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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. All I know is if there's a grave flash forward and Donna's standing there with Oliver I might actually throw a shoe at my TV.
  2. I don't anti-ship them at all. I could get on board SS WestAllen if Barry matured a bit and quit making bad choices. BUT WHY DO THEY KEEP DRAWING THAT SIBLING COMPARISON?! Bleck. I'm okay with Barry calling Joe dad, but no to the rest.
  3. Well...the citizens of Star(ling) City have proven themselves to be morons time and again, so maybe they'd serve and convict with pride!
  4. I feel like the team must figure out how to strip him of his powers before this happens. I can't really see any other way of doing it unless Laurel threatens to expose something about him if he doesn't submit? Which is still stupid?
  5. I'm just super curious about who comes up with this idea, because it seems super hilarious to me that the one guy she decides to actually prosecute is the guy who knows magic. Guess prosecuting him to the fullest extent of the law is something they've never done with a villain before. Law & Order: Star City
  6. I honestly can't wait for this, really. It seems like the ultimate in stupidity. Do they maybe use Thea to get him depowered to the point where he won't just Force choke the shit out of Laurel on sight? Or is he just submitting so the general public doesn't catch on to his ~magique?Seriously kind of excited to find out what the approach here is.
  7. Yeah, I can't read too much into Barry being hesitant to tell her. We started off with Patty going after metas, so him being hesitant was natural, and he seemed to be genuinely worried for her safety in last night's ep. So, I don't necessarily think it means anything regarding his feelings for Iris vs. Patty. I didn't feel particularly attached to Patty, so I don't really care that she's gone, but I did like that the will-they-won't-they drama of Iris/Barry was completely dead. I guess we're going to be starting it up again soon? Bleh. Not really a fan of that no matter what the pairing is. I really really really do need the writers on this show to cease and desist all brother references when people are talking to Iris about Barry.
  8. It's either a FF or when this shitty paralyzation storyline becomes real. Maybe both, yay!
  9. IDK why, but I always figured the SFX scene would involve Felicity injecting herself with something that made her veins glow, haha.
  10. They can each have a turn with me, tbh. Multiple times.
  11. Will we find out he was an Olympic boxer, too?! If he's fighting to keep Felicity's souper seekrit experimental spine-saving serum safe, then maybe I'll allow it.
  12. Oliver zips into the theater in his Green Arrow, too. Maybe BC does whatever before the debate?
  13. I think the conference table might be on another side? I don't recall seeing that sitting area nearby. Come to think of it, I really don't remember ever seeing anyone sit in those chairs on the show.
  14. Meh, I can see it. There's at least two feet between the cabinet Lyla's leaning against and the wall, and the guy's not next to a table, so it seems like there's room to me. I can even make out what I'd guess was leftie's gun dangling there by the baseboard. And that looks like Lyla's profile to me, but I guess it could be the lady on the floor. I don't think think it's tricky editing, but I also don't she actually gets shot here - seems to me like it could be some kind of a fake out or something since Diggle's inexplicably watching on a feed from the lair. Maybe this somehow leads up to her and Diggle's trip to Central City? Again, could be totally wrong and the guy shooting could be somewhere else/shooting at someone else. Guess we'll find out soon(ish) enough! There's more than one set of stairs - not all of them would need to have ramps.
  15. No one's arguing that, though. We're trying to figure out if this picture is BTS for 4x15 - what they're shooting now, or if it's "old" as in from any episode between 4x10 and 4x14. Just because she's posting it now, doesn't mean it's recent. We're trying to figure out if it's recent.
  16. Judging by the first screen cap, it looks like the guy who shoots might actually be standing next to the guy aiming his gun at her, just that most of his body is blocked from the camera by the other dude - you can kind of make out his jacket.
  17. Right, but we're trying to figure out the timeline here. People were speculating that the kid secret comes out in 14 and that a breakup would follow. If this is a BTS pic from today, when they're shooting 15, then the speculated timeline is either a) inaccurate or b) they don't break up.
  18. She also looks white to me, but that could just be the lighting.
  19. I think he is shooting Lyla, I just think he's standing to the left of the guy who's on the video pointing the gun at her - she's looking to her right just before the gun goes off. Maybe this guy comes in just after she gets held up? In the shot, they appear to be in the same room based on the background, and when the bullet goes off that looks kind of like Lyla's profile (blurry as it is). Could be wrong, though.
  20. Pretty sure that's an "I just got clipped in the ear/head" face since there's blood all over her hand when she pulls it away. ETA: or what @SleepDeprived said!
  21. I think maybe it's a side-effect from injecting herself with some kind of something from Palmer Tech to help repair her spine. /totally off-the-wall theory
  22. Really, really, really need The Flash to stop referring to Barry in any capacity as Iris's brother. They did it twice tonight so far and...please stop.
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