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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Based on the way Thea explained what happened to her in The Candidate, it didn't seem like Laurel had any idea anything had happened to her at all. Thea wouldn't have had to tell her what happened to her in the loft (she said she didn't say anything because she didn't want to relive it) - she could've just told Laurel she didn't want to live by herself, or wanted some company. Not sure where Laurel thought the whole team went or why, though. She didn't seem to be all that curious about it even in the deleted scene.
  2. Yeah, I'm concerned about that too, and it'll probably wind up going that way. I keep hoping whatever the visual effect they shot with her had something to do with this - and since it seems like she was the only one there that day, it would mean that she was the one working on this. Probably wrong about that though.
  3. *If* paralysis is in the cards here, I don't think her heroism or being a part of the team are the story here. I think it's going to be an arc for her PT storyline, and the big board meeting where she needs to come up with a breakthrough idea that will keep PT from going down the drain.
  4. Yeah, I agree. I think he said "Yeah" or "Yup" some other kind of noise of agreement that just came out sounding a little weird.
  5. The first paragraph reads like a fourth-grader's book report intro.
  6. Seems to me that we're supposed to think that Barry thinking they broke up in the original timeline is supposed to be a motivating factor in him keeping the kid a secret, otherwise what was the point of Barry telling him that and talking to him about "temporal backlash"?
  7. Darhk had Laurel followed in order to threaten Quentin. You think he wouldn't have done some homework on someone like Oliver? Evidence that Digg and Oliver mean something to each other wouldn't exactly be difficult to find - Oliver was the best man at Digg's wedding, and there's photographic evidence of that.
  8. Oh, it was definitely reinforced, but it only managed to crack the one window, not the other two that were a few inches away on either side.
  9. They just need to decide what that collar can do and stick with that. I thought Laurel was doing the sprinkler because the sounds only affected what was directly in front of her or something, but she did it in front of the chamber, and it only barely cracked one panel of glass. It seems to be good for the element of surprise and the capability to crack a minimal amount of glass. I can see how this thing is handy, because she can use it even if her hands are free. Sara's were way more effective though, both because they seemed way more powerful, and because she could've thrown them to get wherever they needed to go.
  10. Part of the problem here is that we don't know that Oliver is actually lying in the moment, because we were never given any indication of his plans beyond him wanting to stop by once in a while in a non-fatherly capacity. For him, it really could've been done and over with at that point, because BM's insistence that Billiam never know Oliver was his father relegated Oliver to a sperm donor at best. He kept a secret from Felicity, which is terrible and awful and Oliver should know better than to do that at this point, but he didn't necessarily lie to her (yet).
  11. The only thing that sways me from my belief that it'll be Quentin was AK's post-show interview where he talked about the natural order of things and the universe trying to make things right. So I suspect that each one of the (Arrow, at least) people who died in the original timeline are going to have near-death experiences until one is offed for good. Quentin didn't die in that timeline. But who trusts these EPs to stick to what they say, and that could still happen and Quentin could still be the one in the grave. My gut says it's him. Guess we'll see in 4-5 months.
  12. That's why I wrote that IMO I would've liked to see more from his POV to know what he was thinking. This might well not be a lie to him, because like I said - BM told him he could only be involved as "mommy's friend," and flat-out told Oliver William could never know Oliver was his dad. Taking that into consideration, it doesn't seem like a lie to me. But I'm not sure what he was thinking, so I can't say. Up until reading MG's interview today, I thought that was still a part of it. Otherwise, I'm not sure what the point of Barry telling Oliver that he and Felicity broke up in the original timeline was, if it wasn't to make Oliver feel compelled to go along with keeping the kid a secret.
  13. I'm not sure what the deal with Quentin and DD is. DD said he didn't trust him, and I thought for sure Quentin was made a few weeks ago when he gave Oliver the slip information that he found on the Post It, but then he said that he didn't make a play against DD last night because he didn't want to blow his cover, but then he teamed up with the group against the HIVE people in the hallway or whatever, so...I have no idea.
  14. In show she wasn't even at the party where all of Oliver's other loved ones were, so who even knows what the reasoning would've been. DD seemed to think killing Diggle, Thea, and Felicity would be enough to give Oliver a reason to stop fighting, so...there's really no indication that he believes he can even use Laurel like that against Oliver.
  15. He said "It doesn't matter, it's over, and I'm back in Star City with you." We'd have to know Oliver's intentions or hear a little more from him to know if this is an actual lie - from what we saw, as of now he wants to visit "every once in a while" and is under the impression from BM that William will never ever ever know that Oliver is his father. Oliver telling Felicity this wouldn't really bother me all that much if I didn't know that he intended on keeping the kid a secret because BM said so. Maybe it's not an outright lie, but he is misleading her, which is just as ick.
  16. Maybe it's just a post-episode whatever I have going on, but that interview with MG doesn't upset me at all. This storyline is stupid, the non-outright lie or whatever they're trying to sell it as is stupid, and...eh.
  17. she wasn't ever going to be taken regardless, because they needed her to be around to help with the rescue.
  18. Yeah, I'm trying to figure out how someone else finds out first. The only thing I can figure is that it's Donna and she gets the wrong idea about what he's doing (sneaking around, maybe? IDK) and he freaks out and tells her.
  19. If someone is going to find out and go to bat for Oliver's idiocy, I think it has to be a parent. Which parent on the show it is...IDK.
  20. The turtles look...not so great in the face. Otherwise it's about what I was expecting, haha.
  21. No, I think he just said, "Come here, let's go."
  22. Plus, that's assuming she just got hit the one time. That wasn't where I was expecting her to get hit though.
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