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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Didn't MG tweet that he and Stephen came up with careful wording so it wasn't *technically* a lie?
  2. I certainly hope it isn't. I'd rather not watch Felicity go to 11 with the "you don't trust me, you never will" a second time. A nice, level-headed conversation and break-up will do fine by me, especially if she finds out about the kid in 4x14 and doesn't break it off until 4x15.
  3. Yeah, I mean, that's how I'm hoping the story ends. With them leaving, haha. After Felicity finds out about the kid, the narrative purpose has been fulfilled, and they can get gone.
  4. I don't think he's on board with the way the storyline is playing out so much as he likes the idea of Oliver being a dad.
  5. *If* they were ever so stupid as to have Oliver turn to Samantha for any kind of emotional support, I'd love to see how they do it. No lie. Since the whole premise of this idiotic secret was because Samantha was worried about what would happen to her kid if Oliver got involved in his life. Seems like the kid getting publicly outed as being Oliver's and then kidnapped (assuming that's what happens) would basically squash any future romantic (and possibly even civil) relationship between the two.
  6. As long is it's got nothing to do with someone snapping some pics of Oliver looking more-than-friendly with BM, or Felicity interpreting a scene of them comforting each other during the kidnapping (although why they'd do that, IDK, since this seems to be a realization of BM's greatest fears regarding letting Oliver in the kid's life - seems to me she'd be super pissy with him), I'm good with it. Anything that 100% veers away from the hysterical nature of breakup #1 is okay with me if we *must* go here for max drama. I think Felicity's angry at the HIM for sure, but their body language and the lack of ring (plus comments post-show from WM) make it pretty clear that they are broken up in some fashion. Whether the physical distance and coldness comes from that or what, I guess we won't know for a while.
  7. Not sure the timing here really indicates one way or the other. If the secret is outed at the debate, then there will probably be a mad scramble to keep the kid safe, only to find that he's already been taken. So it could just be that there isn't much time to address the secret before the kid gets kidnapped, and they finally talk it out once he's safe.
  8. LOL. Not sure why anyone would panic, since the end of the last ep made it pretty clear they break up. But...it is this fandom, so.
  9. A tweet from a con-goer (to address the 4x15 spec):
  10. We've got 20" outside. I have never been more glad that I live in an apartment complex with an attached parking garage, so I don't have to shovel a damn thing. I feel really bad for the people who use street parking - the drifts pretty much buried all of their cars up to their roofs.
  11. Like @morrigan2575 wrote, I've only read that as a wish in Damien Holbrook's article when Vixen was announced. I'm not sure exactly how she would be able to help since the cry is basically a scream filtered through an electronic device, and not something that Laurel does on her own. Unless Vixen teaches Laurel how to chirp or something? LOL
  12. No, he's not. He even mentioned being pro-vaccine in the video where he said he had to get the shot.
  13. She did quit, but then IIRC she used some ARGUS equipment on Arrow, and then Barry called her for a plane or something over on The Flash. She's Arrow employed, which means when convenient.
  14. Plus, DD would have to be a real idiot to not have put 2 and 2 together since Oliver basically stood beneath the light on his porch at close distance. That comment might've been a slip on the writers' part, or maybe that was supposed to be the first clue that DD does actually know that Oliver is the Green Arrow.
  15. But we didn't get to see anything that happened between the time that Felicity was taken into the ER and when she woke up. A whole world of things happened in that time. It wasn't ever indicated in the show that he took her there and never went back. It *was* implied that he hadn't seen her since she'd woken up. I'm not saying that I think he sat and kept a vigil by her side while she was unconscious, but once he found out she was going to live I imagine he took off to find Darhk.
  16. The Thea thing doesn't really bother me so much, because we don't know that Oliver *wasn't* there when Felicity was unconscious immediately after surgery like he was with Thea, and when he saw the LoA pope election smoke, he took off and left Thea, too. If he hadn't had to go back and get her near lifeless body to take it to the LP, I'm not entirely sure he wouldn't have done the same thing he did with Felicity - leave Thea alone in the hospital while he took on Ra's by himself to make him pay. Personally, I don't hold his presence during Thea's second hospitalization against him, since it wasn't a life/death thing. I think the possibility of losing someone is what truly scares the shit out of him and makes him avoid it - and Thea was hurt, but conscious and going to recover.
  17. Oliver behaved in an unforgivable way (and I'm glad he voiced it), but he relies a lot on other people's emotional support, and hasn't really ever had to provide it for anyone. I think he was dealing with it in a way that he's used to being helpful - by going out there and getting rid of the problem with his fists and his skill. He's an emotional moron, so it might not have ever occurred to him that Felicity could be simply comforted by his presence, and not just the knowledge that he was out there trying to get Darhk.
  18. Could you guys take this to the Small Talk thread or another applicable place? It doesn't belong here.
  19. I have never wanted a character dead more than I want Malcolm dead. So, I'm for that for sure, but I don't want to watch a whole story about it. I'm wondering if Oliver decides not to help, then Malcolm does some terrible shit that gets the grave dweller killed, and the "he" they're referring to in the FFs *is* Malcolm. Because at this point (and I know we've got an ep until this happens), I'm not sure why Oliver would help Nyssa? Malcolm's not a thorn in Oliver's side right now (and has been helpful on occasion), so...again, no thanks. If we're in for filler eps focused on the League AGAIN I SAY NO THANKS.
  20. I suppose the paralysis could still tie into the PT miracle discovery storyline in that Felicity has personally lived with paralysis and wants to come up with something to make people's lives easier. I was certain that a cure was going to play in to that story, but I'm not so sure anymore. Yeah, I guess maybe they're trying to be sensitive in whatever way that the Arrow verse can manage it (which is not very). If (despite Donna's comments about THE doctor's diagnosis) it's allegedly something she can overcome through therapy and they're always super vague about what exactly is wrong with her, then maybe it's going to be something where she gradually regains feeling/use or...something.
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