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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Didn't Malcolm say he had some HIVE connections? Isn't that how he got the cell phone that Oliver contacted DD with in 4x09?
  2. Is that rando woman shooting a staple gun?
  3. Maybe she disbanded the LoA and left out the part where she formed another group with her supporters, and sides with TA and Oliver in his conflict with Malcolm?
  4. I would imagine there isn't a marriage, but I was surprised they took it as far as they did in this ep. It seems to me that it would've been a good idea to throw in a line about it especially considering Oliver re proposed, but these people are lazy, so..
  5. I think anyone who watched beyond a few eps after the crossover and tuned into the season premiere can actually be considered an Arrow viewer, and not a holdover. People don't watch over a year's worth of show without actually being interested in it.
  6. She's probably gonna be searching for her husband's son!
  7. Malcolm's reveal to Damien made me laugh because who the eff cares enough about this kid for Malcolm giving him over to Darhk to be a huge OMG moment? It doesn't feel particularly weighty, because apart from a blink-and-you'll-miss-it throwaway line last ep, he's never mentioned him, we've seen them together for all of 30 seconds. Oliver doesn't even seem to give much of a shit about him, so I'm not sure why I should. I know it's for Plotty Plot Plot reasons, but jeez...the utter laziness, haha.
  8. I can't even be appreciative of her finally making sense or having a purpose since she proved right at the beginning that apart from being a generally terrible person for letting people be killed for drugs that SHE was stealing, she's also the kind of moron who who gives up all of her leverage to negotiate with a baddie. She is completely useless IMO.
  9. If it wasn't for MG confirming that the trips to Central City Oliver mentioned last ep were actually to visit William, I honestly would've thought that Oliver had forgotten about the kid. Despite Malcolm revealing that he knows about William and Oliver inexplicably not being freaked out about that, he doesn't seem to be worried that this secret is going to come out, or in some kind of rush to lock Felicity into a marriage before she finds out. The lie (and the kid, honestly, given his reaction to Malcolm) seems to be a complete non-entity in his life in Star City at this point. Like, literally no one seems to give a shit about the kid, not even his own parents, haha. Makes the whole plotty plot of it all even more idiotic.
  10. Yes and no. I guess all the residents of Central City died in the original timeline, but for "death comes for everyone" purposes, the only ones who count are the members of Team Arrow that we saw die onscreen.
  11. Someone asked him that on Twitter last night (can't find the Tweet), and he said no. I'm guessing DD is being held at Iron Heights and that's who we'll see there.
  12. Don't you remember? NO PRISON CAN HOLD HIM!!!111!!!
  13. No! Because Malcolm didn't die in the Central City timeline. /science
  14. Now I understand why there weren't any interviews or publicity about it, because it was barely a storyline.
  15. LOL, yes. And then Oliver's "Some people can!" LMAO
  16. Yeah, I guess. I just meant that there isn't any resonance for us because Oliver pretended not to notice. Ah, here we go. So he could tell Damien, haha.
  17. I don't think it was a slip on Malcolm's part, more that he slipped it in the conversation. But I don't know why dropping it then was necessary since Oliver didn't seem to notice that he'd said it.
  18. Did Malcolm just let slip that he knows Oliver has a son, or was that revealed earlier in the ep and I missed it?
  19. Plus, I didn't really get that Felicity was angry at Oliver in the limo. I think the general state of things between them is frosty because they're obviously broken up, but she just seemed generally vengeful toward the "son of a bitch" that she wants Oliver to kill, not Oliver himself.
  20. He had tweeted some kind of tease (can't remember the wording) about two different fandom faves coming in 4x14 - something like that.
  21. Hopefully that's not what MG meant by his "I can't believe they went there" tweet. I'm guessing not since he tagged JB in it, but who knows with that guy.
  22. I wouldn't be surprised if he gives up power (intentionally loses a fight or something of the like) as part of some larger scale plan that will make everyone look like morons.
  23. WTF did the newspaper dispensers do that pissed off the League? High number of casualties there!
  24. Maybe she doesn't invite him, and he just shows up? Or maybe she finds out what kind of crime he was involved in and that Donna maybe fudged it to be worse than it was, so she tries to make a go of having a relationship with him thinking he wouldn't steal from her? And then is probably 100% let down by him.
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