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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. This is the ep he was filming when he mentioned it, so if it isn't in this episode, then it got cut.
  2. Doesn't DD's have some kind of bedazzlements, too? The vision-quest idol is kinda plain jane.
  3. Not that I'd expect them to get this right, but wouldn't her last name be Venediktova?
  4. Yes! I think it was when Thea was in the hospital after Zombie!Sara beat her ass, and Laurel fought with Oliver in the hallway, and she said, "You don't consider me an equal!" and Oliver was like, "Yes I do!"
  5. I think her point was that it's incredibly stupid to publicly admit you bribed cops, especially while you're still in the country where you bribed them.
  6. Ah, those simpler times, Ollie. Remember them? Back when you cheated on me and treated me like garbage, and I pretended not to notice? How great they were! ;)
  7. My first couple of cars were manuals. I think it's worth it to learn, and if would make the car purchase easier on you financially, then go for it. But for stop and go traffic, and slow highway driving, if you're someone who's driven automatic your whole life? Honestly, the switch would probably be really freaking annoying.
  8. I like all these looks with the exception of the nose ring in that video.
  9. Yeah, I could go for that, too. I just don't want him to be predictable Bad Dad. We already think that's what he is - more of it is just...meh. He can be a POS father and husband without being an evil bastard.
  10. Either Noah isn't that bad, or he's working for someone who's worse than Darhk, haha. I hope he's not that bad, and that Felicity made a snap judgment about whatever it was she found in PT that implied he was stealing her tech.
  11. Right? He ran a bar at that point, haha. Unless she wanted to save the city with dollar drafts, drink specials, and sick beats.
  12. I love the unintentional hilarity of the way they handled the picture return. "You're gonna go on and do great things, you're the best, never doubt my love for you, but, uh...here. Take this back."
  13. What was shady about Oliver & the doctor's behavior?
  14. I think it probably just has to do with the Arrow FF being written so far in advance, and The Flash folks not caring enough about continuity to alter their own plans for depowered Barry to make it all line up. I guess we'll find out where the timelines line up if Laurel's death ever gets mentioned over there.
  15. He shot *through* the glass and INTO THE MOON.
  16. SA's pretty savvy about cashing in on fandom, and I'm sure he's asking for what he's confident he can get. Still think it's a ridiculously high price for mail order considering an in person autograph where you actually get to meet him isn't much more.
  17. It's awesome that they're doing that! SA's charge, though, is completely ridiculous. Especially compared to everyone else's.
  18. He sent her an @ in reply to the pic so she'd see it.
  19. Had Oliver as himself at that point even done anything that would make her feel hopeful about them saving the city or whatever together? Wasn't he basically just running a bar at that point? And barely managing to not treat her like garbage 100% of the time?
  20. Tommy's main function on this show was to basically be a human toilet. For Malcolm, then Oliver and Laurel, and then Oliver and Laurel again. I wish him happiness in his hopefully window-free plane of existence.
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