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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Given that Dad said he only made himself known to Felicity because he found out that she was the one who almost beat him (didn't she actually beat him, though?), I don't think this is Malcolm pt. 2, but watch the show prove me wrong tonight, haha. I would love it if she actually was lying, and that the lotus does some other kind of thing, and she just used it to get Oliver involved in her power struggle.
  2. Yeah, like I wrote above, I hadn't read anything about any continuing LoA power-struggle storylines. Or maybe I had and blocked it, because I had hoped the LoA mess was finished last season. I'm sure he's overhyping. I can't think of anything they'd actually do that would surprise me, at least not in a good way.
  3. So, Nyssa's going to bite it, yeah? I *really* wouldn't believe they went there if she beat/killed Malcolm, so that's obviously not happening, haha.
  4. He wrote that Katie asking to leave is a rumor, not that she hadn't been asked to leave because they're killing off Laurel. Now, I don't think Laurel's getting killed off, but all he confirmed with that response was that she hadn't asked the producers to be released from her contract.
  5. I half-assedly pay attention to The Flash, so I didn't even see this part - I thought they were E2 people.
  6. It will be preceded with, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but..."
  7. Maybe they will! And next year Thea will be the big bad in revenge of dear old Dad!!!
  8. Yeah - I'd be surprised if it isn't Malcolm, who I'll bet is going to be next season's big bad (UGH X 1000000). Hopefully Nyssa will have taken the LoA back so he'll be rogue or whatever. Then please, god, please someone kill him for good.
  9. Yes, Malcolm's inclusion is the ABSOLUTE WORST. There is no possible way to include him in anything without making everyone around him look like absolute morons for allowing him to live and breathe.
  10. I really need this show to buck up and kill off Malcolm. The fact that he's still alive is ridiculous - even with Oliver being Oliver and insisting on keeping around because he's Thea's "family" (LOL), it makes no sense that Laurel at least wouldn't at least give murdering him another shot. Arrow is terrible with plots, it's a given, but the pretzel-twisting they had to do to get him involved last season, and now this season...come on. Please. KILL HIM.
  11. Maybe he uses the Van Dyke to draw back the bow string!
  12. It's comforting to know that Star(ling) City is pretty much a shit hole in every single timeline.
  13. ETA: Never mind - I was just looking at the media tab in her profile, haha
  14. It probably did, but they already plotted out what they wanted to happen and couldn't figure out a way around the hole(or didn't care to, because they are lazy hacks), so they're going with it.
  15. Ultimately it doesn't matter why she said she didn't want him involved, whether it was because of danger or drama-she made it clear she keeps tabs on him in the news, so she would know That he was shot at, exposed Damien Darhk, and was mowed down by gunfire that paralyzed his fiancé. No way does she become LESS interested in his life once she agreed to let him into William's. She's stupid as hell for allowing Oliver near her kid right now. And I'm not sure what the kid thinks. He's old enough to put the pieces together, but he is Oliver's kid, so maybe not.
  16. The mother is the one letting him see the kid despite asking him to lie to everyone he knows *specifically* because she knows his life is dangerous and terrible, so he's not disregarding her interests. Oliver is an emotional moron and new at the whole parenting thing and FOR SURE should know better (but PLOT!!!) but the one person who claimed to have William's best interests at heart is failing him spectacularly.
  17. Yeah, I thought the actors were bound by the terms of the contract more than TPTB were. The actor can't go anywhere for the length of it, but if TPTB want you gone, you're gone. Is that not how it works?
  18. Yep. Safest, most obvious killing-off ever. I will be genuinely surprised if it isn't him.
  19. I really wish they'd had Oliver throw in what exactly he was doing in Central City. MG wrote that Felicity isn't stalking Oliver, but CC is 600 miles away - even on the high speed rail or whatever that's a long trip back and forth plus whatever time he's actually spending with the kid. Even though Felicity trusts him, I can't imagine he'd repeatedly go back and forth and she wouldn't actually ask him what he's doing there? Unless she's Laurel levels of not curious about stuff in this plot line. Hopefully we find out on the next edition of Lying Liars Who Lie - I don't want it to be a mystery forever!
  20. Well, luckily it seems like they'll have plenty of time for that, LOL.
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