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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I agree with you. This kind of makes me wonder if PT is going to play into it at all, or if she'll just wind up with some kind of miracle recovery, since we were initially talking about nerve damage and the paralysis wasn't immediately clear. Donna was told it was permanent so we'd get the "shock" but now it's a maybe/worst case type thing. Maybe there will be a discussion about her diagnosis before this convo in the next ep? Who even knows.
  2. IF the PT storyline ties into this, seems pretty essential to me that Felicity believes that it's not permanent, and there's something she can do to help herself. And that seems likely, considering they thought she initially had nerve damage, which then got moved to permanent spine damage. I didn't think the innuendo surgery was an emergency, was it?
  3. She could be hallucinating because of whatever she's taking for her pain? I kind of like Oliver being upbeat. I think it has the potential to lead so some interesting emotional moments with how Felicity's feeling, and not really being able to deal with the realities of her injury together since he's kind of sugar coating the whole thing. Not that I think this show would give us those moments, LOL @ me for even considering it. Laurel could actually be the DA now - this show is terrible at explaining things like that. They've been pretty good about referring to her as ADA Lance, so either it was an oversight, or she actually is somehow the DA, possibly by virtue of everyone else in the office being dead.
  4. I think they know now, but I'm not sure they'd narrowed down their list of suspects to the definite death at the time they wrote/filmed this ep. And if they didn't, then the director wouldn't know (and even they did know, I'm not sure they'd give that info to the director) enough to be able to tell EBR exactly how Felicity should react to whoever it was.
  5. Well, she literally embraced her, so...
  6. There are so many interviews out that I can't easily find it - did WM say that there weren't going to be any more FFs the season? I could've sworn I read that. If so, seems like Thea's in the hospital at some point in the near future?
  7. Maybe the rules vary by hospital systems? I mean....I'm not lying about my experiences.
  8. I've sat in the hospital through several long surgeries with my mother when she was alive and I was never allowed in a recovery room, and no one's ever been allowed in with me when I've been in there. I'm guessing that's the case here, since Donna was waiting in the hallway. She'd probably be with Felicity if she was allowed.
  9. I'm pretty sure he couldn't see her then - Donna said she was in recovery.
  10. I don't think Felicity's all that worried about the killing - Oliver just *really* doesn't seem to want to do it anymore, so she's supportive of that.
  11. Yeah, they did a piss poor job at explaining the timeline. When I was watching, I thought that we pretty much picked up where 4x09 left off - like it was one or two days after the shooting. I didn't get a sense that it had been longer than that, so IDK when this "four months from now" was supposed to have taken place. Four months from our now, or four months from theirs? Is their now our now? Or do they have to catch up with our now? Almost as headache-inducing as time travel.
  12. I don't think it's impossible, I just think it's highly, highly unlikely.
  13. I think the PT set was used for the interview, but I'm guessing one of them was filming there if that's where the interview took place.
  14. After reading Wendy Mericle's interviews last night, I think that limo Felicity being a hallucination is incredibly unlikely. Not surprised that some people would cling to that though, haha.
  15. He would, but I don't think there's any point to trying to deduce anything by the grave. I don't think anyone on this show gave much thought to the details, they just wanted to make us panic over who was in it.
  16. She was worried he hadn't stopped by because she was paralyzed, which was something she had only just found out after her last surgery. Who knows when he'd seen her prior? She could've been awake, she could've been in recovery, she could've been in her room and sleeping it off. Seems like the show was purposely vague. And as for hanging onto the ring, I hope he takes it with him if/when he goes home, because it's not a good idea for her to wear something so valuable that could so easily get taken off and lost (or stolen) there.
  17. Like I wrote in the reply you quoted, I'm not saying he didn't behave badly. But I don't think there's any point to comparing how he reacted to being told his sister was brain dead with no hope of recovery to being told Felicity's spinal cord was permanently damaged.He left Thea's bedside, too, once he had a target to go after.
  18. Not disagreeing with you about his behavior, but we were shown a lot of things with Thea that we weren't here, and nothing was really explained time-wise. And I think Thea is a different situation - he was inconsolable because he was told she was brain dead and wouldn't recover. We never got to see what he was initially told about Felicity.
  19. To be fair, we don't know that he didn't stick around just as long with Felicity. There's no clear indicator of when he took off. He could've left once she came out of her first surgery and he knew she was going to live but had some nerve damage.
  20. Can't wait to see how that turns out. If she doesn't take the kid and leave forever after that, then...what a moron.
  21. Yeah. Felicity getting shot was a means to an end for a mid-season cliffie, but they didn't want to put any time or effort into extending the life or death drama once the tease was over. Even the people who actually showed up to the hospital didn't seem to care all that much about what happened to Felicity either way. She doesn't outright say they've broken up, just that they wanted to use the FF to also show the state of O&F's relationship at the time - cold and distant, and Felicity doesn't have a ring on her finger.
  22. I have to add that I'm really disappointed that Darhk isn't living in a house on the outskirts of the Field of Dreams in the underground Corn Palace.
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