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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I wish I knew who the mod was, but my guess is that they knew exactly what they were doing.
  2. It's spoiler/news community - users are allowed to participate in discussions in posts. They posted a thread for questions for the panels (I guess STV hosted more than one) the other day.
  3. The mod was from SpoilerTV, so...the questions make a whole lot of sense now, haha.
  4. Typing up her pitch for a Black Siren/Oliver/Felicity love triangle, probably!
  5. Why, because you think he should? Or because you're upset that Curtis is given screen time playing matchmaker? They made his divorce a plot point directly related to his superheroics. There's a reason why we aren't seeing him pursue a reconciliation, and that's because he's not willing to compromise about the thing that broke them up. Didn't know you shipped him and Paul, though. Hope they get back together for your sake!
  6. Then why are you arguing with me about how much time he's spending trying to get his husband back? Obviously - not a lot?
  7. Well, he's not giving up being Mr. Terrific - which was Paul's main issue - so clearly his relationship isn't a priority.
  8. You tell me, you're the one who's concerned about how much effort he's putting into his relationship.
  9. If he's supposed spend every waking moment of his day calling his husband (who clearly doesn't want to talk to Curtis if he's spending every waking moment of his day calling him), it's probably best they don't get back together.
  10. Yes - but first he said "Your name used to be William, before you and your mom left Central City, right?" And then William asked if he knew his mom, but Chase told him he knew his father. And seemed like he was interested in whether or not this guy knew his mom, which!!!! Even if Samantha didn't teach him anything, he should've still known better than to fall for a friend of your parents lie again. Ugh, that kid.
  11. I would've accepted anything other than an interested, "You know my mom?" YOU ALREADY FELL FOR THIS ONCE YOU CUTE LITTLE MORON. THAT MAN KIDNAPPED YOU TOO, just...yikes. If he'd just turned and walked swiftly away I would've felt better about the level of preparation his mother had given him. Anything other than what we got, haha.
  12. Yeah, same. And he didn't seem to be looking for her to be there to pick him up, he just stuck his hands in his pockets and went on his way. And engaged with a stranger when said stranger told him he knew his mom, which...anyone would tell a kid in their situation not to do! I mean, he knew enough to stick to his new name, but was completely unalarmed (and seemed more intrigued) that a stranger knew that his name was William - which would've been the whole point of getting a new name, so...run, kid! Yes, Chase would've gotten him anyway, but there is zero indication that Samantha and/or William made that job difficult at all.
  13. And she immediately DIDN'T protect her son from him - because right after laying out her reasons for not wanting Oliver around William, she then let him go up and spend time with her kid completely alone and unsupervised. She's a walking plot point, just like her son.
  14. I think it's just pulled back - unless she got it super, super cropped in the back.
  15. A few months ago someone suggested that him not talking about it might've been part of a legal settlement between the two in the divorce - he indicated on Aisha Tyler's podcast that it didn't end well (although on there he mentioned it was a "serious relationship"), so...maybe that's it?
  16. The sizzle reel is just various scenes of Oliver stopping Myson from shoving inanimate objects into his mouth.
  17. Yeah, I don't think there's a chance that we get any kind of a ~big wedding for O/F. At this point I think we'll be lucky to see it happen at all - provided they don't have them elope over a hiatus or something.
  18. Plus, surprise attacks don't really speak to her ability to fight, more to her ability to screech them to death. So...you kinda have to catch her unaware.
  19. If Chase had a dead man's switch wouldn't knocking him out have blown up the island as well? At the very least Oliver should've tied him up. Chase could've still had a cyanide tablet hidden in a fake tooth or some other crazy shit that would've had the same result with Oliver being more proactive.
  20. Didn't Oliver actually say it?
  21. It was really gracious of him to tell people to keep watching.
  22. I guess I'm just not sure what emotional beats were missing? He had full faith that they'd take care of themselves - so there wasn't any reason for there to be any emotional beats. He was even the one telling Felicity for once it was going to be okay.
  23. I mean, the kid is useless but you have a team of smart, capable people vs. an idiot kid on his own against a psycho. You leave the smart, capable people and help the kid. I don't care about William at all, but much as I'd have liked this finale to be about the people I've spent 5 years investing in, his focus should've been on Myson.
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