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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I take back my previous question about Alex and Thea being brought under the dome to procreate. Malcolm probably made that happen so she'd be "safe."
  2. I'd be here for Zombie!Poppy, honestly.
  3. I'm wondering why Alex and Thea were selected to be under the dome? Were they being chosen to repopulate or something?
  4. I know people will bitch about her joking around at a time like that, but I'm still cackling over it. My favorite joke of the series thus far.
  5. Logically? Not the best. But I was so entertained.
  6. The shaman is amazing. The magic is stupid, but I'm entertained.
  7. Bless places that have their wifi network name and password posted.
  8. She said that we'd find out tonight why he was afraid of it, so I bet the flashbacks are going to be SUPER riveting!
  9. Yeah, I can't tell if it's a, "What do you mean "where are we?"" confusion, or if it's an "Are you really this stupid?" confusion. Or maybe he just doesn't know how to put in a request for extra towels.
  10. Darhk tells his goons he wants to start moving on Genesis, Andy shoots at/then captures Diggle, WM talks about Oliver's fear of magic, Thea asks if she can have the weekend to go away with Alex, who is very clearly confused about something in the clip. Thea asks him where exactly he's taken her AND THEN FADE TO ARROW TITLE CARD. Tune in tonight!
  11. I don't want this to be the Barry and Iris show. I would, however, like better payoff to a relationship they've been setting up since the pilot than, "I guess we should give this a go because fate." Changing the wording there would've impacted the relationship's screen time not even a little bit.
  12. I don't have any trouble believing that Iris has feelings for him, and I don't think there's anything wrong with wondering about "fate" since she's aware of at least two realities in which she and Barry are together. I just don't understand why they're pushing the destiny of it? She could've mentioned the headline and their E2 dopplegangers to Caitlin when they were talking about it a couple weeks ago, then expounded on her actual feelings for him. And then brought those up to Barry, and left fate out of it. They'd already talked about her wanting to move on - she could've just said that she was ready to do that, and she wanted to do that with him. I guess they might've meant for it to be kind of off, and that's why Barry didn't respond to her? Because he's gonna doubt it and they're going to drag it all out some more? Who knows.
  13. Kinda. Like if you enjoy watching a woman confess her feelings (or, I guess, "this seems like fate, so...we should probably give it a go?") to a guy who just stands there and doesn't actually respond in any kind of way, haha. But it's canon, so who cares?! Iris looked awesome full stop!
  14. I don't care what he is as long as we're not in for more love triangle nonsense. Like, I'd rather watch the two cardboard cutouts that are Oliver and Poppy rub up against each other than to have another love triangle.
  15. He'll go fully off the rails when he loses his love, What's-her-face!
  16. No I don't. I just don't think it's a nice way to refer to the kid of someone you care about. But @wonderwall is right -this isn't the thread for this convo, so I'll drop it.
  17. This new guy is going to be someone Oliver pissed off while he was in the Bratva, yeah? The loss he's avenging is either going to be Taiana or some other woman that Oliver got involved with that this man believes died because of Oliver?
  18. I know she isn't - still don't think it's a great thing to say to someone who wasn't married when their kid was born.
  19. Someone could use the word in legal terms or when talking about a stranger and I wouldn't think anything of it. When you refer to the child of someone you know as illegitimate, it just seems default mean-spirited to me. I don't think it was intended to be mean-spirited, but "secret" would've been better IMO. And like I said - specifically because she was talking to someone whose child was born out of wedlock.
  20. I was worried about the line, but it worked as much as a reference to an 'illegitimate' child can IMO. Using that word to refer to him kind of automatically seems mean-spirited. I think it would've been better if she'd called him a 'secret child' instead, especially since she was talking to Diggle, who wasn't married when his own kid was born.
  21. They spent so much time on Laurel's "rise" to Black Canary and finally got her to the point where they thought the general audience wanted her to be (since the EPs claimed reception to Laurel wasn't great because we were impatient for Laurel to become BC). You really think they'd kill her off so they could bring in an evil E2 version and do it all over again?
  22. I probably shouldn't have chimed in because I only actually recently learned about patronymic names after a trip I took to Iceland in February, and I remembered reading something about patronymic/matronymic names in Russia - that's why I asked if Poppy's last name should've ended in an -ova since she's female. But I *think* they use surnames differently than we do, and that the -ov/-ova is a different kind of identifier? So, I'm gonna shut up and let someone who knows what they're talking about answer you, haha.
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