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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. A complaint in that article is that Laurel isn't getting enough screen time, and you wrote four comments above this one that you want her to be utilized more, but...okay.
  2. Based on the fact that you posted an article about how Laurel should get "more" this season, and went on to argue against people who didn't think she was being shortchanged, it seemed as if you were. My apologies if that's somehow not what's going on here.
  3. Yeah, I don't really get it, either. In S1 she was the lead actress in name and screen time, in S2 she had her addiction storyline, in S3 she had her Black Canary storyline (Sara and Oliver were BOTH removed from the picture for that to come to the forefront), and this season so far she's brought Sara back to life. There could be more coming, who even knows.
  4. She's had her own arc every single season. The actual screen time may not be as high as others, but she has her own story apart from them, which not everyone does. Not really sure what the complaint is there.
  5. Oh, I do. There are disgruntled employees everywhere, haha. But this dude is so bitter about Felicity that I also believe that he would present his own opinion as a crew member's, so who knows.
  6. Is that how he knew about it? I figured he got friendly with someone on the crew or something who told him what was going on.
  7. They didn't do it publicly though, so I totally believe someone on the show could've said this about her, haha. Canadagraphs definitely has some connection on the show - someone who clearly either isn't worried about CG spilling his/her info, or just doesn't care that much about his/her job.
  8. Poor man's Professor X sounds like an a-hole comment without much meaning behind it IMO, but that's just me.
  9. I was wondering what the hallucinations would be/what they would be caused by, but this makes sense!
  10. You should be putting these in the news thread, not the social media thread. :)
  11. Gonna be real disappointed if the visual effect is some kind of hallucination and not the beginnings of a souper special bionic leg prototype or spine healing magic or something.
  12. Not to be a downer, but I can't think of a single sensitive issue that this show has given its just due to. With the exception of Oliver on occasion, everything that happens to these people happens for plot purposes only. Whether it's death, addiction, PTSD (with Deadshot and his family), you name it. Felicity being paralyzed probably isn't going to be any different - it's going to be about the plotty plot, something that helps them get from point A to point B, and if I had to put money on it, because it's a) a television show, b) not a medical drama, and c) about superheroes, I would say it's not going to be even remotely realistic, and will be solved by some completely impossible technology.
  13. I don't think that's true. I think casual viewers are probably really easily persuaded because they don't pay super close attention to things like we do. They know they love Felicity, but I don't think they give it much thought beyond that, so to them it's possible. My boss is a casual viewer, and she's worried Felicity's the one in the grave. It wasn't until I reminded her that the grave scene is still 3-4 months out that she even remembered that.
  14. Yes, because he desperately needs a job.
  15. I think he'll wind up winning, it'll just be a rough patch in the middle to give him some competition until Oliver and co. figure out that she's married to DD and has built an underground apocalyptic fallout corn palace and can blow her out of the water.
  16. In a city where people were getting ready to vote for a woman who had a hand in the murder of over 500 people, a 10-year old secret kid and even an alleged affair (if they go that way) is nothing, LOL. The only reason I'm for the public announcement of the kid is because that makes it 10x more likely that they'll have to enter the Arrow witness relocation program. Fingers crossed!
  17. I'm not arguing with you at all, I just don't think the dais matters that much. It looks cool, has multiple access points and, what, three stairs? They can easily put a little ramp on one of them so she can get up there.
  18. Sure it does. Why would they build a set that I assume they're hoping to use for years around the needs for a storyline that's not going to last longer than 8-ish episodes? That makes no sense. If her paralysis winds up being a permanent thing, then I'll question the decision-making regarding the sets.
  19. I imagine it has something to do with their limited budget and them not making set decisions for a storyline that is temporary.
  20. Could be sweeps. We don't even know for sure when this meeting is happening. I am really interested to find out what kind of visual effect they did for her in 4x11, though.
  21. ShhhhhhhhHhhhhhh Hhhhh Hhh Hh H Let me have it. (I know) I think we might find out she's working on something or trying and not succeeding to take baby steps or something, but when they've set up the potential for such a dramatic moment and WOW moment for the audience (like seeing her stand at this meeting), I really can't see these writers not taking it. Maybe this big meeting is before 4x18? It could be at the beginning of the sixth month-ish, and the death could be at the end. But yeah, I'm going with her not having full use of her legs until this meeting happens.
  22. I would be really surprised if she isn't in the thing until her big meeting with the PT board. At which point I'm guessing for max dramatic effect she'll either wheel herself in there and then stand up, or walk in to present whatever spine/leg-saving technology she and/or Curtis have come up with (please let it be her, please let it be her).
  23. I googled Ruve (since the debate poster in the Spoilers thread shows DD's wife's name is Ruve Adams), because that's a pretty interesting name, and I wondered if there was any comics connection. Turns out it's Neal McDonough's IRL wife's name. Which...how strange?
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