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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. It could just be that the dye is fading and lightening in the areas that she had bleached previously.
  2. Bleach to dye to bleach is terrible for your hairs. I hope she isn't doing that.
  3. Yeah, he did see like he might be getting a little teary, and something about the way he said "It's been great fun" makes me think maybe, FINALLY Malcolm bites it. But I won't get my hopes up. Merlyn is an IRL cock roach, and would probably survive the apocalypse.
  4. Bless you guys for thinking this show might ever let anything breathe. <3
  5. As an unwilling recipient of a pixie cut when I was 19 (I asked for a bob from the most incompetent hair stylist ever), I did feel her pain. It's quite a shock, and is an absolute BITCH to grow out. It does kind of suck for her that she has next to no name recognition but if you mention her stint on ANTM, a fair number of people know who you're talking about, haha. Be careful what you do in your formative years, kids! Things stay with you far longer than you'd probably like them to.
  6. We're probably going to see his Care Bear Stare tattoo malfunction or do something terrible in the flashbacks or something.
  7. Maybe they wind up in Russia so we can have Bratva present/Bratva flashbacks.
  8. "There is no fixing this." ::gives ring back and tells Oliver to keep it for good this time:: Surprise! There is a way to fix it and Oliver does! Ring on finger. Yay.
  9. Well, you wrote that there wasn't any evidence of her being late for work, when there is evidence. Cons are work. She's consistently late to them. I don't know or care what time she was supposed to show up for lunch. This entire conversation stemmed from a joke that I made (a good, harmless joke) about her tardiness, based off of speculation that the whole brunch was a PR setup - which got me accused of hating her, which I don't.
  10. A con is a work commitment, haha. I think everyone was late to the party - we were talking about her turning up at the end of brunch yesterday, when it seemed like everything was winding down.
  11. That's true for occasional tardiness, but chronic lateness is an attitude issue. That said, I don't really care how late KC is as long as she isn't keeping me waiting, haha.
  12. I don't hate Katie. That joke was 100% based on her actual behavior and not mean spirited at all, lmao.
  13. I get such a kick out of the faces she's making in the still frames where the snap begins and ends, haha.
  14. I think since she seems to run on Katie Standard Time - which is about 3-ish hours later than whatever time zone she's in - that she was probably just late as hell.
  15. http://archiveofourown.org/works/2697035/chapters/6035795
  16. He's been half in the bag/fully in the bag for about 24 hours now, so I imagine he's just generally feeling pretty good, haha.
  17. It seems like they had lunch together today, based on Stephen's Snapchat.
  18. He explained last season why he didn't go home.
  19. I was super excited that Macha was writing a fake dating fic.
  20. I like the dress, too. I actually went looking for it, and it's sold out.
  21. I think it'll be interesting to see what happens. Because if he does get some traction from TMNT, he'll have limited time to film another movie over the hiatus, and won't be available for nearly a year after that. If Turtles is a success, and they want to do another movie, then he'd probably film that over the 5th season's hiatus. Which wouldn't leave him any time to film anything else, unless he picks up a small role for a movie that shoots over his Christmas break or something. If he does want to leave when his contract is up, I'd like them to just end the show. To keep this on topic, I'm looking forward to Bratva flashbacks if for no other reason than there's the possibility that I might actually be interested in them.
  22. It's tough to say. He posted a pic where he mentioned wrapping for the day, and then he posted one from the wrap party. I don't know if he's actually wrapped. TYPE WRAP AGAIN
  23. I don't know about DR, but SA said the other day he had 5 days left, so I think he must be working a day or two this week.
  24. What's wrong with hoping for a pic or two from a party where people had their camera phones going all night? No one here is demanding anything of anyone, just expressing disappointment that nothing was posted.
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