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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I don't think Laurel's even giving her compliments. Like last ep when Felicity went on about meteors and said "I know stuff," and Laurel replied that's why they loved her, but pointed out that her knowing that didn't help them stop Savage. That and "she's like a mini you," just seem like observations to me.
  2. Oh yeah, duh. Ruining the water supply or something of the like, I guess? He did, but I'm not sure they remember that, because the EPs talk about the LP like it's all taken care of, when there is supposed to be at least another one out there?
  3. SO THICK. Also, we better find out what DD wants with the bay in this ep. I also need to know how in the eff Damien Darhk is staying so young if he doesn't have his own LP waters anymore? Is the magique taking care of that for him now or what?
  4. Aw, Oliver's saving lil mini Felicity in that comic preview.
  5. Can I just say though, her handwriting was PERFECTION.
  6. "I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go." ::lets go::
  7. They added an effect to show that there was something in the capsule since it looked like it was empty. It was airborne, which was why everyone was running around Starling in the finale trying to stop people from releasing it.
  8. The virus didn't turn into a gas - it was airborne. There is a difference.
  9. No, the difference is that Ra's locked them in a room with a virus. He didn't lock them up in an airtight chamber and then turn the gas on*. Do you really not recognize that? *assuming that's what winds up happening here, but I'm going to withhold judgment until I see it.
  10. I think being locked in a room with a virus released and left to run its course is different than being rounded up and put in a room with the intent of being gassed to death, during Hanukah. *If* that's actually going on, one would think someone on the show/at the network would've suggested they come up with something else?
  11. I certainly hope not, but at this point...man, I just don't know. If the oxygen is being sucked out of the room - which it kind of seems like it might be based on the "breathless" tag on the original promo - I wonder if the gas is just a visual effect to accompany whatever reactions the characters have, just so that we'll be able to see that there's actually something going on in there, and that they're not actually being gassed?
  12. I hope that didn't come of snappy, we just had a full-on discussion about it a few days ago, and knew about as much then as we know now - which is not a lot. :)
  13. We discussed that a few pages ago when the last promo came out. No one knows what exactly is going on in there.
  14. Nothing to do with the promo, but I was wondering: When Malcolm threatened to kill Oliver if anything happened to Thea, was that just a one-off that was nothing, or was it an indicator that Thea's in the grave, setting up Malcolm to be the big bad (again) next year? Opinions?
  15. Doesn't he usually post them in a huge dump, though? Not that it really matters, but it makes sense that they're old in that case.
  16. As long as she's not putting a pic up that she took two years ago and capping it with, "Having a great day today!" I don't really care when she posts them. She's got a TON of pics on her feed, so maybe she likes to spread out the media? IDK. It's irritating only in that anything she posts can't be used to figure out what's going on in the show at any given time, haha.
  17. Yeah. It's got a lot of those arches that are shown in the background.
  18. I didn't mean power screaming like to activate powers, I just meant any kind of screaming to show aggression/anger/to make a loud noise. Scared screaming is the only kind of screaming that really ever translates for me.
  19. I think screaming in general looks stupid, and is very difficult to pull off without looking like you're taking the dump of your life. Scared screams work best for me. Edited to clarify that I'm not talking about power-activating screams.
  20. It's getting cold outside. People with dirty minds are staying indoors and need something to occupy their time! ;)
  21. That's not what he told her. He said "There is something going on, and I'm going to tell you all about it, I would just like the chance to know what I'm dealing with first." Which indicates he was going to tell her regardless of whether the kid was his or not. He told Barry not to tell anyone because the reason he gave Barry for the DNA test was an absolute lie - that it was something to do with Damien Darhk having an operative in Central City. If Barry had let anyone know that that person would've been on to Oliver. I have no doubt Felicity was his main concern, but everyone else should've been, too, since they're all dealing with Darhk. And I don't begrudge the guy wanting to go meet the kid and see what the hell was up before he told anyone about it. Yes, he should know by now that getting Felicity's input in emotionally charged situations is what he needs, but this is actually one instance where I can kind of forgive him for fumbling around a bit, because he was already in the emotionally charged situation before he knew he needed help - after seeing what he suspected was his kid at Jitters. When he visited with BM and asked her not to make him keep William a secret from Felicity, it was pretty obvious that he wanted to tell Felicity badly. In timeline1 he agreed to BM's terms, since he kept up the lie about why he brought that hair sample to Barry when Felicity confronted him about it after his visit with William. I agree that he should've been relieved that Felicity found out on her own because he didn't have to keep the secret, and his defensiveness doesn't really make much sense in that scenario, but I don't think the defensiveness makes sense in any scenario, since at that point the truth was out. IMO, we really don't have any reason to believe that Oliver wouldn't have told her in timeline1 if BM hadn't made the lie a condition.
  22. I know Oliver would never follow through, but it's still a completely shitty empty threat. BM asked Oliver to agree to a condition that would be to the detriment of his personal life, but she didn't do anything that made him think the kid's safety was in danger. It especially doesn't make sense that he'd do that considering he wanted to convince BM that he was a changed person. This would make him look like an even bigger asshole than she probably thought he was. Not to mention that reaching out to her is the very last thing he should be doing with DD going after him personally. He should want to cut off any and all communication on the off chance that someone would follow it. I agree that he should've threatened her with telling William he's his father from the get-go, but Oliver is a moron. It would make sense if Oliver told Felicity about the kid after the attacks so that she could help Oliver make sure that DD stayed away from him (set up alerts on his name, something), but he won't do that, either, because drama.
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