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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Not being a smart ass here, but does she like, summon a magical dog power to sniff for Oliver's stolen kid, or...I don't know, see through an animal totem on the wall? Maybe see through the eyes of a guard dog on the property where 'ol Billiam's being held? I typed that all with a straight face btw.
  2. Did I ever think I would be reading "using her magical ability to summon animal powers" in an Arrow ep description? No I did not.
  3. Did two different makeup artists do Ruve's foundation? She legit has two different colors on with a line of demarcation going straight down the middle of her face.
  4. I think Roy probably didn't go to the hospital because he's supposed to be dead. :)
  5. I initially thought that would be part of the reason for Felicity breaking off their engagement - being angry about the lie AND that he's not making an active effort to be in the kid's life. If he's going to Central City and visiting, I'm not sure how her abandonment issues would come into play. Unless you mean maybe they'll show up by her thinking Oliver might abandon her?
  6. Maybe her BFF Laurel will talk her into handing it over.
  7. Didn't he do that because he planned on not being the Hood anymore after he stopped the Undertaking? I agree the reasoning is stupid regardless, but he wasn't planning on being both with Laurel.
  8. I think that was the subway. Or at least an underground area for a regular train.
  9. I really honestly hope that Oliver leads Damien right to the kid and that it's obvious that's exactly how he finds William. Because seriously, what a moron for chancing it. And Samantha is godawful for allowing it. And the writers are stupid for writing it, because they're actually negating their own twisted logic for Samantha requiring the secret in the first place. Which is unsurprising, but still.
  10. It'd be believable to me. Oliver is an emotional moron and has always been willing to abide by whatever terms someone offers him whenever someone he loves hangs in the balance. He's fatalistic - Felicity knows this - she's helped him fight it for years. She loves him in spite of it. Assuming the lie is all there is to the breakup and it's not compounded by something else that happens, I think it's forgivable, and I don't think she'd have issues trusting him again.
  11. I think she meant that people on social media, posting on message boards and such represent a very small portion of the actual audience.
  12. I'm interested in what the ratings are going to do in the next couple of weeks since they basically built up a ton of momentum with Damien Darhk, then have him give Oliver this dumb month-log reprieve so they can deal with the League of Assassins again, in a rehash of one of the more idiotic storylines from last year.
  13. I thought it would cancel out the healing effects too, but then there wouldn't be any reason for it to be guarded - that would be something an enemy would want them to have. This show is so stupid. I wish I didn't love it so much.
  14. This is why I wish he would've said "I've been going back and forth to Central City (because of lie)" so we knew what he's been telling them. Using a lie that would be so easily found out is typical Oliver, but I don't think these writers would be able to resist the most soapy angle of the kid secret coming out publicly at the debate. I hope we get the summary for Taken soon - not that it's likely to explain anything.
  15. I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I really don't care about what Oliver does - I've accepted that he's going to lie about it for max drama because plot, and it's whatever to me at this point. This plot is stupid in every way, but it has one shred of legitimacy to it, and that's the BM thinking that Oliver's life is too dangerous for William to get involved in - I am really, really hoping that they stick to that and don't have Oliver visiting CC and actually making contact with the kid and having visits with him. If they do that, they'll lose the only good point they had in that clusterfuck.
  16. No, I refuse to believe! I need the one good point that terrible, google-alert-having woman made about Oliver being in the kid's life to remain intact. The only way it works for me is if Oliver's been driving out to check up on him without actually having contact because BM denied him, and even that is ruined by its creepiness.
  17. Have you not been watching this show for 4+ years? Everyone in that city is an idiot, I mean...they get in car accidents when the power goes out.
  18. No, after they shook hands, Laurel came out of the apartment and said, "Oliver, it's Thea." and then we cut to the hospital.
  19. Ah, thanks. I missed that. I missed a lot of things in this ep, haha.
  20. They also could've forgotten that they wrote it as being 6 months away initially. It's tough to tell with this lot.
  21. If this was indeed the reveal that he's been zipping up to Central City on the regular, I wish they would've just added another few words to explain what exactly everyone thinks he's doing up there, since this is the first we've heard of it. Unless every single one of them gets a case of the plot stupids and doesn't bother to be even remotely curious about it.
  22. Did he want forgiveness because he's IN LURVE with Poppy and has this totally big secret hanging over him and can't be with her until he confesses and it's somehow maybe going to tie into what he does/doesn't tell Felicity with is idiotic secret keeping in the present? IDK
  23. And you telling me it's love because I literally cannot be bothered to pay attention. So thank you - you're doing the lord's work.
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