestrians because the stoplights stopped working. LMAO
  15. I love that this is a show that asserts that shutting down the electrical grid would kill everyone, and I actually believe it. Because Star City residents are idiots.
  16. Didn't one of the EPs say that Vixen was coming in to help Oliver with the magical element of things? So whatever Lotus is, it's probably not anything to do with the H.I.V.E./DD plot line since it seems like that's what Vixen is for.
  17. If she tells you she got them from her garden, give 'em a thorough once over before you take a bite.
  18. The funny thing is that the knife isn't even necessary. They left the door wide open while the woman was delivering her food. Seems like any old day she chose to she could've ran out, taken out one dude, gotten his sword, and did the same thing she just did. I guess knowing she had some supporters gave her the push, and the teeny pepper knife was a way of letting her know they were trustworthy. Still ridiculous though, haha.
  19. The LoA really is full of morons. I love that someone was able to slip a weapon into her food and no one even bothered to check. Nyssa is a badass. Her co-conspirator is a badass. Could not care less about anything regarding the League of Assassins.
  20. My full-on hatred for Quentin is flaring up again - getting angry at Oliver for something he never even bothered to ask about his damn self.
  21. Ra's told Quentin that Nyssa found Sara on Lian Yu - that was the breaking point for him right before he went completely apeshit on Oliver last season - since Oliver never told Quentin that she'd lived long enough to make it there. Or something.
  22. I don't think Maseo's alive. Maybe she tries to get Katana to help her go against Malcolm, since she'd obviously be pretty against any and all things League because of Maseo.
  23. Yes-didn't he leave Paley and go straight to wherever it was (Kansas City, maybe?) for the Sunday portion? I think that was Paley.
  24. I'm not talking about him blabbing his secrets, though. I'm talking about him trusting that someone is going to do what they say they are. Or trusting that they're better than they think they are. He is incredibly naive.
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