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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. So she doesn't get to complain about how other people sexualize her because she chose to be in a video that sexualized her in a way she was comfortable with? Cool, cool, cool.
  2. Carly Pope looks awful in that pic. Not a good advocate for her hair maven!
  3. She seems to do this a lot, like how you don't have to conform to beauty standards and strength is better than being skinny while posting a pic of her in her workout clothes contorted so she could get a pic of the reflection of her ass in the mirror. She has a great body and she should be proud of it - she should just maybe take a sec to think about whether she's contradicting herself in her post (provided she even cares if she is, which maybe she doesn't!).
  4. I think JH will look awful as a blonde. Her hair was pretty great this past season. KC looks good as a blonde, but I thought her S1 hair was the prettiest on her.
  5. And they'll convince themselves that the pro-votes are bots and then make another poll, lose when Olicity fans find it, complain about bots, make another poll, lose when Olicity fans find it, complain about bots, make another poll, lose when Olicity fans find it, complain about bots, make another poll, lose when Olicity fans find it, complain about bots, make another poll....
  6. He is stupid, but I hope he's not stupid enough to put himself on the hook for something someone else has already knowingly and willingly taken the fall for, haha.
  7. The show's reality was also Arrow having a good relationship and working with the SCPD at the beginning of S3, so it's gone both ways.
  8. A couple things happened last season that set the table for Oliver being revealed as the Green Arrow without much blowback. The one big stain on his record was Billy, and they already worked through that plot point with his speech to Pike about having to live with his guilt, and the revelation of Chase as Prometheus. I think it's dumb and don't want it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened.
  9. Plus, I think an award that you can technically buy would be a net negative in this particular fandom.
  10. Plus, at this point William knows Oliver's the Green Arrow - if he's gonna be on the show, there wouldn't be anything stopping them from having him in the bunker while crimefighting activities are going on - which wouldn't hinder Felicity most of the time since she's usually there anyway.
  11. Yep, that's what I think too. I doubt we'll get a second full-on proposal.
  12. It would piss me off more if he didn't deserve it. I really hated this stuff when the All-Star Game determined home field advantage for the World Series. Now that it doesn't matter anymore, vote away Felicity fans. Vote away.
  13. I really hope SA's not associating IRL stuff with O/F stuff. If I were his wife that'd really bother me, haha.
  14. I don't read fic on there but I post fic on there, and the comments there can be pretty mean. I had someone comment on one of my fics that I should cut off my fingers to keep me from writing anything else. Which I personally found funny but not everyone would, haha.
  15. This comparison is so true. AO3 is like a soft pillow of support. FF.net is the pit of hell. Me too - I'm really bad at it myself. I don't have notifications turned on for AO3 - I usually respond to every comment that gets left on a fic the day that I post it, but anything after that sometimes I forget to go and check, or I mean to reply and time just gets away from me.
  16. Maybe a good policy for the future is to not bring fandom Twitter drama on here.
  17. Same. It's late and I've had insomnia tonight and should've stopped commenting a while ago (or not commented at all!) and I'm not sure things are as clear as I think they are, haha.
  18. I didn't quote you or say that you claimed anything. It was a general comment about "motivation" that a few people have made tonight. I've edited.
  19. People here and in fandom have speculated about Emily's friendship with Katie, with Willa, with her friend Fanta and Carina, so on and so forth. I've seen fans @ reply her about how she should leave the show because they think they know what's best for her personally. There's a lot of ~concern policing for her personal life period, it seems, which is not great. And personal pics that Emily's friends post on their social media of her get posted on here all the time with generally good commentary and no one complaining about her privacy. Seems over-investment is the issue, which yes...is also not great! I won't place motivations on people I don't know - I don't know if someone was looking through this guy's Insta and saw a pic that looked familiar and did a reverse Google image search and found that it was stolen and went digging for more (fine!) or decided to go on a dirt-digging mission to save her bae from an evil nasty man because he isn't Stephen (really, really not fine!) but the second word got out that this dude was stealing, notifying the original copyright holders that their material was being stolen was the right thing to do regardless of intent. The 'plagiarism is bad/wrong, BUT' is really bothering me, haha.
  20. The only thing missing was a baseball cap with the ponytail not pulled through the back for whatever reason!
  21. Whatever her personal relationship with the guy is, I feel sorry that she's worked with him. I don't know if the Sunday Morning video was the only thing they've shot together or if there's more stuff planned, but if she didn't know he was a plagiarist before, I hope she at least makes sure he owns the copyright to any stuff he involves her with so she doesn't get caught up in a mess.
  22. I've been plagiarized. It's not great and I always appreciate someone pointing it out. I mean, you don't get nabbed for plagiarsm because some overinvested Stans were scouring your Insta, you get nabbed because you're a plagiarist. The motivation is bad but the end is still a net positive.
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