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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Maybe he was just having a bad day? I wrote this above, but his meme Monday folder is full of IRL pics of him and EBR where the meme maker is pretending they're Oliver and/or Felicity. Based on that, I would've thought a tweet like that guy made was perfectly fine with him. If it's something that really bothers him or his wife, then he should stop posting those things to his page, haha.
  2. I totally buy that Felicity could get in, just not that she'd try it knowing that Isabel was working with Slade. And I thought about the cameras too! I wonder if Oliver will figure out they're there sooner and having to play to them will be part of a trope or what.
  3. I assume it means someone's getting kidnapped. Hopefully I'm wrong. If news of the kid comes out in 4x14, then...
  4. Per MG's Twitter, 4x15 is titled "Taken". Ugh.
  5. I just think that constantly feeling the need to defend your personal life would be so exhausting. I'm sure it's difficult for anyone to read hateful things about themselves, but this doesn't stop it. Seems like a lot of expended energy for something that reaps absolutely no reward, and probably makes the truly assholish people want to goad him even more, so they can get a response, too. Social media has got to be a difficult thing to deal with for famous people and their loved ones, but this same thing will happen with Megan Fox, and whoever else he stars in something with down the line. Seems like he's doing what he loves, and has a pretty charmed life. He and his family have a beautiful house and go on vacations that most of us could never dream of. They know their business, and if everything's copacetic, then I just do not see the point in expending any kind of effort or energy to change the opinions of randos on the internet. If it makes him and/or his loved ones feel better though, good for him. It would tire the hell out of me.
  6. Ooh, low-level intrigue! Will Colton and/or Emily respond? Will Stephen? Will they all just ignore it, because...awkward!
  7. Oh man, I forgot he did that. Let us be thankful for the small miracles.
  8. I don't think it was a hissy fit at all, but once he came back with the Colton reply, I was sure we were in for one. I was waiting for some numbered tweets. I'm not sure what he was going for with the response - he could've seen "cheating" in there and not read far enough to realize the guy was clearly referring to Oliver & Felicity & Roy. I do think he was being condescending though.
  9. Yeah, I actually checked the website a while ago - it was on some of the signs that people were holding at the Christmas tree lighting - because I had the same thought. it's a shame they didn't bother.
  10. https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/687404887915806720 The small print* on these campaign posters read "Promotional material paid for by the JESSICA DANFORTH FOR MAYOR CAMPAIGN." C'mon, show. *yes I read the fine print
  11. It's especially funny to me since he was obviously trying to condescend to the guy about not being able to tell the difference between reality and fiction, when he's responding to a tweet about fictitious people as if they're real. I hope he's not done for the night.
  12. I love this, especially because the guy is clearly making an Arrow reference, and SA actually posts similar memes to his Facebook on those meme Mondays he does. I live for him going full drama queen on Twitter. I'm guessing we're not far off from another group of numbered tweets, followed by some reference of Twitter being the worst, and then a flounce. You don't always have to hit reply, dude!
  13. I can buy the driving there out of habit, but I just can't buy her going in, and using her company computer to look for a place for them to go, LOL. They knew Isabel was working with Slade at that point - no matter how frazzled Felicity was or how habitual the drive was, I just don't believe she'd be that stupid - she ruled out other places since she thought Slade could find her there, then she takes the kid to the one other place he'd be likely to go, haha. Ultimately I don't care, and it didn't make the story less enjoyable for me - just a nitpick.
  14. I think Baby Mama drama would've been pretty much the same if Laurel was still the love interest, only Oliver would have a legit personal reason to be compelled to keep the secret BM asked him to. Because the kid was conceived back when he was a dirty cheater (on Laurel), and would've been a stark reminder of that right around the time Oliver finally overcame a bunch of nonsense to win her back.
  15. So, what would happen if they can't make a deal with Tribune? Would the CW continue on with the other affiliates, and the Tribune areas (which I unfortunately live in) would no longer get the shows, or would taking that hit force them to move to an online platform?
  16. I love the time-traveling kid fic, I really, REALLY do. I don't like nitpicking, but I really could not understand why Felicity would go to Queen Consolidated as a safe place? Or why Moira would be looking for Oliver there? I do like the two of them interacting, though. I can't wait for the next chapter.
  17. I will believe they're getting gone until I can't believe it anymore.
  18. I would never be okay with this in a real relationship or marriage, nor would I be okay with the other secret keeping, or Felicity drugging Oliver or a lot of other things. A known fictional idiot keeping a secret cause he's desperate and stupid? Meh, it's stopped bothering me, haha.
  19. The big problem is that right now Oliver's plan is occasional visits to this kid who won't ever know he's his father, because that's what he agreed to. He might want more than that, but is he ever going to try to get it? Is he just going to pop by whenever he's in Central City? Is he going to stage elaborate lies to sneak away for a visit in the hope that BM will eventually let him be a father? It seems like he would eventually want more, but who knows what he'd actually dare to ask for when he thinks BM holds all the power. Oliver's intentions make this secret way more or way less shitty, IMO, and we were given no indication about what his intentions are. If he really thinks he's only going to be Uncle Oliver to this kid forever and ever, then I would consider this a stupid but minor transgression, since he isn't planning on springing an instant family on Felicity at some point in the future. If he is planning on doing that, then it's incredibly shitty and worthy of all the anger. I'm guessing the show is going to go with the former with Oliver not really considering all that much about the future. I also don't think that Oliver having someone on his side is *such* a bad thing, or that someone advocating to Felicity on his behalf makes whoever it is a terrible friend/relative to Felicity. Oliver doesn't make good decisions on his own - Lyla pointed this out to Diggle earlier in the season. Felicity knows this, and she agreed to marry him knowing it. Hell, just a few episodes ago he wanted to go undercover with HIVE like a moron, and Felicity had to talk him out of it by reminding him that he's RUNNING FOR MAYOR. He should've learned by now, and it's frustrating, but after letting it marinate, I'm kind of meh on the whole thing. I know this post is probably unpopular opinion central, but I just don't care that much about it anymore. Maybe 6 weeks of the marinating has done that to me. As long as whatever happens ends with BM and lil Willie with a one-way ticket to nowhere, I'm good.
  20. Meh, I don't really care. I don't expect realistic anything from this show at all.
  21. IIRC, it's supposed to show us what was going on right before this person who dies bites it.
  22. Incredibly stupid ones, I would imagine. Maybe if they should use her to suck the life out of him? If the answer is no, everyone on that team is an idiot.
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