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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Does that somehow negate her point that #1 issues sell more than average?
  2. Clearly the romance is turning people off!
  3. I've read a few reviews where he wasn't mentioned at all.
  4. Even LoT didn't care all that much about the Hawks. WTF are they doing taking up two slots in the extras? Yuck.
  5. Didn't he clarify what he meant in a Facebook post?
  6. The ridiculous part is that SA truly can't do anything about the direction of the show. These people can post their issues on his Facebook all day long, but he doesn't write Arrow. It's like complaining to your dentist about knee pain.
  7. The ARGUS agent who took the idol away - Mina Fayad - was the lady working for HIVE that Darhk offed earlier in the season. Her name was on her uniform in the last scene of the flashbacks. http://youtu.be/mu4hCdzUSws
  8. I haven't watched this interview, but based on what he's said in the past, he doesn't like people posting their opinion without being "brave enough" to put their name on it. He mistakenly believes that people don't have dummy accounts over on Facebook. And I don't think he'll ever say a bad word about that site anyway, because he seems to want to be BFFs with the company desperately.
  9. Nukes are an especially bad idea to try to pull off with a villain who can do magic. I realize that having a guy who can do magic threatening the city with magical stuff against a crew of non-superpowered people makes things pretty anti-climactic, since they'd have to stop him before his plan was ever enacted, so there'd be no imminent threat. Because, I mean, what kind of long-term planning does whipping up a magical...IDK, flood or something take? So. Nukes and magic. Dumb ideas.
  10. His fatherhood is a big part of his image, so maybe the "I'm giving up this other stuff because being a dad is the most important thing in my life" is part of that, and not really specific to anything? Because yeah. He chooses to go to cons and do wine events and whatnot, and that seems to be the only thing he's up to that could eat into family time. Maybe there was something else going on in the past. Maybe he used to bring things home with him mentally and that distracted him.
  11. Fringing! It's a thing. Would that be considered a fridging though? I wonder what more there could've been to her story in the context of the show? Examining her feels (or lack thereof) over getting that innocent dude killed after he took the fall for her?
  12. Do you mean didn't? If so, me too.
  13. The worst thing that ever happened to Arrow IMO was keeping Malcolm alive beyond the end of S1. Or if I'm being generous, not having Moira off him at the first available opportunity in S2.
  14. You're assuming that a good chunk of the viewership actually has a problem with her, which we'd never have any way of knowing since the vast majority of the audience are casual viewers and not internet commenters.
  15. In one of SA's FB live videos with PB, they mentioned returning to set the first week in July, although I don't know when they'll actually start filming.
  16. ... By diverting the nuke that was going to kill them all? Such a deflating moment.
  17. Pretty sure she went with him and was giving him a minute. He didn't seem surprised at all that she was there.
  18. I do actually believe that somehow Laurel would've wanted Oliver to spare the life of the guy who tried to obliterate the world by deploying nukes. Multiple times. And actually succeeding with one. She was a weirdo that way.
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