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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. One thing this episode also accomplished was convincing me to never read another Arrow tie-in comic again. That retconned funeral issue is $.99 whole cents and five minutes of my life I'll never get back!
  2. She knew Laurel was the BC because she was at the hospital when Oliver brought Laurel in (probably saw them) and then stole the collar from her room when she was out of her costume.
  3. Literally. First a few stories above him in an open window, and I wouldn't rule out a grave top quickie with those two.
  4. Nope, they never did. I would've rather watched Poppy and the Magical Mystery of the Caves of Lian Yu than watch that retconned pile of garbage. Alex must've turned Felicity down, which makes me think he is actually HIVE? Or maybe he's just stupid.
  5. Can it be next week already? I need to find out why they're all dressed up in a cave on Lian Yu, haha.
  6. I'm imagining that she's going to be like Isabella Rossellini's character in Death Becomes Her.
  7. She's Lian Yu's official party planner/hype lady! Or perhaps a magical Shadowspire mistress, etc.
  8. It seems a little too over-the-top to me. I'm willing to wait until I watch to see if we get more of Digg's POV, but I'm having a little difficulty believing Digg's on a shooting-the-mayor-in-the-head kind of rampage because of this. He's a good person - not trying to make it seem like I don't think he'd feel guilty, but...yeah.
  9. The more I see Diggle going off the rails, the less interested I am in seeing Diggle going off the rails, haha.
  10. I'm just puzzled as to what her role could be if it isn't being so firm in her belief that Oliver can't change? He chose not to tell her. She even gave him an opportunity to, so it's not like he felt like he couldn't.
  11. The "her part in the breakup" is awful wording, since she didn't do anything wrong. But I figured it was about her concrete stance that Oliver couldn't and wouldn't ever change. Because we all know she's wrong about that - a little bit of time should make her able to see that too.
  12. Yeah, I think she's the one who says it, too. Since he'll be beating himself up over trusting Andy and everything that followed.
  13. I think you might have to go and turn them on? I'm not entirely sure - I edited mine this morning and they're working for me so I figure that might have something to do with it, haha.
  14. Same. I can get used to the rest of it (and *really* like the mobile interface), but the ad placement right smack in the middle of the thread list is super off-putting.
  15. Meta BC2: Electric Boogaloo is a world of no for so many reasons. Please don't, show. lol
  16. Maybe he could just suit up because he wants to do good in the world, and not because his life is a shit sundae.
  17. Yeah, I knew it was her idea, I just for some reason recalled it seeming like it was a plan she already had when she went over to the Queen mansion, not one she came up with once she talked to Oliver about Ellie being from the future, so I got the details all mixed up. I can't tell what Moira's issue is with her. Maybe she's worried about Laurel wanting to get back with Oliver and messing up the future timeline she's already seen? One of the authors did mention that them changing things in the present affects things in the future, so maybe bringing Laurel into it changes something somehow and Moria's caught wind of it already? Not sure.
  18. Ah, makes sense. I hadn't thought about the future. I guess they'll just write off Ellie and Lily looking exactly the same as family resemblance.
  19. In FiCoN, can someone please explain to me why they changed Ellie's name? Or is there maybe a reason behind it that hasn't been revealed yet?
  20. The show isn't about Laurel - she's a supporting character, so she's not going to get flashbacks (and why would she, when nothing she did back then led her to being the Black Canary?) She didn't get stranded on Lian Yu, so OF COURSE she's in a different place than Oliver was when he met him. Your argument (unless I'm misunderstanding) is that they're treating Oliver differently than they did Laurel, when they didn't. Oliver was weak and incompetent when he first started his journey - that was when he was on Lian Yu. Laurel was damseled and incompetent when she started on her journey, which is...whenever the hell you want to believe it is (after Tommy died of wherever she started drinking/popping pills, maybe). But don't act like Oliver has always been a badass, because he hasn't.
  21. What are you talking about? We're watching Oliver's origin and we watched Laurel's. They both started out terrible and worked their way to the mask.
  22. Did you watch any of the flashbacks in season 1 and 2? Even in the first flashback of this season he made a complete fool of himself trying to be a hero in Coast City.
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