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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Someone please make it stop. Where's my gif?!
  2. He actually *kind of* referred to Felicity as Overwatch in the comics, so if the internet gave him the idea, I'm thinking it's Firewall.
  3. Yeah, I don't think anyone wants that.
  4. She's been out in the field several times. She went undercover at the casino, she used herself as bait for the Dollmaker, she used herself as bait for Slade, she was out and about with the team in the S2 finale. Can't remember what she did in S3. I enjoyed that and I think other fans do too, and would like to see it again. I don't think this story has anything at all to do with them trying to avoid that though.
  5. Since they give her a code name and put a ramp down in the lair, it's probably temporary.
  6. Oh, I understood. I'll just wait and see because Oliver not listening to Diggle's advice doesn't mean he isn't there for Felicity. It could just mean that he tries to do both and doesn't completely abandon the mission to care for her (which I don't think Felicity would want him to do anyway). Totally not counting out Oliver being a dipshit, but I don't think this interview indicates either way.
  7. Doesn't it make sense that Felicity wouldn't be available as much in this ep since the preview made it pretty clear that she's not sure that she wants to go back? Obviously she does go back, but she *just* got paralyzed, so it seems natural to me that she'd be hesitant. As for DR's comments conflicting with WM's, I'll wait and see what happens in the ep before I get upset about it.
  8. They wouldn't have seen any of that, because the nominations are for media that was aired/published between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015. So if anything, they saw a bisexual character resurrected in the most ridiculous way possible.
  9. Anons are basically worthless to me unless they really go balls-to-the-wall like this one did. A+
  10. Arrow was nominated for outstanding drama in the GLAAD media awards: http://www.glaad.org/mediaawards/nominees The GLAAD Media Awards recognize and honor media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and the issues that affect their lives*. *guess they missed that whole Nanda Parbat wedding thing
  11. It's probably just a bug in whatever weird-ass program she uses for Twitter that tweets things out multiple times and does similarly wonky things.
  12. Yes, that's what I mean. I see the "flow with the go" tweet, but the meme or pic or whatever you want to call it is no longer attached when I look at it.
  13. She deleted the pic from her tweet, but it's still up on Instagram.
  14. She had this attached initially, but it seems like she deleted it: https://www.instagram.com/p/BA9T1qUFSwH/?taken-by=katiecassidy ETA: Or what @dtissagirl said
  15. Pretty sure he was referring to the girl in the commercial as Felicity, no shade. :)
  16. Barry is such whiny little child. Everyone he loves leaves him? WHAT ABOUT THE GUY WHO TOOK YOU IN AND RAISED YOU? WHAT ABOUT YOUR BEST FRIEND who you were at one point allegedly in love with? She stuck with your pathetic ass, although God knows why at this point. Bleh. I liked Barry once upon a time.
  17. Yep. Someone's probably going to be posting vacay pics soon.
  18. Could be. Getting shitcanned isn't ever fun, but the blow must be somewhat softened to have someone actually fly out to do it, haha.
  19. Well, I mean...it's not a long shot to guess that it's someone on the team. The only person on the show who's a death candidate who isn't on the team is Donna. Not saying he doesn't know, but I don't think anything about that answer screams that he does.
  20. I agree. I don't think he knows one way or the other.
  21. Oh, I doubt doubt that, but (this is just MHO) if someone's going to talk about her level of delusion regarding a comment, before things get out of hand, maybe it'd be best to have proof that she actually made said comment recently.
  22. I wouldn't put much stock into a French Twitter that isn't even sourcing their quotes.
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