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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Felicity's dad is a world-class hacker. I don't think age has anything to do with it. That being said - I wouldn't look too much into Bruce Campbell's tweet - he knows SA. He was chatting with SA at his booth at a con I went to two years ago, and one of SA's friends posted about SA getting Bruce Campbell to leave him a voicemail. They're friendly at the very least.
  2. No, I've never seen so many people so angry over something like this. I think some of it comes from just plainly not reading what's happening - a lot of angry people seem to think that fandom is raising money to buy an actual bench - that the money goes JUST for the bench - and are planning to just plant it somewhere in a park in Vancouver, not realizing that this is a program offered by the parks to raise money for upkeep. And I've seen some people angry that it's this particular kind of giving - going to a park instead of a person/group of people - instead of something they deem more appropriate. To which I say go ahead and start a campaign of your own for something you'd like to give money to - this fandom is pretty generous and I'm sure people would donate there too! The anger has been entertaining though. Especially the group of Laurel stans who were tweeting that they were worried that the majority of Olicity fans who were donating were underage and committing credit card fraud by donating without their parents' consent.
  3. We have ketchup chips, Coffee Crisp and Smarties (at least in DC)!
  4. @wonderwall talks to the author. I think at one point she said there's one more chapter left, but I could be wrong about that.
  5. I think the comics vs. TV/movie thing is so weird. I like watching comic-based properties, but I don't care at all what actually happened in the comics, because I'm not interested in them and won't ever read them. Which...I'm guessing that's a majority of the audience, since the measurable sales figures don't come even close to matching the measurable viewer numbers - not just for Green Arrow, but for tv shows and movies regardless of character? I really don't get why there isn't more, "If you like this, we have something different but in the same vein to offer you, and maybe you'll like it too!" isn't more prevalent, but...given the attitude the exclusitivity and superiority runs deep with that group, so I'm not surprised.
  6. I could maybe see them being told not to watch the shows for inspiration, which...yeah, that makes sense. But the capitalized SHOULD indicates some bitterness, haha. I looked at the thread and it was of course filled with comic readers very happy that the comics were not publishing similar storylines to the ones on the show. I suspect there are at least as many who are glad the show doesn't follow the comics, and even more who don't know what comic canon is.
  7. A lot of the Olicity haters hate OTA with nearly equal fervor.
  8. Juan Ferreyra does Green Arrow cover art - the "they" is DC, I guess.
  9. Oh man, I was wondering why 'large breasts' was tagged but didn't want to look. Thanks for taking one for the team.
  10. Looks like JB has some work lined up: 'Battle of the Network Stars' Sets Teams for Series Revival on ABC ABC’s revival of “Battle of the Network” stars has set 20 teams of five celebrities each to compete in the upcoming season, the network announced Monday. Stars from shows such as “Modern Family,” “Pretty Little Liars,” “Scandal,” “Melrose Place,” “Beverly Hills, 90210,” “The Goldbergs,” “How to Get Away with Murder,” “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “The Incredible Hulk,” “The West Wing,” “Dallas,” “CHiPs,” “Law & Order” and many more will take part in the throwback to the classic series from the 1970’s. The 10-episode season will pit teams of current and classic TV stars from multiple eras and different genres against one another in a variety of athletic games, like Tug of War, Archery, Kayak Relay, Obstacle Course, and Dunk Tank. The series will premiere June 29 at 9 p.m. The hosts for “Battle of the Network Stars” are Mike Greenberg and Joe Tessitore of ESPN; Cassidy Hubbarth and Cari Champion of ESPN will be the sideline reporters. Super Bowl 50 winner DeMarcus Ware and former UFC champion Ronda Rousey will be the team captains. ‘Battle of the Network Stars’ Reboot in the Works at ABC (EXCLUSIVE) Here are the 20 teams (100 stars) competing against each other this season (I'm only posting four six - I forgot one):
  11. 1. Gross 2. Gross 3. Gross 4. The title doesn't make sense with the tags 5. Gross
  12. This is the first season where I didn't watch every ep live, haven't watched quite a few eps at all (and probably won't), and didn't buy any on iTunes. I have watched a few scenes here and there now that the eps are up on Netflix. Here's hoping S6 changes all that.
  13. I can't think of a more useless character than Susan. She didn't serve any function whatsoever as a reporter, all the potential storylines they set up by writing her as unethical and shady went nowhere, her relationship with Oliver didn't result in any kind of personal growth. If you removed her from the show nothing would've changed at all - Oliver could've gotten captured by Adrian after rescuing a stranger - because he surely treated Susan like one when he rescued her. So dumb. Bitter about her, bitter about William's reappearance, bitter that I wasted hours of my life watching most of 5A and some of 5B, butter about the rest of it.
  14. Yeah, I agree. I don't think she should have a clean break or anything, but they're just continuing on like Oliver being back requires zero change to their routine, and it's awful. Even Laurel who was just like, "Well, they're kinda a family!" in the last chapter or the one before.
  15. He was only gone a year here - and it seems like they kinda did - you'll see when you get to the chapter that was posted today. I actually dislike Tommy a lot and was glad he died ::ducks:: - so I keep hoping he'll die here too, haha.
  16. I'm reading it and it seems like it's turning a corner? But yeah, it's pretty annoying that no one involved seems to understand that Tommy being around all the damn time is hindering things between Oliver and his kid.
  17. The show does such a terrible job fleshing things out on the earth it actually takes place on that I'd rather it not waste time on an earth that doesn't even matter. I don't even have a burning desire to know about the E2 versions of the characters I actually care about, much less a character who became a shitty villain who only ever manages to get knocked out all the time. It's a total waste, so I'm sure they'll spend an ep or two on it.
  18. But their budget isn't just the money they raised from fans. The Variety article stated that there are two additional companies financing the movie, which is why it seems shady that they've got their hands out again.
  19. And have two people with the same stupid power on the same team? No thank you!
  20. I do understand not investing your own money in something like this - it's generally not a gamble that pays off a lot of the time, and if people are interested enough to pick up the tab in smaller, easy-to-swallow increments in exchange for ~perks or some other kind of "reward" and they willingly do it, then...fine, I guess? I mean, I wouldn't give them any money, but there are plenty of people in their @s and comments that were super excited to be a part of it, so more power to them. I donated to the Veronica Mars campaign and was perfectly happy to do it (and pleased enough with my perks and the outcome that I felt like it was a worthwhile investment). But they had a very small initial goal and surpassed that by $1.5 million dollars, secured other financing, and are for whatever reason asking for money again? Apart from finding it shady, it pisses me off that Stephen or Robbie - I can't remember who - said they were "unselfishly" opening the campaign back up because people had asked them to make socks and hoodies available. Mmmmmm, nothing unselfish about this, my guys.
  21. Redeeming her would be the most predictable, boring thing they could do with her, so that's probably what they're going to do with her. Although Quentin knocking her ass out and Oliver referring to her as "a meta human" gave me just a tiny glimmer of hope that they might do away with the gross idea she and E1 Laurel are interchangeable like they pushed in 10 - a glimmer of hope that I'm sure will be dashed when the season starts.
  22. I feel like if you get $1.5 million over your initial campaign goal and also score traditional funding, you probably shouldn't need to ask for additional money, but maybe that's just me, haha.
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