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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I guess they might be doing a repeat of Seeing Red, where there's Laurel/Lance flashbacks throughout the ep and he (or she, but LBR he) bites it at the end. Fingers crossed they veer away from the subject matter, and that Lance doesn't have some secret kid that pops out of the woodwork after his untimely demise.
  2. Can't wait for him to get sent to Iron Heights, the most secure prison in the world, where no one ever ever breaks out!
  3. Nope, not yet. Just Felicity and Thea. And Oliver, soon, if SA's tweet about Oliver fighting for his life, and CR posting from the hospital set are any kind of indicator.
  4. Absolutely. Laurel's gonna need some kind of motivator for something sometime soon.
  5. I think near-death experiences in this instance only count if a visit to the hospital is required. And like others wrote, it happened pre-timeline switch.
  6. CR filmed for 17 as far as we know. They just started filming 18 today.
  7. Yeah, I'm thinking it's the death episode, too. I hope it is, so it's not pushed so close to the finale. Eleven-Fifty-Nine certainly sounds ominous.
  8. If they killed her off, it would legit surprise me. Like, probably the most surprising thing they've ever done, topping Roy really being alive, and Malcolm having two devices, haha.
  9. Would 18 air in April (guessing that's the 6 month date since Felicity mentioned the board meeting being moved)? There's a break after 4x15, right? Seems like the kind of thing they'd save for sweeps to me, but (again) who knows. Maybe Malcolm and Laurel just have some random, non-death-related scenes together that they're shooting this weekend.
  10. It would be masterful trolling, for sure, but she doesn't seem like the type to me.
  11. Well, they started filming 4x18 today, so if MG posts the script with a blacked out title, maybe this is the deathisode. Seems early to me, but who knows.
  12. It looks kind of like Laurel's BC undershirt, haha. ETA: I don't think it's actually Laurel's BC undershirt.
  13. No. Because I'm fairly certain that the whole point of the near-death experiences is to tease who's in the grave, and none of those other shows had a flash-forward death reveal.
  14. It's tough to say, because Oliver and Laura Hoffman seemed to be pretty close, and I mean, he told her and her husband that he was planning to propose, and when he was going to do it. They exchanged recipes! So it's difficult to say in show logic whether they'd make the cut or not. It could just be some kind of pre-debate fundraiser or something that they happen to crash. I really don't know.
  15. I'm not sure why the party in 4x14 would be an engagement party since they've been engaged for nearly 3 months and just decided to get married really soon. Having the Hoffmans there kind of indicates that it would be a wedding, or at least a reception of some sort. Although I can't really work that out with what we know of 4x16, so...what I'm saying is, I have no clue.
  16. I thought Oliver took his hand to hobble him a bit in the future, too. Like, I thought there was some foresight there, yay Oliver! And now...not so much, haha.
  17. I found the quote I was thinking of, from this interview: Since Oliver told Laurel about Barry's time travel for absolutely no in-show reason whatsoever, I'm guessing it's somehow a factor in what's going on in the show, since they felt the need to remind us about that.
  18. I'm not Kreisberg, obviously, but I *think* the point of his statement was that everyone who died in the original timeline is supposed to be dead - it's the natural order of things. So since Barry undid that by running back in time, the universe is going to try to "right" things. It's stupid, and doesn't exactly make sense because we all know ultimately they all aren't going to bite it, but in relation to the grave scene teased at the end of ep 1, I think they want everyone to have their "turn" at being a suspect. Felicity was almost killed by Darhk, Thea nearly died from the effects of the Lazarus Pit. Seems like Oliver, Diggle, and Laurel are going to have their turn coming up, too. Not sure if the show is going to have one of those stick (Diggle or Laurel, since we know Oliver isn't it), or if it's going to cycle through all of them and then have Lance or someone else who didn't die in the original timeline (one of the characters we saw on screen) be the grave dweller. Or maybe the theory is totally wrong and they won't tease anyone else before the big reveal.
  19. It doesn't have anything to do with what Barry said. It's something (I believe, I can't remember and don't have time to go back and find the interview this morning) Andrew Kreisberg said in a post-crossover interview about the consequences of powers/time travel/undoing death and how when you die, the universe wants you to stay dead, and if that doesn't happen, you pay the price for it. Obviously everyone who died in the original timeline can't die, or else there wouldn't be a show anymore. In trying to "decode" those comments, I thought it might be possible that the show was going to have everyone from Arrow who died in the first timeline have a near-death in the second timeline just to tease us about who's in that freaking grave until one death finally sticks. Yes, but if they all die, we wouldn't have a show anymore. ;)
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