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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think Barry is a moron, so maybe it just seems to me like he's been idiotically naive more than he has. Offhand I can think of only one other time when his naivety has gotten him in trouble - when Snart agreed to help him in exchange for Barry getting rid of his criminal record (or was it all of his records?) and then Snart screwed him over. And then tonight when Wells outright told him he was going to betray him, and Barry for whatever reason decided not to believe that. Barry trusts quite a lot of people, actually.
  2. I don't care about the kid, but I do care about the story, and with the name drop I do expect it to be followed up on, especially since Ellie is working on a drawing of her "Central City family." I don't think it would be drama between Oliver and Felicity, but rather between Oliver and Moira. At this point Oliver still doesn't know that Moira lied about the miscarriage - it could be an interesting point of conflict that could bring Oliver and Felicity together. I don't know if they'll go there or not, but if they don't I'm not sure what the point of even mentioning him was. It's Chekhov's secret child. Oh, boo. I wish they hadn't mentioned him then. And I really hope Ellie somehow doesn't finish the drawing she's doing for Felicity - if she does, that's really going to bother me.
  3. The writers on these shows really suck at not having their main characters be morons. How many times has Barry stupidly trusted someone? HE NEVER LEARNS.
  4. I just read the Forever is Composed of Nows update, and I wonder what's going to happen with the William storyline? Ellie knows about him, she mentioned him to Felicity as part of her Central City family. Surely she's going to include him in the picture she's drawing, unless something happens and she never gets to finish it? Felicity or Oliver would surely ask about him when Ellie said he was her brother (unless she knows him as something else). Would Oliver be willing to let that go so as to not to mess with the future, or will he put 2+2 together and confront his mother? It would be interesting to get to see Moira have to answer for that, even if it is in fic. I hope they go there.
  5. If the goal of this death is to re-establish stakes, then they really need to kill off a masked character. Not because there are too many (there are), but because these people voluntarily go out and fight crime every night, risking life and limb, and not a single one of them has felt any permanent consequences from that choice. Sara kind of did, even though she got killed while she was being an assassin, and was killed as part of a larger (stupid) plot, not because she was out there fighting crime. And she came back to life earlier this season. Felicity has a likely-to-be-temporary-but-as-of-now permanent disability, but she didn't suffer that injury because she was tech support for Green Arrow and co, she suffered it because she happened to be in a car with Oliver as he was mowed down. Still think it'll be Quentin though.
  6. Per the internet, which is never wrong, it comes out on June 3rd.
  7. Yeah, I still think it'll be Lance. If they want it to really resonate though, they'll kill off a mask.
  8. I wonder why he'd choose not to do any press for his actual full-time gig?
  9. Thanks. I loathe that triangle, and don't really care all that much about Tommy, so I had blocked part of it, haha.
  10. I wonder if the announcement at PT involves that contact Roy was wearing-like Felicity/PT announce some breakthrough about it to draw out The Calculator, since it's his tech, and apparently able to melt the Internet.
  11. Didn't she dump Tommy the second she thought Oliver was willing to get back together with her? And it doesn't seem like she's dated anyone since. Even though it has nothing to do with actual show reasons, I just think it's incredibly sad to hold up the Oliver she was in a relationship as the love of anyone's life. Especially her, since he treated her so terribly.
  12. Well, it's also kind of sad to me, because what part of this relationship would Laurel be basing this "love of her life" theory on? When he was cheating on her? When he was skittish about moving in together? When he ran off with her sister? I don't blame KC for angling for O/L to get back together, but the love of her life stance is ridiculous.
  13. It would be hard to find someone new if you're thinking a guy who's in love with and getting married to someone else is the love of your life. Especially when that guy treated you like dirt when you were together.
  14. What's difficult to understand? She's hoping one day she'll be Oliver's love interest again.
  15. I really hope they don't have Nyssa doing something like that. She's been shown to be ruthless in many ways, but I'd rather her not hold some kind of cure for Felicity's injury over Oliver's head over something he probably doesn't want to do.
  16. Felicity's popularity didn't have anything to do with Laurel. It was because she was the ONE character on the show who wasn't miserable, and could be light and happy. They needed someone like that desperately. If they had planned her character from the beginning, she likely would've been miserable too.
  17. Since Felicity has nerve damage and she and Oliver seem to think that her never walking again is worst case, I'm wondering if she's just going to gradually regain feeling and/or get the help of some magical herby type thing.
  18. I browse hashtags all the time, just way more specific ones. Not sure what her reasoning is-maybe it is just for her own reference if she wants to find an old tweet or something.
  19. The only point would be so that she could see all the tweets she's tweeted with that hashtag or so that people browsing those tags would see her tweets. Or maybe she just likes the pound sign.
  20. I guess she might be hoping that people browsing the hashtags might come across her #tweets and become #fans for #life so she can keep #doingwhatsheloves and being #blessed.
  21. Yes! Hearts all in my eyes for Hot Scott (only eps of that show I've ever seen).
  22. He gave her his suit last season, and since they are both pretty much identical, I figured she altered it to fit her.
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